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Nature and Philosophy are my interests. Truth seeking is my quest

  • What do you think about Scotland's new tyrannical state guardian law?

    every child is now going to be assigned a specific guardian to make sure he/she is not being abused by their parents

    you know what this really means your going to have to make mainstream decisions about your kid

    if you decide not to give him vaccines the state will steal him ( and the worst part is some of you sheeple eve agree saying things like " if a parent is stupid enough not to give his kids vaccines he would not have children" ) yeah deciding not to give your kids something packed with mercury animal DNA and formaldehyde is really stupid

    other things will be affected as well. IN situations where the parent is doing what is best but the state does not like us to be awake/ self sufficient so they deem it as dangerous

    Scottish people better be ready to move or make mainstream decisions with diet, medicine, discipline, spirituality, ect.

    I thought Americans where the only ones with out a back bone but apparently the British let their government take away all their rights too

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How do the elite keep the soldiers brainwashed while at war?

    I mean it must be so much harder than brainwashing the people at home. These soldiers are seeing the war first hand it must be at least somewhat obvious that they are the terrorists, yet the soldiers keep fighting, obviously their is something in all branches of the military that manages to convince the soldiers they are in it for the greater good

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • does this pretty much explain the Obama presidency?

    1. lie

    2. lie about lying

    3. send out Carney to lie some more

    4. Golf

    5. Fundraise

    6. Blame Bush

    7. Go on expensive vacation

    8. Lie again

    9. Repeat

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • snake in my backyard how to know if it is safe for my yorkie ( southern California )?

    yesterday while water my garden their was rustling in the bushes so i sprayed and and snake with a lizard halfway in its mouth came out. it was crazy. not used to seeing snake where i live about 50 miles east of LA, except rattle snakes every once in a while

    the snake was small like 20 inches id say and skinny it was black with a strip that was yellow i think

    I am sure my border collie is safe but what about my five pound Yorkie she is so small maybe she could succumb to the snakes poison if it is poisonous

    9 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • Why are there so many poor gang infested areas in USA, is Europe like this?

    when i say Europe I mean western and northern europe. Also Canada Australia, New Zeland, and Japan

    Do they have areas that are as bad as the bad areas in the USA?

    Why is it like this, why is there such a disparity, if you go to the nice areas of USA it is just as nice as the countries mentioned above but then you go to a poor area and it is a complete 180

    3 AnswersGeography8 years ago
  • why do people take poisonous medicine, do they really think the drug companies want them to be healthy?

    lets think for a second what is more valuable to the drug companies a sick person or a healthy one

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • how do police not realize they are protectors of the elite when they are sent to terrorize peaceful protestors?

    how can they carry on with the illusion that they are here to protect the people after seeing what riot police have done to peaceful protesters. They even go under cover and pretend to be protesters and start violence making and excuse for the police to shutdown the protest and arrest those who remain

    what kind of evil prick does that?

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • so standing still while being assaulted by a cop will lead you to being charged with felony assault?

    I am so sick of this semi police state we live in

    how is this felony assault?

    this is government kidnapping of an innocent man he had no marijuana on him and was not smoking they were targeting him because of his open carry march on july 4th

    so tell me again we don't live in a police state when innocent people are getting kidnapped and held against their will

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • why cant cops realize that we are HEADING towards a police state, and they are helping?

    first when i ask these questions their are a lot of cops who play the superiority game " wow you are so stupid, you have no idea what a police stat is" by doing this they show their own stupidity by not responding to the argument and instead committing logical fallacies

    Anyway I never claimed we were in a full blown police state i said we have aspects of one and that we are heading towards one

    why are the police helping the elite send this country towards a police state?

    People being arrested at peaceful marijuana rallies, protesters being arrested for bogus charges, , The war on drugs putting non criminals behind bars for choosing to do something that hurts no one but the user, raw milk sellers being raided by police when all they do is sell to willing customers, person arrested and jailed for 30 days for collecting rainwater on his property, gardens in front yards destroyed by police or city workers because they are " not up to standards " but wasteful grass is

    now ask youself if we really were the land of the free would cops stop peaceful non criminals from smoking marijuana, or companies from selling raw milk to willing customers, in a free society would someone be jailed for 30 days for collecting rain water on HIS property, I highly doubt the " land of the free" would destroy front yard gardens of peoples homes because they don't meet up to standards

    so if you don't believe we are heading to a police state please tell me why

    and if you finally figure out we are heading to a police state why are these cops helping the elite? when their job is to help the people

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • the freedom of information act in UK reveals vaccines are pointless, will the sheeple finally stop taking them?

    it is been revealed, finally, what us crazy tin foil hat wearing people have known for so long

    1. Vaccines do not work

    2. They can cause the specific disease they are trying to prevent, like when piers got the flu after the flu shot

    3. extremely hazardous to children

    4. actively discouraged safety studies on vaccines

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • are cops proud they are helping the elite bring about Police State USA?

    People being arrested at peaceful marijuana rallies, protesters being arrested for bogus charges, , The war on drugs putting non criminals behind bars for choosing to do something that hurts no one but the user, raw milk sellers being raided by police when all they do is sell to willing customers, person arrested and jailed for 30 days for collecting rainwater on his property, gardens in front yards destroyed by police or city workers because they are " not up to standards " but wasteful grass is

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Why is the sheriff helicopter circling my house and very low?

    This has happened 3 times now. The helicopter is very very low I would say like 70-90 feet. I can see the sheriff written on it. He is literally circling MY backyard The first time i called upland PD and they said they have no investigation and to call the sheriffs office ( Upland PD operates the city part that is incorporated and sheriffs operate the unincorporated areas. ) SO i called the Sheriffs office and they said they had nothing and do not know why.

    Now it has happened two more times since then. These times i did not call the sheriffs or upland PD I just went out into my backyard and raise my hands to say like what are you doing to the pilot, cause i know he can see me, then he just circles a couple more times and leaves

    what the hell are they doing?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Can I withdraw my plea deal?

    I stupidly accepted a plea deal even though I am sure I would have been found innocent in trial. my attorney explained work release as "like community service" and that is one of the main reasons I accepted the plea. Now as I am going to work release I find out it is nothing like community service it is 8 hours a day! My defense attorney said she did not know how long a day was but "didn't think" it was 8. now I am finding out it is 8. Plus I cannot pick where to work like community service nor the hours when to work only the day.

    so I think I should be able to retract my plea deal because, thanks to my attorney, I did not fully understand the terms of the contract that i signed.

    What should I do?

    If I cant withdraw my plea agreement what should I do? I cannot fulfill the terms, I do not have the time for work release.

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Can I withdraw my plea deal?

    I stupidly accepted a plea deal even though I am sure I would have been found innocent in trial. my attorney explained work release as "like community service" and that is one of the main reasons I accepted the plea. Now as I am going to work release I find out it is nothing like community service it is 8 hours a day! My defense attorney said she did not know how long a day was but "didn't think" it was 8. now I am finding out it is 8. Plus I cannot pick where to work like community service nor the hours when to work only the day.

    so I think I should be able to retract my plea deal because, thanks to my attorney, I did not fully understand the terms of the contract that i signed.

    What should I do?

    If I cant withdraw my plea agreement what should I do? I cannot fulfill the terms, I do not have the time for work release.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Am i right about the muslim holy sites and their significance?

    first is mecca where muhammed was born

    then medina where muhammed died

    and then dome of the rock where muhammed had a vision or something

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why are parents so protective of their kids and then they turn around and feed them poison?

    I mean it is the ultimate irony. GMO's are almost in all the foods at a normal supermarket. The food people eat is literal poison. Fast food which should NEVER be eaten, GMO's, high fructose corn syrup, pesticides, the list goes on and on. I look at shopping carts at the supermarket and they are all filled with highly processed sugary GMO crap. The very few fruits people do buy are not even organic! so they are basically just getting a mouthful of pesticides!

    Is it any wounder why so many of us are obese? why 1/3 Americans will get cancer and 1/4 will dies from cancer

    ourfood is toxic and it is getting even more and more toxic as time goes on.

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why are parents so protective of their kids and then they turn around and feed them poison?

    I mean it is the ultimate irony. GMO's are almost in all the foods at a normal supermarket. The food people eat is literal poison. Fast food which should NEVER be eaten, GMO's, high fructose corn syrup, pesticides, the list goes on and on. I look at shopping carts at the supermarket and they are all filled with highly processed sugary GMO crap. The very few fruits people do buy are not even organic! so they are basically just getting a mouthful of pesticides!

    Is it any wounder why so many of us are obese? why 1/3 Americans will get cancer and 1/4 will dies from cancer

    ourfood is toxic and it is getting even more and more toxic as time goes on.

    9 AnswersParenting8 years ago