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Callie B.
I love to live life and I do mybest not to allow other people to get to me and stop me from loving and being loved.I guess all in all I'm Blessed.
How do you get a 1 1/2 yr. old off the binky?
I've tried everything that I can think of , and nothing has worked so far. Now he can go to sleep without it, but he has his days where if he doesn't have it he will have a breakdown. I've gone out and brought blankets, stuffed dogs that sing songs, etc. I'm at lost here and didn't know what else to do, the potty training is going better than getting him to get off the binky.
7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agorelationship problems???????????????????????
I've been with my boyfriend for three years now, and I'm starting to think that he might have feeling for someone else, what should I do? I go to school full-time, work full-time, I take care of home. Our little one is in the bed and feed and cleaned before he comes home. He always has a hot meal waiting for him when he walks in the door. I run him a bath or whatever and I sit and ask him about his day and I rub his feet and other parts. All I ask is that he shows me respect, and love that is it. and at the end of the day I get nothing but his behind to kiss. What is that about?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoOne of my best friends just turned 21 and she could be with child but doesn't want to tell the guy she did?
I didn't know what to do her family beliefs are different?And she is scared about what her parents will do. I mean they pay for her to go to college and her car she drives is paid off because of her parents. And now is she talking about killing her baby. And the guy that she did the deed with knows that she is pregnant wants to help her but she doesn't want to talk to him or have anything to do with. How can I convince her not to kill the baby and to talk with everyone about what is going on. I'm at lost for words here. I love her like my sister and I want the best for her. But I mad at her for the choice she want make. Help me please.
2 AnswersFriends1 decade agoA good friend of mine is thinking about having sex again with different mean What do I do?
We have been friends since for every and she started having sex at 14 and now that she is 21 and been with out sex for a year she is thinking about doing it all over again with different people. I didn't know what to do she has had over 50 people and she is only 21 years old. I didn't know what to do any more I have talked and prayed about it all I'm lost for words I just didn't want her to get AIDS/HIV or anything else in between. I need help someone please give me some kind of advise that will help me to help her.
3 AnswersFriends1 decade agoI'm pregnant and I have a problem please help?
Okay I'm AA which means I didn't have sickle and my boyfriend is AS which means he has sickle trait. Does this mean that our child will have the trait or not. I know that it all depends on my genes and and his genes. And I know that which every gene is more stronger then the other. But both his sister's have SS which is sickle and all three of his nephews have sickle. I so know I can get the baby tested when he or she comes out. But in the mean time can someone with the right knowledge inform me of my child can or can not get the trait. Thank you
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoI'm having problems with my boyfriend, I need help?
Okay we were laying in the bed getting ready to go to sleep and I got really cooled and I wanted to sleep at the wall and he said something really disrespectful to me. This is my problem... I said, "Baby can we Switch places cause I'm cold and I want to sleep at the wall". And what comes out of his mouth is this "I will let you get the wall if you give me some h.e.a.d. I started to cry and then he said I'm sorry baby I was playing but he has never talked to me like that. And on top of that I do everything, I work 80 hours I come home and I cook, clean, wash, and we have sex and everything in between like every single day. And all I ask is that when is not working to cook or clean up be does he know. So Thursday was my only day off, and I didn't everything he wanted and needed. And when I ask for one little thing he becomes rude with me for no reason. And not to mention I pregnant with his child and he disrespects me like that. What should I do?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoI'm pregnant ...... What kind of delivery did you have? Woman and Men can answer?
Okay I'm 3months pregnant and scared out of my mind. This is my first child. Everyone is saying its twice because I'm too big for just three months. What scares me is having the baby and the needles.
9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoI haven't gotten my period? Please Help serious question?
Okay I'm 23 yrs old, I've only been with one person. I've had sex with my boyfriend and I got my period for last month but my period has not came for this month. It was suppose to be here this week and it's not here I'm a week late. I have been having problems keeping food down. My stomach feels funny, my breast are sore, and I'm worried that I might be prego. I took a test and it said no. I'm waiting to take another one by this week coming up. I didn't know what to do I'm scared, I know we talked about having a family and adopting. But not this soon. He is in the ARMY, I just finished my master's in Business law and I'm on my way in for my MBA in Social working and a minor in Child Psychology. I just didn't know what to say if I am. And my parents they already have to grandchild by my older sister and her husband. I need help please help.
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoI took Vioxx...?
I took Vioxx for my OA and now I'm in a lot of pain and I can't get around like I need to. Well I stop taken Vioxx cause I noticed mood swing and other problems that I never had before. I talked with a lawyer but they do not know if they could help me. I was despressed for 6months to a 1yr. I wanted and thought about harming myself, alot of other things. I just want to know If I have a case. Cause before the knee injuries and the Vioxx I was fine and not thinking or wanting to harm myself. And know that I took vioxx I sometimes have short term memory loss.
1 AnswerMedicine1 decade agoI just found out I was getting money?
I just found out that after 7yrs of pain I'm getting money for alll the pain that I'm going through with my knee I have OA and it's painful. I was on Vioxx for a while but I got off because it was making me depressed and I was having mood swings. And now that I'm getting this money everyone is all up in y face like they know me, but I didn't have any money they didn't know me but as soon as they found out I was getting paid. They wanted to come around and be my friend what should I do?
3 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoHaving problems with my period? Women only?
For the past 5months I have had a really bad period, and now that it is 6months I woke up in alot of pain. I have gone through 4 packs of pads that have 32 pads in a pack. And I went through all the tampons in a box. I called my mom and decided that I need to see an OGYN cause I have never gone before in my life. I called and they said they were going to test me for very thing, but if they found cancer they would have to remove my uterus. I'm really scared. What advice can you give me?
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoWho was in the wrong here? I need help serious answers only please!?
Back in April I went to pay my bf light bill that is split between me and his roomate. Well anyways I wrote a check for a 100.00 and all I had in my checking account was 105.00. The check went through, the ladies at the power company decided to use my roating and checking account information to pay off his roomates part of the bill. So the second check bounced and cause me to have to pay 120.00 cause the second one bounced. I never gave the power company permission to write a second check. And on top of that his roomate has never paid a bill. we pay 330.00 and she pays 195.00 for the rent but doesn't help with the light bill. So anyways. Yesterday She wrote a note saying she wanted us the give her the money to pay the bill. But in the past when we gave her money to pay the bill she only paid like 20 out of like 140.00 we gave her. And when she came home and asked for the money, I went in her room to show that we went to pay it. And that is when she went off and started cursing at me
6 AnswersFriends1 decade agoHow do you help someone that feels left out in world and in the family?
I'm 24yrs old. I have a sister that feels as if she is left out when it comes to the family and she wants everyone to kneel to her every beggin' call. She is sometime rude and disrespectful to not just me and our other sister but also to our mom. Basically she is stuck on herself and only wants to deal with what she wants she doesn't care about anybody. I went all out my way to make sure she still had a car after she quit her job. But when I needed her she turn the other cheek and didn't care about me and that fact that I need my meds. What do you do when someone you care about only care's about theirsleves?
3 AnswersFamily1 decade agowhat do you fear the most out of life?
Best answer get's 10pts. And in detail what I fear the most!
17 AnswersQuotations1 decade agoTell me why you choose the person you are with? What makes them special to you! Best Answer gets 10pts.?
The reason why I'm with the person I'm with is because he is caring, loving, giving, likable, kissable, basically he is eveything that I have always wanted in a boyfriend. He is ver dear to my needs and wants, he has be very patient with me and love me through my ups and downs. He is really my prince charming. And I love him with all my heart and soul. He is my soulmate and that I thank God for him eveyday.
9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoTell me who the most wonderful person in your life and why?
My mom is the most wonderful person in my life. Even though I'm 24yrs. old and my other sisters are grown too my mom goes out of her way to make sure we have what we need and what we want. She was always gone with out so that we could have. She is my best friend, we didn't see eye to eye at all times but she is always there to listen and give good advice. And she is wonderful and I than GOD for her everyday. I'm bless to have her in my life.
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agoTell me something that you have done for someone you love with all your heart?
I will go first, My name is callie and I'm 24 yrs old. I have been with my boyfriend for two years. We are getting married in 2010. My surprise to him is that I'm having his baby. Well what I did that was suprising was... I found out he wanted a brand new car and I went out of my way to get the car. And I was able to get the car this friday before he went to work. And when he came outside to go to work there was the car sitting there and he was so shocked. And when I told hi the car was for hi he went run and screaming. He ran to e and was like thank you baby this is all that I wanted plus you. And then I told him I was preggo. And he jumped up and down and was more happy then I was when I found out.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI asked my boyfriend to take a shower with me and... This is for the Guys Only?
I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend, and I was getting ready to take a shower and I wanted him to join me and he said that he was leaving. So I got upset and when he realized I was upset we was like "I thought you were taken a shower"? And I told him that he could go and do what he wanted cause it wasn't spending time with me. And the only reason he wanted to spend time was cause he realized that he was going to get catered to well in the shower? And that upset me cause even though he was going to get sex and a b and j doesn't mean he could just blow me off and then decided to take a shower when he realized it. I want to know if your girl asked you to join her in the shower would you or would you make up a reason not too? What should I do?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI just found out my ex is getting out of jail at 7am. We didn't end on a good note! Serious answers please
Okay, I was raped by my ex-boyfriend. I couldn't face going to court and telling judge and other people in the court room what he did. Cause some people do not understand what it's like to be a woman and have your whole world tuned upside down. I lost trust in everyone around I lived my life in fear of my past and being hurt. Well he got out on good behavoir ain't that some *** for real. He use to beat me and any other kind of abuse you can think of he did to me. And I know you are probably wonderful why Ii stayed and didn't leave him or tell someone. I was 14 at the time and he didn't rape me until I turned 16 and after the rape I got preggo with his child and he beat me until I lost the baby. He left me to die after beating me. I didn't get the courage to leave and I haven't looked back. I'm in a health relationship with a wonderful man that wants to help and understand my pain. I guess my question is what do I do? Cause I'm pass scared and's 3:40 am and I should be zzzz.
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago