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Lv 44,929 points

That Guy Again

Favorite Answers12%

Hi My name is Samuel Mason Im from Australia, im Australian german and Spanish and my life is all about traveling fun nature and party's! To me the world is a book, each country, city and its people are another chapter I love south america! Mostly Colombia and Costa Rica! If you knew me in real life you would nick name me ''testosterone'' im very active im a personal trainer and sell supplements online, im very into Football WWE wrestling and reggaeto/latin dancing. However on a personal side im not a fan of TV or Music, i love nature, hiking talking to friends and making jokes/pranks, going roller blading and reading, im a Christian and im going to heaven, in the meantime gods peace is with me i have faith and life is always getting better!

  • What does Pobresitos donde no este lista Sam mean in spanish?

    it was about me joking she will hit me if dinner isnt ready when she arrives home and she said that, I dont 100% understand the phase.

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Anyone in Australia notice so many army helicopters flying around?

    They come over my neighborhood 3x a week and will do 3 laps, 1 time high, once the same again and another low, and seem to have a large camera attached to the bottom.. are they looking for drug operations or new drills taking place under Tony Abbott?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What is the dumbest question you have been asked lately?

    Oh what.. this bottle of coke has been opened

    Why would it be flat :/ ?

    IQ drops 3 points

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Befriended for smoking cannabis occasionally?

    So I have a good friend, lets say around the 8 yr mark and were both 22, So since about one year ago

    I started smoking weed on weekends, only a small amount it unwinds me like people say alcohol does for them (I don't drink at all) and has stopped my anxiety.. + the feeling is neat.

    Now since my friend found out about this he has been so judgmental of me, he used to do it himself, if I make a mistake with something or bring up an odd topic out of the blue I can tell he is immediately thinking its ''drugs'' he even asked my friend we were with if he thinks its obvious I smoke by looking at me and he said no which shut him up, followed by telling me all his friends who started smoking weed are now stoner losers and said ill end up like them, I told him there's a big difference between a little bit on the weekend compared to 5 joints a day, months later I'm still the same then he sent me a study done on how people witch schizophrenia are likely to smoke pot and since then hasn't contacted me again, i spoke to him a few times but nothing on his half.

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Younger girl cousin is posting inappropriate photos on facebook?

    So practically shes ultra beautiful for a 15 yr old and at her age probably loves the attention but she has a hot but stupid sister and mother who are both dumb as a sack of bricks and obsessed with anything shiny and selfies around anything expensive lol, Shes smart but recently is a total cam whore, posting totally revealing photos with over 1000 likes and I don't know how to confront her about it without causing problems, she needs to respect herself and realize being like that and the rest of her fam is totally stupid and probably had 500 guys and pedos jerk off over her photos every night obviously.

    What should I do?

    5 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Difficult maths question (atleast for me)?

    I'm trying to figure out what percentage of marijuana smoker in US have schizophrenia based from these numbers.

    US population 313 million

    24 million smokers

    Schizofrenia population 2.2 million

    Which percentage of of the percentage of smokers have schizofrenia?

    3 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Why would a Saimese cat have evolved to have such noticeable coloring among other colors?

    So I have a Chocolate point saimese and evolutionary speaking most animals are camouflaged, Then u get breeds of dog and cat that are huge standouts

    Or don't predators or animals see colors, do they see in shades unlike us? so doesn't make a difference?

    2 AnswersZoology7 years ago
  • My friend is being very judgmental of things I say?

    I Dont know if I should tell him to get lost, don't know why but last few months he keeps referring to me as weird, and if I say certain jokes etc or for example my friend said he loves hiking, and I said hiking and being in nature is the door to opening your senses and he was like ''umm wtf is that supposed to mean.. your so weird sometimes man'' However i have many other friends who agree im not and he is very critical, i could give other examples but that's generally the **** Im hearing from him, kinda weird on he's half.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Why do so many young men try to size up to you if your physically built?

    I was lucky to be born with looks and doing boxing all my life I'm quite built and for a long time ive always had a problem where I'm seen as some sort of competition as almost every time I go into public I get douchbags make eye contact with me try to size up like im some sort of competition, like straightening up trying to look bigger, on rare occasions try to fight me or be nasty to me even my Best friends gf noticed this when with me today, Ive had guys catch their gf looking at me and try fight me for it lol.

    Is it insecurity? something primitive? I know a number of guys want to be big to fill their ego, but would be nice to go for a walk or go to go to KFC and not have a dick comparing to me from the corner when im trying to eat and have fun with friends especially when I consider myself a friendly person. I hate to admit it makes me feel uncomfortable.

    9 AnswersGender & Women's Studies7 years ago
  • Im sure my brother is addicted to morphine..?

    He is 33 and since age 14 has had an autoimmune disease which attacks his stomach causing sever pain, only since the last month hes been given prescription morphine, ironically what would be a once a month episode of pains then 3 even 5 weeks being totally fine has now turned into an every day thing, he says every morning he wakes up and within 5 mins has the pains and takes morphine which I don't buy for a second including the fact he has on and off depression and relationship issues.

    Do I need to call his doctor clinic or someone to make sure hes only being given small amounts? I'm not gonna bother talking to him about it, he already smokes loads of marijuana every day, not that I think pot is bad but every day means he obviously isn't a fan of the sober life and perception

    3 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • Do you find it sexist how many people bag out woman for being sexual but not men?

    A guy sleeps around no one cares, a woman does and people get jealous, mad, and make out she belongs in hell, I think Sex is natural and people can do whatever they want with their body, I don't judge.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Will 20k be enough for a 2 month holiday in Tokyo?

    People say its very expensive but I think I should have enough..

    4 AnswersJapan7 years ago
  • Which type of music will we be listening too when we are older?

    Reason being, I wonder if our taste will change.. most parents around age 50 still listen to the music they listened too when they were younger

    Does that mean we will still be listening to Wiz khalifa, Lana del rey, and all of today's big artists

    when were older, or will taste change>

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • If the body has 3 cannabinoid receptor sites does that mean were built to consume cannabis?

    Possibly the wild growing strains are allot healthier than today's hybrid cloned monsters.

    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago