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  • how do you keep bacon fresh?

    ok this might sound weird, but i am taking bacon to school tomorrow. I want to know, if i should pre cook the bacon tonight so that in the morning it wont take so long? i am bringing a lot of bacon. like 2 pounds. also i am wondering how can i travel with it? should i put it in a plastic bag? a plastic rubber maid container?

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Upper Spine Pain (upper back)?

    When i wake up every morning my neck (but really it's the top of my spine) hurts. after a half hour or so it goes away by itself. i normally have two pillows behind my head when i sleep. so i took one away to see if that helped. Nope still hurts. So i took both away, Nope still hurts. i took my normal pillows and added a pillow. Nope. I never have had this problem before. this had been going on for a few months now. Do you have any suggestions i could do to help this stop?

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • is having a lot of spa treatments in one day bad?

    like having a body masque, then a manicure and pedicure, a body scrub, and a massage all consecutively? can this be bad? or like will it defeat the purpose of some of them. like, will haing a body scrub after a body masque just irritate your skin or something? thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • how does disney world determine which park will have extra magic hours?

    i looked at the calender for when magic kingdom stays open, and it has extra magic hours on the calender, but each extra magic hours have different times. i understand how extra magic hours work. i'm just wondering. How do they determine how long the extra magic hours last at night? is it just random? and also how do they decide which park should have extra magic hours per day?

    For example if you look at the calender, on the 1st it was open from 9am to 10pm, with extra magic hours from 10pm to 1am. but if you look at the 7th, its Extra magic hours are from 12am to 3am. and the normal park is open from 8am to 12am. how are these times determined?

    4 AnswersOrlando9 years ago
  • How many dining reservations can you make at disney world?

    i read somewhere that when you call to reserve a dining reservation, you can only make 10 reservations. I don't know if this is true, or if its just like, you can only make 10 reservations per phone call. So, is there a limit to Walt Disney world Dining reservations?

    4 AnswersOrlando9 years ago
  • my horse's eyelid ripped off?

    a couple weeks ago (on labor day) i woke up to feed my horse and he had manage to rip his eyelid off :/. the bottom part. like where his eyelashes are. i called the vet and he came and gave him a ton of stitches. He told me he cut it on something metal like the handles of his feed bucket or something. He told me to get cups to go over his eyes (for racehorses) so that he cant itch out his stitches. But he has worn it for almost two weeks now. and he developed a bunch of really bad cuts on his face. like they look infected with pus, and its like raw. he has them behind his ears, under his chin, below and above his eyes and on his jaw. i put cream on them, but the mask keeps rubbing on it and its not working because of that. i let him out of his stall for about 3 hours in the evening (because its too hot for him during the day) and when i let him out i clean his mask, and put on the cream and then i have to put it back on when he returns to his stall. he was on antibiotics and Bute (like horsey Advil) for a week and a half, and he isnt on it anymore. my vet is coming Monday to take the stitches out, he said to just keep the mask on. but the cuts will get worse and worse, does anyone have any suggestions on what i could do?

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • In Walt Disney World, if you speed in your car, and you get a ticket, are they shaped like mickey heads?

    If your driving on the WDW property, and you speed, will their tickets be shaped like mickey heads? i know silly question, but i have always wondered, and i'm not gonna speed to get the chance to find out.

    2 AnswersOrlando9 years ago
  • Is there a limit to how long you can stay at a Walt Disney World Resort Hotel?

    At the Same hotel. Like could you stay for months if you wanted to, as long as you keep paying them. Or eventually they will ask you to leave?

    6 AnswersOrlando9 years ago
  • horse bucking problem?

    everytime i ride my horse he tries to buck me off. everytime. we will be walking and i ask him to trot and he will throw his head, but nothing yet. then if i ask him to lope, he starts it by bucking. not a lot just one time, then returns to loping, if i ask him to speed up, or if he slows down and i ask him to keep the pace, he will buck again. he is an 9 year old TB gelding, 16 hands. i have had him since he was 6. he raced on the track for a while and i believed they retired him because of his knee. no problems with it, not lame or anything. its just like a build up of calcium, or cartilage. anyway, the bucking has been going on for a while, but i always keep him under control. i believe he does it because he doesn't want to work. he isnt in shows or anything i just ride for fun. and i have never been bucked off him... untill yesterday. well i didnt come off, lol. ok so i was riding him, asked him to lope, and he was perfect, but as we turned a corner he slowed down to a trot, and i kicked and he wouldn't speed back up, so i had to lean back and i smacked his butt to make him go, not hard, just to tell him to go. and he bucked just once, like always, but i wasn't ready, so i flew forward, but i landed on his neck,, my butt came out of the saddle and landed in front of it on his neck, and my feet came out of the stirrups, and my head was by his head, so i sat up and was riding on his neck, and he was still trotting, with his head up, so he was normal, and didn't expect that! so i got off and walked over to wear my mom was standing (and she didn't see anything, she wasn't paying attention) and after a couple of minutes i got back on and rode again, and as i tried to make him trot he threw his head again. i feel like my horse was sorry, cuz when i was on the ground he kept having his head low, and nudged against me, to clear up, his saddle fits, and his pad is fine. no back problems, just this past ride, his feet were bothering him, which might be why he acted up this time, cuz his shoes havnt been changed in too long, and his feet haven't been trimmed in months either. but that doesn't explain why all the other times. he wears a hackamore (no bit, might have not spelt it wright) he had a bit when i first got him, but he hated it, he kept chewing on it, and so my trainer gave us a hackamore, and he was fine, but then he started this bucking. so should i but the bit back in his mouth? he has a normal snaffle bit 5inch, with the D rings. or maybe get a stronger bit? i know they have these straps that connect from like his bridal to the front of the saddle to keep his head back, and up. and its supposed to keep him from bucking. and a tie down to keep him from rearing. i am not afraid of bucking because normally i can stay on. but i am afraid of rearing. he reared a few times with me but one time i tried to turn him in a circle, but it didn't work and he reared again, and he fell backwards, then on his side, which i stayed on, until he fell on his side, he crushed my foot, and i stayed on the ground,and he ran away :( so what do you recommend i do?

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • brown oval sticky slug type thing?

    I found this thing, i don't know what it is. Its outside stuck on my cement outside my back door. It is brown, oval, and i think its some sort of slug but i have surfed the internet with no luck. it is about 2-3inches long and 1-2inches thick. And it is SUPER sticky i tried to move it off with a stick but it is that sticky, it is just sticky on the bottom, and squishy on the top. It kinda has this thin black line going down the center of its back. i didnt really wanna hurt it so i just left it there. It wasn't there last night, but its here now in the morning. i guess eventually it should move. but does anyone know what it could be?

    1 AnswerZoology9 years ago
  • Medicare..............................?

    i am a 14 year old type 1 diabetic, with no medical insurance, because all the estimates we got were all above $2000 which my family can't afford. and we can barley afford to pay for my insulin and supplies, not to mention the huge hospital bills(when i got diagnosed, then i got a stomach bug a few months later) i also was looking into getting an insulin pump, which can be

    $6000, which we also can't afford. my questions are, shouldn't i qualify for medicare? and how can i get it? i know there are different plans and stuff, but i mean like where to start?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Omnipod for diabetes?

    i have type 1 diabetes. and i have been doing shots, i am considering getting a pump. But i have just a few problems. i never liked the idea of being attached to a machine, and i feel like that the tubing would get ripped off. So i have been looking at the Omnipod, which i think is perfect for me. But i have read a lot of reviews and most of them aren't that good. a lot of complaints have been made that the adhesive comes off easily. and the pods fail. but regardless i am still interested. mainly because when ever i do injections they hurt so much. i am really skinny, and don't have a lot of body fat. but another down side to the omnipod which i don't like is the size. when i go swimming or something, it would make me feel self conscious if people would be looking at it or whatever. and the 1 reason i like injections, is because i don't have anything attached to me, and i feel normal. with any pump i wouldn't feel that way. I am in high school, and i am trying to make my diabetes go very smoothly. the last couple years in school have been awful, diabetes wise.because of all the time i have to leave class. i would like to know your experiences with the omnipod, or any insulin pump, which would you recommend?

    and how can i get medicare?

    i wont be getting any meter until i get health insurance or medicare. my family is self pay. we have been denied medicare, and every insurance company that gives us a quote they say a couple hundred a month or something. then we tell them i am a diabetic, and the quote jumps up to $2000 a month. just for me. that doesn't even cover my family. and my family cant afford it.

    4 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • Type 1 Diabetes help?

    I'm really so frustrated. my blood sugar numbers have been really high lately or really low. i cant get them to be average. its driving me crazy. every time i try to change my dose with my doctor, my numbers change! they are literally all over the place i will be high at dinner then low at dinner the next day. i have to admit i don't exercise as much as i should, but where i live it is extremely hot from like 8am to 5pm. so i really cant do much outside for that long without getting overheated. i don't have like a treadmill or anything i can use inside really. but as son as its cool enough outside i do a lot of things for my horse, that is supposed to burning energy but doesn't. i also have to say i do not have a good diet, i mean no cookies or cakes or stuff, mostly carbs :/. but i am not sure what to eat. i like a lot of different stuff, but all the things that are healthy i don't know how to make! (i'm 14 btw) my dad isnt a chef either lol. and my mom would usually make stuff but she has a lot of different medical problems lately, i really don't wanna be a bother to ask her. and also i'm not sure what good combinations are. i used to kind of count carbs, but i feel like all the labels are lying because they never work write with my insulin. my endo says i should eat like 60 carbs per meal. but that is way to much. if i did that i would be like over 400 all the time. i test 4 times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime snack) and i get 2 injections a day. which by the way hurt so much!!! i have a really tiny needle and they still hurt! i am really skinny, so i dont have a lot of fat. if i try to do an injection in my arms, they bruise! literally they will turn black. i already do them in my stomach, and my thighs. i did my hip for a while but that began to hurt. everywhere hurts all the time. when i put the needle in, when i push the insulin in, and when i take it out, THEY ALL HURT! i have a feeling my endocrinologist, will make me start doing them in my butt, but i would gladly much avoid that. my breakfast is the same everyday. which i dont mind. but my lunch varies as well as my dinner. but i have had to skip meals sometimes because my numbers where so high. and i know that isn't good to do, but its either not eat now, or later. i try to avoid "boluses" or extra shots, because of the pain they cause me, and a lot of the times they don't work anyway. i feel like the extra shot gets lost or something in my body lol, and it doesn't make it to my blood. do you have any advice at all? about anything? diet? exercise? painful needles? i would appreciate no criticism, this is hard enough already.

    6 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • Diabetes and pieriods?

    ok so i am 14, and i havnt started my pieriod, and i have like no boobs lol. but its kinda got me worried. i am a type 1 diabetic. and have been since i was 11. all my other friends have already got their periods. my mom got hers when she was like 9. but she also told me her sister (my aunt) didn't get hers till she was 16. but im just worried because i have read about like late puberty, and how it affects diabetes, or something, or like diabetes can affect it. i know they say if you don't get your period by 15 you should visit a doctor. so could there be something wrong?

    i am also really tall and skinny. but i like to eat a lot

    5 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • Horse Band aids????????

    i was wondering if they make like horse bandaids? like really strong sticky ones that are hard to get off? when my horse gets like a cut on his face or his neck, i cant wrap up his whole head! or all around his neck or something! so do they make them? if so what are they called? thanks

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • horse shoe? and bad farrier?

    ok so normally my farrier comes to do my horses feet every 8 weeks. but literally i think it has been 3-4 MONTHS! i called and called and he said that he will come when he can. Like WTF!? and he threw a shoe like a month ago! so my mom wont let me ride him until his shoe is put back on! and im just so angry and so upset because its summer and i have so much time to ride and i promised myself i would ride him everyday and ever since summer started, i have only been able to ride him once and its really bad for him not to be getting exercise. btw he is and 8 yr old TB gelding with really strong hooves. i still don't even see why she makes him have shoes. we live in Florida so it can get wet here sometimes.and we live on a dirt rode so there's some rocks here. But this doesn't even make sense, because when i first got him like 2 yrs ago, he was barefoot for a while, and had no problem with the rocks. my yard is too small to ride in. and what also makes me really upset is that my parents wont let me ride him by myself. so my parents have to accompany me. BUT heres thier selfish part, neither of them want to come accompany me! my dad always says he has work to do and even if i do get to ride with my dad accompanying me, he just complains all the time, and i cant even ride long cuz he has to get back to his work or whatever. and my mom has this spinal cord injury and a lot of medical stuff. so she complains a lot too. and whenever i ride they both just criticize the way i ride, and just make me really angry and upset, which upsets my horse. i have asked my mom to get a new farrier, and i even searched online and got local numbers for her and she wont call! and she wont let me call them either, and insted of calling anyone she write on facebook "hey anyone know good farriers?" like are you kidding me!? i just gave you numbers! it makes me so upset. i was just trying to convince her to let me ride or something, and she just kept saying no, and said oh just ride him in the yard. and i got really upset and i just walked away to come write this for help. do you have any advice for me about anything?? btw im 14

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • america's got talent? Confused?

    the last America's got talent episode i saw, the judges voted the top 48 acts. and then i watched the quarter finals where they only had 12 acts, what happened? was there and episode i missed? where did all the other acts go?

    2 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • Have you ever met a natural blonde girl named vanessa?

    all the vanessa's i know all have black hair brown eyes, dark eyebrown.. ect. have you ever met a natural blond girl named vanessa?

    4 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • question about child services?

    i know this girl and she is 11 and she is adopted, and her adopted family is emotionally abusing and neglecting her. but she is moving into like a huge mansion, and so my question is, if i call child services, will they take one look at there house and go "well at least shes not on the street" or something like that and just like ignore it, especially because there isn't any physical abuse, well at least i don't think there is... also she they have another adopted daughter that they treat totally differently, she gets anything she wants,, and has better everything, cloths, bedroom furniture, gets paid for good grades, doesn't do any chores. while the 11 y.o. has to clean everything. i swear they use her as like a slave, and she get awful grades cuz no one will help her

  • nose piercing hurts????

    I got my nose pierced about a month ago and it didnt hurt at all for the first couple weeks but now its kind of sensitive and hurts a little when i clean it and stuff, why is that? i got it done professionally and stuff. and also i have the one that looks like a screw or like a half circle, and i was wondering how do i take it out, i cant figure it out lol.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago