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just a simple person with complex personality... a bookworm who loves alternative Rock. I love painting and sketching...My drawings and artworks are the things I consider as my special possessions. By the way I'm a Muslim... In case you're afraid or simply hates our like... Know us first before you lured yourself to any misconceptions.

  • I can't access my facebook photo. help me please.?

    this is really getting into my nerves. It's been 2 days now. I can actually see my pictures and the pictures of my friend but every time I try to click on the pictures to look at it in a bigger scale I JUST CAN"T ACCESS IT. what's wrong? this happened after my laptop hanged. so i was kinda pissed so I clicked on the page several times which are not responding at the time.

    please help me.

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • sibling: cat fight. what to do?

    I know this is bad but I HATE MY SISTER.

    I mean I hate her at this very moment.

    so, again, I had a fight with my sister. We fought over an insignificant thing.

    I don't really know how to handle her.

    I'm like 1 year her senior and we are almost absolutely different. How ironical because most people would thought of us as twins. She's an extrovert and I'm introvert. I'm frank and she's not. We are both opinionated but I'm more assertive and at some point much capable of defending myself in a debate. She often tells me that when I say something, I can always make it appear right. I've always been the debater. I'm always the rational. We are both emotional but she's the histrionic type. You can never confront her or say anything negative about her. She would always take it against me if I say that she's doing this and it's not good. She would always say that I'm putting her down. Well, I admit that at some instances I can be brutal when I say things, I'm always the less compassionate of all.She is so sensitive and I'm not. Every time we have confrontations, she would always cry and tell me that all she could do was to cry because no matter what she'll do I'll always be right. At some point, I tell her of how weak she is for always crying and not even trying to speak maturely or think first or understand first what's my or our point.

    When she cries it's always like she's dieing. It's bothering me because she has a heart problem and at some point I feel like she's using it so that no one could confront her.

    She hates being reprimanded.

    She would always say that she's jealous of me because of my achievements in High School and how she thinks that mama and papa always have something to be proud of me.

    She doesn't see her achievements and what she is capable of without having it compared to me. When in fact, I should be the one to get jealous. She's always a happy person, always the life of the house, has a lots of friends, always have lots of things to do with friends.

    Maybe, I'm also jealous of her which could be the reason why I easily get provoked by her.

    It's funny because despite our usual cat-fight we can easily get along. We enjoy several things together. We like talking and sharing to each other.

    We are like the super sisters and then out of no where just fight over small things.

    Now we're both in college and living together far from home.

    I really don't know how to handle her. It annoys me that she's acting so immature and at the same time hating myself for being immature as well.

    I HATE HER- that is my very feeling at this very moment.

    but I LOVE HER- I will always love her and always feels like I should always protect her and be with her. Just so happened that I'm not that expressive. I don't appear to be caring even if deep inside I do really care.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • why adam didn't won AI?

    please do explain your answers.:D:D:D:D

    Obviously he is the best Idol contestant.

    so what you think happened?

    a. Americans are homophobic?

    b. Most Americans are devout Christians and conservatives?

    c. It is typical for a Southerner to win the AI?

    d. Kris is way better than Adam?

    e. Just tell me what you think?

    thank you....

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • related to nursing: GOOD OR BAD!?

    I'm a nursing student...

    I'm an egotist.

    I don't believe in Altruism...

    I guess, in society's standard I'll never be considered a good nurse...

    However, I believe in respect and I guess nursing should need more respect to the person being cared and to oneself, as well.

    I see nurses who are stocked in their profession or course.

    I guess, they respect money more that dignity itself.

    I don't want to be like them.

    MY QUESTION IS: does it make me a bad person for not even attempting/pretending to care( care- I mean affectionate)?

    Or doesn't it make others far worst when they try/pretend to suck up everything and eventually losing respect for that person...

    (respect_ i mean the very concept of at least being able to be true to the person)

    some pretends to like caring and actually treats their patient compassionately but at the back of their mind they are cursing that person.

    I believe respect is more sustainable than the mere idea of altruism.

    I believe it's better to treat my patient as cold as possible as long as I am being true to him and not deluding him to the idea that I do really care. At least I am not fooling him.

    ( I think I'm not stating my point clear, but just in case you grasped what i mean)

    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Adam Lambert gay: does it matter?

    so the infamous pictures of Adam Lambert has circulated the internet since he got in the top 10.

    It's kinda weird at first.

    I thought it was just another photoshopped pictures but dude it appears to be authentic.( well, I'm not really that sure)

    anyway, gay or not his a good singer. Not just someone who can sing and play an act. ADAM is talented.

    there's so many great gay people in the music industry ( e.g. Freddy Mercury)

    but my opinion doesn't matter that much. I want to know what you think.

    Do you think it matters?

    Does it affect the whole package from selling?

    10 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • only to those who have read Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead?

    He is an epitome of a man perhaps everyone must have wished to be.

    What do you think of Howard Roark?

    Is his existence possible or a mere idea that will remain to be just an ideal idea of what a man ought to be.

    Can/would you want to be like him? why and why not?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • can any body translate this? Indonesian or Malaysian?

    harus tegar menghadapi kenyataan...sepahit apapun itu... jalani hidup dengan apa adanya... smoga cita-cita ku terwujud.... perjuangan ku masih panjang...... perjuangan ku masih panjang.....!!!!!

    thank you.

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • pain or nothing at all???

    would you rather feel pain than feel nothing at all? why and why not? does emotions makes us human or does being human enables us to have emotions?

    13 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • i'm taking co-amoxiclav... missed dose...?

    what should i do if i missed taking co-amoxiclav on time?... 40 minutes late...

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • what is CHFR?


    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • I'm starting to hate my mum... how am i gonna bridge the differences?h?

    Not that I don't love her, it's just that...

    1. Generation gap- of course I know I must adjust things from way back are different from what it is today.

    2. She stupidly values debt of gratitude too much that at times she was being used and manipulated.

    3. She thinks that I must be good because at one point in my life I would need some hand- but do I always have to be kind even to those unkind to me?

    4. for same reasons as number 3. She is very generous and helpful but most of the time she is being used and is blindly willing to be used by her parasite relatives.

    5. She doesn't like me being frank with my opinions.

    6. She doesn't care about how I feel.

    7. She thinks she's right when she's not and she's not willing to admit it even its too obvious.

    8. We fight most of time because of our different views, she simply hate the way I think.

    10. Very old fashioned-does not consider changing for what might be better than what she has been for generation taught to do.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • what would push you???

    If a person has done wrong to you would you do the same thing to him as retaliation for such act he/she had committed to you. Do you think that’s how fairness should be defined or justice perhaps??? Why or why not? And if ever you decide yes, what kind of act would it be that would push you to doing evil? Would it be worth it?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • smart people:are they really smart?

    Is it when you are smart or more philosophical you tend to know more about the world than the average people. I mean they're understanding about the way things are going, are more open, critical and logical. Shouldn't they be more understanding when people of such limited knowledge or logic commit mistakes due to their limitations? For instance a philosophy teacher couldn't just apply the thoughts he/she is trying to teach his/her students. Of course i don't mean that because they're smart then they are not allowed to do such poor judgment. It's just that they are more equipped to understand things.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what is your opinion about this:abc Primetime - How Muslims Are Treated In USA?

    If you happen to own a restaurant or any fast food would you serve a Muslim costumer? Same as if you happened to witness such incident would you be among those 6 people who were on the side of the waiter or would you be on the side of those 13 people? Or will you just set there as if nothing happens...? You think it is America and America should be like that? Why and why not?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • philippine:philhealth?

    what is your recommendations for the improvement of this health insurances service... thanks.

    5 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Aaamina Wadud??? Gender Jihad...?

    I’ve seen a copy of her book “inside the gender jihad”. I’ve had a few scanning of the text and eventually got intrigued about this person. What do you think of her writings, especially “inside the gender jihad”-her views and the cause she is fighting for? Also, what can you say about the New York incident-at which she lead a prayer. ? Do you condemn her and consider her as a blasphemous person-woman? Why???

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Corticosteroid???

    I'm currently on a corticosteroid medication for my asthma. I know that it inhibits the signs and symptoms of infalammation. I was just wondering every time I take the drug I always feel heat. It's like when you drink a strong liquor. I was thinking if prednisone can actually dilate blood vessels cause i really feel like my blood pressure increases every time i take it. Also my skin reddens. I'm I experiencing some adverse effect of this drug?

    5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • do you think its time for Islam prayers to be translated into other language?

    I'm a Muslim... I am not an Arab and I don't understand the prayers that we recite... I'm praying with a tongue I do not understand, I don't even know how to recite it right... I don't know if English prayers are already being used. Some says that the prohibition for the translation is to prevent the original text from being corrupted and the message from being mislead… but the problem is how I could adhere to it when I cannot understand it???

    8 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • where could I get a good english translated Qur'an??? are they for sale?

    I wan't to learn more about my religion... I want to build a strong foundation to my faith... the bad thing is I couldn't understand the arab language...

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago