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  • Chest pain and anxiety?

    I ve experienced chest pain since I was 18. It only happens at night when I m relaxing or playing video games or watching TV, reading a book, and so on. It was diagnosed as a panic attack and I was prescribed Ativan for it. The Ativan never worked so the same doctor sent me to a counselor who figured I was stressed which I am not. A different therapist said it didn t sound like a panic attack so he sent me to get an EKG which was normal. A different doctor also told me in was a panic attack and prescribed me cipralex. It didn t work. I am now 29 and still experiencing these pains. I have tried Canibas and CPD oil, that didn t work either. These pains literally feel like someone has taken my lungs and squeezed them. I can breathe just fine, heart rate remains normal though I do start to sweat but because it hurts so much. The pain is constant and the only way to cure it is to sleep.

    I am relatively healthy except for a genetic condition called sponged kidneys and the occasional monthly migraine. I don t smoke or drink. I love my job. Been married for 12 years happily. It also helps when my hubby pounds on my back. I just need to know if anyone experiences these as well and if they know what it is. Apparently the doctors dont. And what can i do to stop the pain when it happens.

    2 AnswersOther - Health2 years ago
  • Lumps on hand disappear after I quit smoking?

    I started smoking when I was 14 years old. When I was 14, I got a single lump on my left hand that we thought it was a wart or a skin tag. After that, every year I got a new lump on my hand and after 14 years of smoking, I had 16 of these lumps on my left hand only, they didn t grow anywhere else.

    At the docs about 2 years ago, they said it was warts... but warts go away on their own and dont last (at the time 12 years). I went for repeated sessions of freezing and laser treatment about 6 times before giving up. The pain sucked and it wasn t getting rid of them.

    Four months ago, I smoked my last cigarette. Yay me. And a week after that, these lumps started to heal. Took about a week for them to turn into a permanent reminder by scarring. Now they are gone and since they have been with me for 14 years, it definitely feels different. It still bugs me that I never found out what they were. So I am hoping someone some where is a smoker or ex smoker who had the same thing I did to shed a little light on what these lumps were.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions2 years ago
  • Question about yellow in toilet bowl?

    Everyday we have to clean a toilet in a house we are renting. There are two bathrooms and it’s only the one toilet on the main floor that does this.

    Basically the water is clear and stays clear, but over night the bowl (only where the water sits) turns yellow. It’s easy to wipe off, but I have no idea why or what is happening.

    My husband looked for rust and no signs of it. It doesn’t flush well, needing to hold the handle down and sometimes having to flush twice so I’m wondering if this has any relation.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 years ago
  • I quit smoking and I feel tired all the time now?

    It’s only been 16 days, so maybe it’s just too soon to be over the effects. Lately though, I’ve been feeling really tired and sleeping 11hrs a day. I have also been having lots of migraines. When I google symptoms, these two don’t seem to be in any article so I wanted to ask those who have quit smoking if this is normal and will go away, or if I should make an appointment with my doctor?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care2 years ago
  • Stuffy nose but maybe not a cold?

    I know, go see a doctor but it could take two weeks to get into my doctor and more then likely this will heal on it’s own by then. I’m just wondering if it’s even worth making an appointment....

    The only symptom I have is a stuffy but dry nose feeling. It must be stuffed becAuse I have the “cold voice change” thing going on. There is no mucus when I blow my nose. There is no pain and no one else in my family is sick. No coughing, fever, head ache. The stuffy feeling would be located on the bridge of my nose between the eyes. My nose isn’t drippy and any tinsy bit of mucus I do extract from my nostrils is clear. I am suspecting it is the dry climate I live in. I recently moved into a larger house and this is when this started happening. A humidifier is not working though.

    Anyone have any ideas as to what this is?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care2 years ago
  • Getting my rental security deposit back?

    We’ve rented this place now for 2 1/2 years. Recently my landlords and have had a falling out (main suite noise complaint) so we have decided to move. We move out January 31st.

    My concern are (landlords are aware) that some of the two carpets (both kids bedrooms) were ripped. I had a carpet company come in and do a quote. They told me the one carpet, because it started to tear at the closet were two separate pieces meet, is no fault of ours and we shouldn’t pay for it. The other carpet started tearing at the certre (I don’t know how, I do suspect my child had something to do with it though he denies it) so I know we’ll be responsible for that, that’s fine. I was quoted an estimate of $598 but my deposit was $1300. My worry is my landlords won’t return my deposit at all and demand we replace both carpets. I hav no money to take them court if this does happen. These people are quite greedy and one of the reasons we are moving. I should expect at least $700 of my deposit back right?

    10 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 years ago
  • Taking Christmas away from children?

    I really do not know where I went wrong in a raising my children. Two out of three (the 9 year old twins) have diagnosed ADHD but I still think they shouldn’t be this bad. My other is 10. Getting them to do anything turns into frustration and stress. Things like getting ready for school, they miss out on breakfast almost every morning. Usually giving them an apple and granola bar to eat while walking to school. Asking them to clean their room is a 3 day process. I’ve tried punishments, reward activities, I even had a professional come into my home once a week for 3 months to give me advice. Everyone keeps saying “be persistent”, well I have been, for 10 years! I try to keep to a strict routine, hoping it’ll help them regulate. But it doesn’t always work because they just won’t listen. Wake up at 7:00 go to school at 8:15. 3:30 arrive home from school, after school snack, a single chore and then play. (They don’t get video games. They do watch movies during the weekend but that’s all they get for electronics.) i cook dinner, they eat around 5:30. Then dishes. 6:00 homework (which they hardly ever have) 7:00-7:30, bathing, bed at 8:00. I think something drastic needs to happen, and I’m thinking maybe no Christmas this year. I’ve already bought the gifts and the kids have seen some of them wrapped in my room which I’m wondering would make a bigger impact if they don’t receive them. Is this something that will work?

    9 AnswersParenting2 years ago
  • Son with ADHD very angry in the mornings?

    Experienced answers only please, and also no judgements. My 9 year old son was diagnosed with ADHD 3 years ago. Every morning The school gives him his pill around 9:00am because if given early, it wears out before school is finished and this way he is calm and can focus till at least 5:00pm.

    Before you ask, we do have an appointment but it’s not till February so I’m desperate for answers. Apparently the paediatrician is out of the office for holidays and his is the only one within 70km.

    So he’s been on the same pills for three years. The pills cause him to not be able to sleep at night so at the paediatricians recommendation, we’ve been giving melatonin. I have no idea if this is what is causing his angry mornings. I plan on stopping his melatonin tonight to see if that makes a difference at all. His anger started about two months ago but he’s been taking melatonin for about a year now.

    Basically, he comes out of his room stomping his feet, making frowning face at everyone who crosses him. If you instruct him to eat breakfast, get dressed or anything, he screams a quick bark at you. All manners are out the window. And the way he talks to everyone is extremely disrespectful. I have tried grounding, spanking, time outs, removing his favourite toys. Of course this just ends up in an explosion and jumping, kicking, screaming.... I really need help.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler2 years ago
  • How do I keep my 9-year old in bed all night?

    I put my kids to bed at 8:00pm. Most of the time they don’t fall asleep till 9:00. My son will always wake around midnight to 2:00am and won’t fall back asleep until a noise or light wakes me up around 4-5am and I put him back to bed. Sometime I don’t catch him and find him asleep on the couch or floor. This sometime wakes up his sister and now I have two children who I have to fight to wake in the morning for school. Every morning it is such a struggle. The night before I unplug and hide the cords for video game systems and TVs and our laptops. But they play with their toys or rummage through the cabinets eating anything they’d consider a treat.

    Bed time routine includes a bath every second day (there is 7 of us so we have to distribute water) teeth brushing every night, and their choice of a soothing song with a back rub or story book.

    12 AnswersToddler & Preschooler3 years ago
  • Migraines when in a good mood?

    It’s almost like I have to be miserable my whole life. After googling this question, I learned that a hyperactive behaviour is a sign of getting a migraine. I wouldn’t say I get hyperactive but when I feeling really good about nothing, an hour later I’m suffering a migraine....

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a scietific reason for this, or if a good website I can look this up, also the way for me to prevent it from happening.

    I do have triggers such as bright sun light, too much tv time, and driving long distances or short but many times a day. But when I’m happy, the migraine will come without the rest of these symptoms.

    I have spoken to my doctor about these other triggers and have been given prescription drugs for it. But this is the one thing I just noticed happening.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management3 years ago
  • Assault charge, but he doesn’t want to?

    My best friend punched her boyfriend when they got into an argument. A neighbour, creepily peering through their window saw this and called the police.

    My friends boyfriend doesn’t want to charge her but the police do. This morning is her court date and her boyfriend went with her to explain that this whole thing is ridiculous. My friend didn’t call a lawyer as I had advised her but she and her boyfriend thought this was completely stupid that it would go away.

    So her boyfriend was kicked out of the court house saying he and her weren’t allowed to be around each other so now he can’t say what he wanted to in front of the judge.

    Is my friend going to have a chance? What could be the outcome? She is such a shy girl I’m worried for her.

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police3 years ago
  • Young girl made fun of handicap at my work?

    I work at a gas station where I have many regular customers. I have this one fellow who comes in almost daily to buy his mom and dads cigarettes. Last night a young girl and her boyfriend came in and I served her boyfriend. Then the regular customer with the handicap came in. His handicap is that he thinks and speaks slowly and he can’t use his hand very well. The girl started talking about needing to withdrawal some money so the handicap started explaining that scotia bank was just next door. The girl looked at him and said “your just creepy, I don’t want to talk to you, seriously weird man.”

    This made me really upset. I told her what she said was completely uncool and I tried explaining to her his issue and she, that little snot, said “I just want to buy some gum”. I took the gum and told her to chew her way out of the store. I could have cared less about making a $1.50 sale, I just wanted her gone.

    I’m not sure if this was right to do. It’s was the first time I have ever in my life refused a sale, also my first time ever seeing a customer blantently make fun of another on the spot. Was I right? Or could I have done something different? What would you have done?

    14 AnswersPeople with Disabilities3 years ago
  • Two dogs and a cat?

    So I have two dogs. One 1 1/2 year old and one 9 month old. For YEARS my daughter has been asking for a cat so four days ago, I got her a cat for her birthday.

    I’ve tried all the introducing methods I could find online and only show the dogs the cat a couple times a day. Each time it’s the same. The hisses and spits and dogs lunge for him. If I introduce the dogs one at a time the dogs are actually really good with the cat but once the dogs are in the house together it’s like their confidence is up and they attack the cat.

    I’ve been keeping the cat locked in the bathroom when the dogs are in the house but this morning the dogs somehow got in it woke me up. Luckily the cat is unharmed. I starting to feel like this isn’t going to work and now my daughter is going to be crushed. Should I wait a little longer? Is there something I am missing? What have you done to introduce your dogs to other animals?

    10 AnswersCats3 years ago
  • How long will it take for my dog to gain weight?

    For about the first year of my one year old husky’s life, she barely ate. Some days she wouldn’t eat at all and having her tested through my vet showed no health issues. I finally found a way to get her to eat and she’s been eating regular meals three times a day. A large can for breakfast, kibble in the afternoon (1 1/2 cups) and either a can or kibble for dinner mixed with a raw chicken wing. I’m not sure why this mixture helps her eat, but I’m guessing she just wanted variety. I don’t know but it’s working. She’s been eating normally now for two weeks but she is still super skinny, sunken stomach, and ribs and hip bones are still visible. My dog has a follow up appointment in two weeks but now I’m worried because she still isn’t gaining weight now that she’s eating. But of course, I don’t know how long it takes for me to see any changes. So if you guys know how long it will be for her to start gaining, I would like to know.

    5 AnswersDogs3 years ago
  • How can I improve my credit if I can’t get lines of credit?

    I went to my bank and they told me last year to open a tax free savings account to help my credit. That was last year and I’ve been putting some money in it but there had been no change to my credit score. Everything we have is in my husbands name. I couldn’t get us cell phones, internet or even electricity. If I was a single person I’d be better off living in a box.

    When I was 20 I signed up for equal payments on my gas and hydro bill. I wasn’t aware that it all collects and when you move you have a big chunk to pay. They didn’t let me know that I had accumulated such an amount and sent it off to collections. It sat there for 5 years before someone finally called me about it. It ruined my credit so bad. And now that I am at that stage of my life where I need a car and a house, I can’t even get approved for a $300 credit card. I did however get a $300 secured credit card but afte two years of having it, it still hasn’t had much of an effect on my credit. Getting shot down every time I try for a line of credit isn’t helping either. I only try about once a year for a new line of credit but this is getting stupid.

    So, how else can I improve my credit? I don’t have bills except for a secure credit card.

    6 AnswersCredit3 years ago
  • Can I feed just canned food to my Husky?

    I have a husky who loves canned food but refuses to eat kibble, even if I mix the two she spits out the kibble. My vet and I are worried because she is super skinny. My vet has given me many ways to try to get her to eat and has done blood work and other tests to make sure she is other wise healthy. My vet has not said anything about strictly canned food, mostly because I have not asked. Her follow up appointment is in two weeks on her new high protein diet that she won’t eat. I went and got a bunch of canned food (stews only) and I don’t think I’ve ever seen my husky eat so fast (or the whole bowl). So is this safe? Or should she have kibble in her diet still?

    10 AnswersDogs3 years ago
  • Skinny dog, what is a good way for her to win weight?

    Before you say anything, yes we’ve been to the vet! The vet gave me ideas to help my dog gain weight, such as adding canola oil, cottage cheese, fresh veggies and even eggs to her diet. She likes all of these things, as long as they aren’t added to dog food. I have tried all kinds of dog foods from raw, kibble, canned and freeze dried. I’ve even tried rotating them, warming them up, and adding toppers but nothing has helped. She doesn’t starve herself. She will eat but only a small portion a day, keeping her really skinny. I offer her 3cups of kibble for example, but she only eats a cup or less a day. She’s about 36lbs but for her height, should be about 45lbs. You can see her ribs and hip bones. She is a Siberian husky. She iis healthy, and is active, playful and very alert. She does have a daily stool that changes in colour (light to dark brown, not black so no blood) but is a normal consistency.

    I am looking for anyone who may have or had similar issues and if you have found anything that has worked for you, or if this is just how she is and I shouldn’t worry too much. She’s a year old in February.

    4 AnswersDogs3 years ago
  • Saltwater fish tank really worth it?

    I have owned fresh water fish tanks pretty much my whole life and now I want something really pretty and a bit more challenging. I went to the local fish store yesterday to price things and find out what I need and the cost is way more then a fresh water tank even if I got everything second hand. Honestly I can afford it, but i am not sure if the hefty price tag is worth it. I am wonder for you guys out there, do you love your salt water tank and was it worth spending all that money on it?

    8 AnswersFish3 years ago
  • Husky is very picky but loves veggies!?

    I m one of those people who believe dogs are carnivores, no questions asked! And I usually feed my dogs a raw diet... until I got a picky eating husky. All my other dogs LOVE their raw diet and yes I do include a few veggies in there but my husky only ate the organs and veggies. So I have been trying her on various other diets like dog food, kibble and moist and she won t touch it. One day as I was cooking I dropped a tomato slice and gobbled it up like crazy. Since then, I ve been offering her more veggies then anything else and is eating it like a champ, but had also made her gassy. Poops like fine, only greener. My concern is, what if she isn t getting all the nutrience she needs? She won t eat bone or muscle meat. She also won t eat dairy products so I m worried about calcium definicieny. Can anyone tell me if this is something I should worr about with my vegetarian by dog choice husky? Is supplements a good idea? I ve heard of people adding supplements and getting too much of a good thing and harming their dogs using it. Anyone have any experience with this at all?

    4 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • Puppy crate training with separation anxiety?

    I have a 5 month old puppy who has separation anxiety. Ever since getting her she has HATED the crate. I've been leaving her locked in my bedroom with our 3 year old dog but she has become distructive and I HAVE to put her in the crate for her own safety. Last time I locked her in the crate though, she was 3 months old, salivated like a water hose, threw up, started to refuse food, shaking, screaming, and chewing the crate door which damaged her puppy canine teeth.

    She is not food motivated AT ALL! And she actually rarely eats her meals. Even potty training was really hard because she did would not take a reward and would run from us instead.

    So what do I do? How do I help her? She's only alone for 4hrs in a day but she does a lot of damage in that time.

    3 AnswersDogs4 years ago