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  • Physics problem dealing with projectile motion 10 pts best answer?

    Today, we got a physics problem assigned to us for extra credit, but I'm having a very difficult time trying to solve it. I know that you have to use motion equations to find unknowns and stuff, but I'm stuck as to how to solve it. Our teacher told us that the final answer is about 31 m/s, but now I need to figure out just how to get that answer. The problem reads as follows:

    A pitched ball is hit by a batter at a 45 degree angle and just clears the outfield fence, 98 meters away. Assume that the fence is at the same height as the pitch and find the velocity of the ball when it left the bat. Neglect air resistance.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. And please show your work/explain how you got the final answer. 10 points will be awarded to the person who helps me out the most. Thanks!

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Physics question dealing with terminal velocity? It's driving me nuts!?

    Okay, so we have to complete a lab report on Air Resistance. The one question is completely stumping me, and I was wondering if you could help me out.

    If one filter falls in time, t, how long would it take four filters to fall, assuming the filters are always moving at terminal velocity?

    It would mean a lot if you could help! I can't figure it out to save my life.

    3 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • How to use trig identities to transform one side of the equation into the other?

    Can you help me with these two problems? I have to use trig identities to transform one side of the equation into the other and I'm very confused. If you could explain how you got the answer, that would be great!

    (1 + cos theta)(1 - cos theta) = sin^2 theta

    sin^2 - cos^2 = 2sin^2 theta - 1

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Trig help! 10 pts best answer!?

    We are working on solving systems using the method of elimination. There are three problems that I'm confused on because they involve fractions. If you could please show me how to solve each problem it would be greatly appreciated! Include all of your work too please. And I know this is a lot of work so there will be a best answer chosen! Thanks!

    x/4 + y/6 = 1

    x - y = 3

    (x+3)/4 + (y-1)/3 = 1

    2x - y = 5

    (x-1)/2 + (y+2)/3 = 4

    x - 2y = 5

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Trig help! 10 pts best answer!?

    Subtract using a common denominator.

    x/x-3 - 2/3x+4

    Please show your work. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Songs that persuade others? HELP! 10 pts best answer!?

    As an assignment for my CP English class we have to find a song that persuades others. It can be as song that persuades you to do something, think a certain way, not take part in an activity, etc. Any song is allowed as long as it isn't violent (no swear words, violence, etc). I'm having a hard time thinking of a song so could you help me out? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Exponents help...trig problem! 10 pts best answer!?

    The directions say to evaluate the expression. Can you help me solve this problem? Please show all of your work. Thanks!


    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Hazel eyes...need eyeshadow help! 10 pts best answer?

    I'm 15 years old and this is my first time experimenting with eyeshadow. I have hazel eyes (greenish/brown) and I recently bought a container of eyeshadow that has a navy blue, ivory, gray/silverish, and lighter blue eyeshadow in it. Reading about hazel eyes people say you can wear a lot of different colors. Do you have any tips for applying these colors the best to my eyes? What ways should I combine the colors to make it best compliment my eye color? I really like the shades but I'm not sure how to best combine them. I don't want a style that is too dramatic looking since this is all pretty new to me.


    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Guy friend asks about my period? 10 points best answer!?

    I have a very open relationship with my best guy friend in the whole world. We tell each other absolutely everything. Often times he will ask if I got my period or if I'm pmsing because of the way I'm acting. Do guys typically do this? I'm just curious as to whether it is just him or if other guys do that too. I don't mind but it just puzzles me a bit. Most guys run the other direction when periods are mentioned but he is very open about the subject. He is like that with all the girls he talks to (girlfriend included). Just wondering.

    Do your best guy friends talk about that kind of thing? How do they react when you tell them you have your period? Do you even tell them at all?

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • HELP! My cake roll failed! 10 points best answer!?

    I tried to make a vanilla cake roll but when I inverted it everything stuck fast and pieces are over baked and others are just perfect. What can I do with this mess? Are there any desserts I could make with the pieces of cake roll that I was able to save. Please help! I don't want to just throw it away.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Substitute for green curry paste! HELP! 10 pts best answe!?

    I found a recipe for a Thai chicken and rice dish. I have everything the recipe calls for except the green curry paste. Is there anything I can substitute that would give the chicken the same great flavor that the curry paste would provide? I don't have the ingredients to make my own paste either so that isn't an option. And I don't have any curry powder. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! 10 pts for the best answer!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What's in your purse? 10 points best answer!?

    Hey ladies!

    I'm a little bored so I thought it would be fun to see what all is in everyone's purse. So go get your purse, dump it out, and type exactly what you find! I'm sure we will have some interesting things.

    Here is my list:


    hand sanitizer


    Dutch Blitz cards

    pencil case (pens, pencils, school sports schedule, highlighters)


    old May Day ticket


    zebra wallet


    playing cards


    colored pencils

    random papers

    flash drive

    index cards

    gum wrappers

    lip gloss


    Now it's your turn!

    12 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Cross Country for 1st time

    A few kids at my school are trying to start a cross country team for next year. Currently, there is not team, because our school district is dumb and doesn't allow us to have near as many choices in activities as the kids would like. So there is a petition going around to try to start a cross country team text year.

    If indeed they can get a team started next year, what should I do to prepare this summer? How many miles should I run and what advice do you have for me? I currently run after school, but can't find the drive to keep going and push myself. I can run only .5 miles without stopping which isn't very good. I really want to improve this summer so if you could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Feeling like the third wheel b/w friend and her bf. Help?

    My friend has been dating this guy for about a year and a half. We used to be best friends, but lately, I feel like we have been drifting apart because she is always hanging out with him. I like both of them alot. They are nice, funny, and just great people to be around. But I always feel like I am the third wheel when I hang out with them. They have conversations that I don't really belong in. They giggle and tickle each other and stuff. I just feel like I don't belong with them. We have a big dance coming up on Saturday. I am going to sit with my friend and her boyfriend, but I'm very worried that I'm not going to fit in and they will feel like I'm intruding. What do I do to help prevent this feeling?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Who will be eliminated next from American Idol?

    I wasn't too surprised by the people who went home this past week from American Idol. Who do you think will be the next to go and why? Just curious to see what everyone thinks.

    3 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • What's in your purse??? 10 points best answer!?

    Hey girlies!!!

    So here is my survey/poll thing:

    Go get your purse right now. Tell me what kind of person you have (describe it if you want to) and go through it and tell me what all is in it! LOL, no cheating!!!

    Mine is my school purse which is a blue tote bag from American Eagle. I have my student planner, book from the library, pens, pencils, highlighters, zebra striped wallet, lg xenon cell phone, garage door opener, chemistry flash cards, notecards for world history, lotion, hand sanitizer, two sides mirror, bobby pins, ponytail holder, map of Pennsylvania (long story!), stray papers, envelope, calculator, perfume, nail file, gum wrappers,lip gloss, chapstick.

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Ask me one question!!! 10 points for best question!!!?

    Hey everyone!

    Today is a snow day and I'm super bored so I decided to do this:

    Each person who reads this is entitled to ask me one question about anything in my life (boys, personal questions, etc) HOWEVER nothing that will reveal personal information like telephone numbers, addresses, etc. I will edit the question and include the answers to all of your questions. The person who comes up with the most creative question will get best answer and get 10 points!

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Most embarrassing period story? Girls only!?

    Hey girlies,

    I just wanted you all to share your most embarrassing period story with me! I'll share mine with all of you! 10 points to the most embarrassing, TRUE period story!

    Last May, right before May Day (crowning of a princess and dance that follows at my school), I got my period. It was two weeks late and it decided to arrive the day before the big dance. I knew I would be around a ton of guys and girls so I was quite worried that I would leak. I texted my friend and explained my situation. She was so sorry for me but there was obviously nothing she could do. So May Day arrived and I met my friend and her boyfriend (who is quite cute and nice) at May Day because we were going to sell the tickets. I said something to her about my text message and her boyfriend told me he read the message! I was so embarrassed! He recited exactly what the text message said and he started laughing, but wasn't rude about it in anyway. We made a joke out of it and went on with the evening. The initial shock of knowing that he knew I had my period was enough to put me into total shock!!! We are still good friends today. He wrestles and my friends and I are making tshirts to support him!

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago