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Angela M
Hullowrerr, I'm a wee Scottish wifie. Living in a time warp, I'm now 46 years old but still dive aboot like a wee lassie. When I wiz a teenager, Punk rock wiz big and that's where ma wee pictograph huz come from.Still kipping at home wi' ma folks. Drive a wee red Skoda, loved ma dug but he's no longer here.Wurk in a local warehoose on alternate shifts(backshift/early),spend most of ma spare time in front of the telly or farting aboot on the "dot net". Pretty new tae computery stuff, so lots tae learn! I huv a sooper best mate whom I've known since I wiz eleven and we spend fun weekends, when I'm not at wurk, tanking intae the "gingers" and gabbing fur hoors. Casualty buff and Bette Midler nut.
Google Search, error message !!?
Hi, I have been moving some stuff from one drive to another to free up space. Since doing this I now cannot get anything on Google Search. I get the error message "403.6 - Forbidden: IP address rejected" Is there any way to fix this?? I'm currently using Bing but I much preferred Google. Thanks.
2 AnswersGoogle1 decade agoT-Mobile, can I use my phone in Croatia/Slovenia?
Hi, I'm off on holiday in June to Croatia and Slovenia. I just wondered if I would be able to use my mobile for calls and internet access?? It's quite confusing on the T-Mobile site, so I thought it would be easier to ask the Yahoo buffs who have had some experience.. Thanks.
3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade agoCan you still buy polystyrene ceiling tiles in the UK ?
I know that they were found to be highly flammable in the past, but it's possible to buy polystyrene coving which, I assume has a new "recipe" which is flame retardant, perhaps they have also managed to develop a similar product which comes in the form of a tile.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Decorating & Remodeling1 decade agoMicrosoft Front Page.........?
I am trying to get Microsoft Front Page but when I go to the official downloads section on the Microsoft site, it's not there on it's own. It only seems to be incorporated within some of the Office Suites. I already have Office, Home and Student and don't want to pay for a full version of Office, when I already have a decent version. Any ideas how to get Frontpage on it's own??? Thanks..
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoWhy is Gordon Brown being allowed to stand in the Election?
He was never voted into his position, it was sort of gifted to him by Tony Blair. I think that it's wrong to expect the British public to put their trust in somebody who has not been chosen as leader of his party but managed to wangle his way in by being a Tony Blair brown-noser..
10 AnswersElections1 decade agoOffice Access, homework poblems......?
Hi, I'm doing a wee course in work on Office Access were a chap comes to the work for two hours per week. He has given me some stuff to do before next week and I have to create another table within my original database. I have set up the first database but am now totally stuck as to how to ceate another table within the first one.. It's probably something simple, but I am stumped. Can anybody help me please????
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoDevlo dlan 200 AV Plus... basic instructions.?
Hi, we purchased three units to place round the house to enable everybody to access the internet. The basic instructions are very poor. Do we connect to both the modem AND the wireless router or is the router now obsolete?? We have given it a try just going through the modem but only one of our PC's is getting internet access. Hate to sound so thick but the wee picture diagram is really poor..and there are no written instructions at all!! Thanks...
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoVirgin Media wireless router and adaptor?
Is it possible to purchase, outright, a Virgin Media wireless router and adaptor without up-grading or having it added to the monthly bill?? My wee pensioner dad pays the bill and is not keen to add anything else to it. I will be happy to fork out for this as it's me who needs it anyway, as my old, out of date router needs re-booted every few days. Thanks Yahoo buffs. By the way, I have e-mailed Virgin and am awaiting a reply, but I suspect that they will want us to upgrade, but we are perfectly happy with our current package and do not need any more channels or super speedy connections.
2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoAny way to speed up AVS convertor??
I know that it's good quality way to convert files on to DVD but it takes absolutely ages, most times, longer than the movie or show that I'm converting.. Any speedy shortcuts would be greatly appreciated,thanks.....
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoHow can I get my keyboard to behave?????
Grrr, my keyboard is driving me round the twist. When I'm typing it seems to always be two steps behind. Eg,this i me typin norally. Why does it keep skipping letters?. I have to watch the screen and continually go back and fill in the missing letters. It's not as if I am a super speedy typist, I'm a two fngered novice. Any help or ideas would be great. By the way,I replaced the keyboard last month as I thought that was the problem but this one is exactly the same...
10 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoEvita soundtrack with Julie Covington?????
Hi Yahoo buffs, I am searching for Evita, the one with Julie Covington, Barbara Dickinson and David Essex. I used to have it on vinyl, many years ago and would love to get an MP3 version to put on my wee player. I don't mind paying for it. Cheers..
4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoWhat's happened to the gritters?
HI, I live in Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire, Scotland and since last week when we had black ice, then heavy snow, turning to ice, there as been no sign at all of any grit lorries.. This is totally frustrating as my pensioner parents are now stuck in the house until I am free from work and can take them out in the car for basic shopping.. Do any of you Yahoo buffs know if the local council gritting service is on strike?? There is a wee rumour going around that they are striking about overtime payments. I have searched the "dot net" to no avail and am still awaiting a reply from the local council.. If anybody cold let me know what's happening with the grit lorries, I would greatly appreciate it.If I know for certain that there is unlikely to be any road or pavement gritting in the near future, I could get together with some of my younger neighbours and we could attempt to clear the pathways ourselves.Thanks..
12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoEvita, with Julie Covington.?
Trying to get a copy of Evita, the one with Julie Covington. Any links, ideas or underhanded deals?? I would like to be able to shove it onto my MP3 player.. Thanks for any help..
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoJohn and Edward, have you ever heard anybody murder a classic?
Thier rendition of Under Pressure would have had Freddie Mercury turning in his grave..If Freddie wanted to include "rap"in this brilliant song, he wouldn't have asked David Bowie to accompany him.. This has to be the worst ever "cover". I wish that Simon would get his head out of his backside and get back to commenting honestly on these two boys.. I'm starting to believe all of the tabloid views that he has a stake in thier future and needs them to do well, even though they are utter rubbish!! Any thoughts???
9 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoHas LLoyd lost the plot?
If he were a true musician, he would have changed the lyrics to "I kissed a guy".. Bad mentoring and another weak performance..
4 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoOpen office V Microsoft office.....?
I am doing a wee computer course in work which uses Microsoft Office. When I continue to study at home, I have Open Office. I have made many documents which will not print using Microsoft, when I try printing them from my USB stick.. Basically, if I create a document at home using Open Office, it will print fine on my own printer,but documents that I have created at work using Microsoft Office, just come out as jargon.. Is there any programme to convert the files or will I just have to crumble and pay all sorts of funny money to buy Microsoft Office???
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoMusic lovers, will you be honest and vote the twins off?
They might be cute but the have absolutely no musical talent. Will you go against all of the wee giggling girlies and vote them off?? Please.......
11 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoWhere on earth is the tab key?
I have downloaded Open Office for a college course and my homework is to do with setting tabs.. I have clicked on absolutely everything and just cannot find the tab setting function.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.I don't want to seem like the middle aged thicko that I am!! Cheers...
7 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoWhy is it when a celebrity suddenly dies?
All of the nasty wee folk crawl out of the woodwork and start to pass around very sick jokes?? If they had any respect, they would let the family and friends of the lost soul, grieve, without such awful nonsense.. I am refferring to the sudden death of Steven Gately and the text "jokes" that I have since received.. How would some of these folk feel if they were sent such rubbish when they had lost their mum, dad, child, grandparents?? Thes eejits should be utterly ashamed of themselves. Any thoughts on this??
13 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoPrinting photos received in an E-mail?
HI, I have received some smashing photos from my nephew via E-mail. Is there any way that I can print them off, so that I can show them to my friends? When I try the print option, I only get the text in the message. Thanks..(Windows Vista)
2 AnswersMSN1 decade ago