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Lv 18 points


Favorite Answers7%
  • What's their relationship status?

    So this guy I work with I guess fools around with this girl at bbqs and bars. But they aren't a couple on Facebook and they don't act like a couple around the rest of us.

    Does he care for her or is he just using her maybe as friends with benefits thing because they are both kind of people that have been around the block.

    They never do anything around us and they don't post any sort of socials media things.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Love sickness cure?

    I met this guy at work this summer and he made me smile and laugh everyday. We never had a bad conversation and he made all my previous crushed go away.

    I'm about 80% he liked me back but he works a second job that rivals my families business (he used to work for my family and left to go to this business) and so him and my dad are not on the best of terms so I think that kind of scared him a bit from telling me how he felt. I am way shy and way inexperienced with relationships to tell him how I felt. Also there is an age gap. He's 29 I'm 19.

    I do think he liked me though because of body language stuff though.

    Now that the job has ended and I left our hometown to go back to college I think about him all the time and I miss him so much. there are these guys that like me in my classes but I always think about how I'm gonna turn them down because I truely love someone else.

    I just want to know what to do to get over him. I miss him so much and I always think about how my life would be better if I was with him.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • 10 points best answer.?

    Does this guy like me?

    There is an age gap and we didn't really know each other before this summer we have gotten close though and have a lot of things in common.

    So this was his last week and started getting real playful and happy.

    I try to be happy around him and he makes me laugh and smile and he noticed and said why you always laughing at me? And I said cause you make me smile.

    He always pushes my chair around and then we get in a pushing match. He also started getting more touchy cause we never really touched before and this last week we would get into either pushing matches or something like that. Like the other day when he tried to put tape on my forehead cause I put it on him and then he grabbed me and tried to get me.

    He found out that I thought some guy was attractive(at the beginning of summer) and he went and looked at him and said seriously he looks goofy. Then I said you look goofy and he said he's charming though and he has his stuff together. I said don't you think he's attractive and he said the only guy he thinks is attarctive is himself.

    Later then we started playing 4 square and he targeted me almost every round. Even our coworkers noticed and they said man he's got your # today.

    I didn't get to say bye before he left on his last day and so I texted him later and said sorry i couldn't say goodbye but I hope you have good luck on your hunts(which is like his greatest passion) and he texted back thanks lady! I haven't heard him call people lady a lot.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Answer mine I'll answer yours. Put the link in the source.?

    I was wondering if this guy Sean likes me.

    There is an age gap I'm 19 and he's 29. So we didn't know each other before the summer really. We both have a lot of common interest like hunting and stuff and we have a lot of the same ideals and morals.

    He always makes me laugh and this last week he noticed it. He said why you always laughing at me and I said cause you make me smile. I always try to be happy around him

    He started getting more playful cause it was his last week and he started getting more touchy. We would start playing around like trying to put a piece a tape on each other and he would try to grab me and hold me so he could put it on me. He also kicks my chair a lot and pushes it. Then we get in a 'match' and I try to push his chair back but he's really strong.

    Then he found I thought this one guy was attractive and he went and looked at him and said seriously he looks goofy. The. I said don't you think he's good looking and he said the only guy he thinks is attractive is himself. I also said you look goofy. And he started to say how he was charming though and he had his stuff together.

    Then when we were playing four square later he targeted me almost every round.

    The day he left I didn't get to say goodbye at work cause I was doing something but I texted that I was sorry I couldn't say goodbye and I hoped he has good luck on his hunts (this is what he does in the winter) and he said thanks lady!

    I just wonder if he's being friendly or just playful

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • My eyes are yellow. Men, is that attractive?

    They are brown and green mixed together which makes them look yellow.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • This guy I like is obsessed with tractors.?

    So there's this guy I like and he is obsessed with tractors. I know that a way to make a guy like you is to be interested in the things he likes. I am interested but I know nothing about them. Is there something's I should know? He's obsessed with John Deere.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Does this guy like me? Both girls and boys opinions. Best answer is awarded.?

    There's this guy I know and have know since high school. We go to the same college and he's a year older. I've never had a boyfriend and he's never had a girlfriend to my knowledge. So when I talk to him it's kind of really awkward. He usually says how are you doing but then keeps walking past me before I answer. Today I went to church and there was a potluck after. I was sitting at a 6 person table and the chair across from me was still empty and he sat down and started talking to me but sometimes the conversation would end and this awkward silence would follow and then he would ask me something else and the same thing would happen. Before he came and sat by me i knew he saw me and was coming over. Even when one of our questions would be answered and there was silence he would still look at me and not look away. Also when the conversation went silent and I continued not to say anything he would just ya. And I don't know it kind of made me nervous. I tried to make eye contact back and i kind of felt like if we were alone he would ask me something or kiss me or something. The conversation did end completely and he said that he's gonna go walk around the room a bit but sometimes when I looked at him he would be looking at me. I just have no experience in this so can you please help?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is this a good idea?

    So me and this guy go to the same church. I really like him but I don't if he likes me. i don't really know how he acts around women he likes and he's never had a girlfriend. I'm 18 and he's 19 and he's kind of the all work and no play kind of guy.

    Anyways my plan was to go to church and sit by him and so at a certain point we'll have to hold hands. I was wondering what I should look for when I hold his hand or sit by him to tell if he likes me or if this is a good idea because I generally sit on the other side And he knows where I sit and I don't want to just all of a sudden move to the other side of the church.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Men and women encouraged to answer.?

    There's this guy and he's 19 and I'm 18. He's quiet around people our age and he gets along with older people. He already has his own business. He is one of those hard workin strong silent types. We are very similar because we are both good Catholics that don't party and drink. We do a lot of the same things like horsemanship and roping. We both hunt and fish but like I said he doesn't say much. I think he likes me because he looks at me when we're at church which is basically the only place I see him. Also when I was leaving church he came sorta towards me where the priest was and started talking to him and I went to leave but before I got out to the foyer he was behind me and said how are you doing? Kind of loud and scared me but that may be because I wasn't expecting to talk to anyone. We talked on the way out about the Super Bowl and I said bye when I thought he was done talking but he wasn't and he said well see ya later then. He has never had a girlfriend and I don't know what to look for if he likes me.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Short Question What is the density...?

    What is the density of O2 at STP and 35 Celsius

    1 AnswerChemistry6 years ago
  • So I think something is happening to my vision.?

    I'll be typing and all of a sudden I'll just start typing random letters that have nothing in common with what I'm trying to say and I am thinking what I am typing so I am not thinking off topic. Also, lately I've been having difficulties reading. I look at some words and they just look like a bunch of letters together like skyhjch and then I look back and the word is something completely different like the word because. I also keep switching around letters a lot when I am writing or typing. I have 20/20 vision and so I am not sure what is wrong.

    2 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • I feel this need that I am supposed to go to a...?

    I feel like I need to go to this specific place out in the Nevada desert. I have been there hunting but only once and nothing special happened there. I do feel like though that I am supposed to go there. Like there's something I need to see or do. I have this dream where I'm there and I just feel like there is something trying to lead me somewhere to discover something.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Do I have OCD?

    I have to eat things in a certain way. I take a bite and chew it on the left side of my mouth and swallow. Then I do the same with the right and I do this until all my food is gone. I always make sure they are even so my last bite is on the right side. I also don't step on cracks. It feels weird if I do and I feel like I can still feel it after I've taken a couple of steps. I make sure that the volume on things ends in a 0 or 5. I am not a clean freak though.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • If a snowball melts so that its surface area decreases at a rate of 8 cm2/min...?

    Help would be greatly appreciated.

    If a snowball melts so that its surface area decreases at a rate of 8 cm2/min, find the rate at which the diameter decreases when the diameter is 9 cm

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • From the enthalpies of reaction... Calculate delta H for the reaction.?

    2C(s)+O2(g) --> 2CO(g) delta H=-221.0 kJ

    2C(s)+O2(g) + 4H2(g) --> 2CH3OH(g)

    delta H = -402.4 kJ

    Calculate delta H for the reaction

    CO(g)+2H2(g) -->CH3OH(g)

    2 AnswersChemistry7 years ago
  • I feel like I have to go somewhere by myself in the mountains?

    I always get these sort of flashes of this place up in the mountain. And that I should go there. I don't know why but I feel like I should be alone. The place I'm thinking of in the mountain is very secluded and hard to get to. I've been there before and it's not the best mountain I've ever seen so it's not like I want to go there for the view. I just get this feeling like that I should go up there in the late afternoon on a cloudy day. Very specific. Kinda weird. I just wonder what it means or if anyone else feels this way?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If you can, please help me...?

    So there is this guy. He is a year older than me and I don't know if he likes me. He's never had a girlfriend and I've never had a boyfriend. He's quiet and he hangs out more with older people like his 27ish cousins. We went to a dance together. I asked him and not was a casual dance. Spring fling. We were dancing and I complimented him on being valedictorian and he kept saying thank you. He kept goving small signs he might like me but we went a whole summer without seeing each other. I told him before he wen to college we should go see a movie and then he said umm Id have to see. Then his phone rang and he had to go drop off hay. He then went to college and he came back for x mas and at church it seems like he kept looking back at me. I don't know if he likes me or if I scared him or what. He's hard to tell cause he never flirts with anyone and he's always working. Never around

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Please help if you can?

    There's this guy and he's a year older than me. He is 18. He doesn't talk much to anyone and I don't either. We went to a casual dance together. Spring fling. And we danced to the slow songs. On one song I complimented him on him being the valedictorian and told him I wanted him to win and I think he took it as a sincere compliment (which it was) and he thanked me a couple times for it. The next slow song we were dancing and we stopped talking and we kinda stared at each other in the eyes for a sec( I don't know how to explain it) but I think we stopped dancing and I know we got closer because he kinda looked away and started dancing agin but the next step we both realized my feet were in his which they were a not that close before. After the dance at graduation and at the graduation party it seemed like he was always somewhere near me and he was waiting to talk to me but he didn't. After that dance he asks how I'm doing. We didn't talk much before. Does he like me?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How does using hydrogen as the fuel in an electric power plant compare with using hydrogen as the fuel in a f?

    How does using hydrogen as the fuel in an electric power plant compare with using hydrogen as the fuel in a fuel cell?

    H2 used as a fuel in a power plant must be more pure than the H2 used in a fuel cell.

    Burning H2 in a power plant produces many more pollutants than using H2 in a fuel cell.

    A fuel cell using hydrogen operates at a higher overall efficiency than would a power plant burning hydrogen as a fuel.

    Using H2 in a fuel cell generates far more heat than burning it in a power plant.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago