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  • Did my drinking affect my mood?

    Im not an alcoholic. Well, I don t think I am. And If I was, it s a beginning stage and I m able to stop. I have stopped. I still like drinking though lol. But I was just stupid for a bit. Anyway, story is, I ve always been really chill. I was able to talk to people well. And I didn t really care about anything. But in a good way. I was motivated. But then I had to leave for the weekend and I stopped taking my antidepressants for those 3 days. And I drank each of those 3 nights because I thought why not? Then when I came back home, I started having about 3-4 shots a night and just listening o music. This weekend, I m really uptight and pissed off easily. I m stuttering just a bit sometimes too. I m 17. You think the alcohol affected anything? I couldn t have lost a lot of brain cells either could I? Sorry if these are stupid questions. Just kinda worried about this and I wrote this in a hurry. Thanks!

    5 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • I sent a knife to my friend for repair. Hes 16. It s been a year. He went off the grid and has not come back. Is there anything I can do?

    We talked before so I knew he was legitimate. He made a few thousand dollars from repairing and modding knives and he always got gooc feedback. Is there anything I can do legally? He s in another state. I tried contacting his mother to no avail.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • I feel bad for myself in the way I feel bad for others?

    I have depression. And it's really bad. And I'm getting through it. But basically, a few months ago was a time when I was super sad. And when I think back on that, I feel bad for my past self. I feel bad for myself right now. I mean, I'm sad, but I also feel bad for myself. Does anyone understand what I mean? Like if you feel bad for someone else... Can someone help me with this?

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • Skyrim antialiasing and ansiotropic filtering?

    I play on a low end LAPTOP. My PC runs with i3 and I honestly don't know the graphics card at all. I've always played skyrim on low settings. But today I tried something. I kept it on low, and turned the textures and decals to high. Nothing else. My game looks sooo much better and performs the same as far as I know. I Was doing the final mission of the main quest at the time so I went to sovngarde and that Nordic cave and ran fraps to see my framerate. I ran at 45 fps and sometimes dropped to 30. So my question is, how much more of the graphics settings can I turn up (like my view distance and stuff like that) until my performance drops? Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • I'm going to high school in the next month and a half. What's the fastest way to cut fat in that time?

    I don't have access to a gym. I need sort of a workout plan. I've been thinking of getting a jump rope and doing 10+ minutes of that everyday. What are some workouts that I can do at home or require no equipment?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • How can I fix things with this girl?

    Basically, she's super busy. And in Japan right now and coming back in August. But we met in May. And some **** happened, and she really liked me, and I really liked her. But she wanted to take things slow. And I was stupid, and went WAY too fast into things. I told her I loved her like 2 weeks in and oh my god. I can't believe I did that. But I just don't think she's feeling it anymore. We still talk, but I can't actually talk to her at the moment unless it's through text. She tells me she's just busy, and that's why she can't talk to me. And she promises it's true. But yeah... I can't believe I turned to Yahoo answers for this. But I hope someone can help. Thanks?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Assassins creed 4: what does Edward say when switching from full sail to half sail or vice versa?

    He says "bring out every inch of sail" but the other things he says I can't understand. It's like "douse the royals." Or "crowd in all arms" or something and I have no idea what he's saying and it bothers me so much. Lmao can someone help?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • What are the laws on imitating someone over social media?

    So I created a troll account of someone online and they're threading to sue me for using that pics of them without permission. Can they even do this? It's like if someone made a fake Twitter account of Obama and tweeting "ugh. Thanks Obama" and stupid **** like that. Thanks in advance! It would really help if you included some sort of law that I could copy and paste. I mean, I'll really stop being an asshole to this guy but I also want to know if he's even able to sue me.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Mass Effect 3: where the hell is all my crew?

    I'm playing ME3 and I just finished ME2. All my squad except for Miranda survived the suicide mission. All of my CREW died except for Dr Chakwas. I'm at the point in ME3 where you get to explore the Normandy for the first time. Where the **** are all my previous squad guys? Like Garrus, Mordin, Grunt, and everyone? Are they all gone? Where and when can I see them again?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • iCloud putting unwanted apps on my iPhone?

    So I just bought an iPad yesterday. This morning I downloaded a bunch of apps on it. But the apps I download also download onto my phone. How do I stop this?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players6 years ago
  • How did my hamster die?

    I was sad. But now I feel like figuring out how she died will make me feel much better. I was sleeping. It happened around midnight. My brother saw her die as he went to the kitchen to get a snack or something. (He stays up late). He went up to my parent's room and told them. I guess she was kind of squealing and squeaking for a little bit. Looked like she was choking? And then he went back to sleep. I went down the next morning to see my dad had put her cage in the garage and that she was dead on her back. I then saw that HER BOTTLE WAS EMPTY. Is that how a hamster would die of dehydration?

    1 AnswerRodents6 years ago
  • Does the interview play in my town?

    Ok. You know that controversial movie "The Interview" starring James Franco and Seth Rogen? Was it cancelled? I wanted to see it. And I saw the release date was on December 11th. But it's not at any of the movie theaters in my town. Lmao. I live in MN by the way. What happened?

    1 AnswerMovies6 years ago
  • What happened to shovel dog?

    I saw the shovel dog gif some time ago. And I just thought of it again. What happened afterwards? Was the creator of the video charged or found? What happened to the dog? I'm just really curious. Lol. thanks!

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Woke up and was too tired to differentiate times?

    I leave for school at 7 AM. So I normally wake up at 6:45 AM. But last night, I woke up in the middle of the night at 12 AM. And I was too tired to realize it was 12 not 7. And I was like "****! I'm gonna be late for the bus!" So I threw on some clothes in the middle of the night. Got my sweatshirt and everything, and left the ******* house in the middle of the night. Walked up to my bus stop thinking I was super late. I got down there, and then I realized. I didn't leave at 7. I left at 12. And I had 7 ******* HOURS to get to school. So I walked back and passed this creepy guy who was wandering around outside. And then I got home, and my parents opened the door and kept asking me questions. I quickly told them what happened but I also didn't want to talk at that time. I was upset with how stupid I was. I went up to bed and slept. Do you know what the hell happened? Did I sleepwalk or something? I haven't been able to talk to my parej a about it since I'm writing this on the bus to school wih my phone. Thanks!

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Are there any major changes after 1 month of learning Jiu Jitsu?

    If not, what are the major benefits after a year? I know it's different for everyone. But like what SHOULD it be?

    4 AnswersMartial Arts7 years ago
  • Why do girls like guy's butts?

    I mean, what do they like to DO to them? Spank them? Touch them? What?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • If I got an electric guitar, would I know how to play acoustic after learning that?

    Or is it different? I want to learn both. But to learn both, which one should I get? Are they that different?

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts7 years ago
  • Does my step dad know I masturbate?

    I'm a 13 year old guy. I was fapping one out when I heard my step dad come up the stairs. I immediately grabbed sweatpants and out them on and ran to the door. I put my erection up in my waistband (because they're sweatpants. People can see easily.) and he said "I have some clean clothes" and I said "ok" after like 5 seconds of an awkward silence he opened the door. I grabbed them (my underwear was on my bed so I think he saw that.) and I threw it onto my bed. I then went into the shower (to use that as my lame excuse.) I'm kinda paranoid now and don't want to leave my room. Lol what should I do?

    5 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago

    Oblivion stutters a LOT. I don't know much about my laptop's graphics, but I do know I have i3 and can run skyrim on low with a steady 30-40 FPS. That being said, I should be able to run oblivion on at least low. Or medium. But I can't! I even turn the settings all the way to very low. IT STILL LAGS. It's so frustrating that I can play other games like HL2, portal 2, skyrim, and that but not oblivion? I tried using the NTCORE 4GB thing. I downloaded the EXE but don't know what to do with it. Can anyone help me reduce this lag? Please!

    2 AnswersPC7 years ago