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Scocasso !
I am a very inquisitive commonsense person; always seeking answers to questions I have; like to share the information I have found on topics of interest. I am open-minded and when I’m looking for information, I always dig deeper than the surface, beyond propaganda, paid-for research by those with vested interests, etc. I am very interested in natural health, good food, nature, outdoors, and basically trying to live as naturally as possible in today’s shitty corporate-ruled anti-nature human world. I am not interested in work work working my life away as my parents did only to help the rich become richer. Rather live a less fast paced life, slow down, spend time with my children (I'm single! Message me if ya want, don't be shy!), teach them, get to know them, and be... just, together. If that means I can't own a boat and SUV, so be it. I'll stick to gardening with my kids and trying my best to create a self-supporting lifestyle, even if I'm forced to live in the city, driving to nature
I don't understand the use of the word "pick" and phrase "pick in"?
I'm following a recipe, from the UK. I don't understand the use of the word "pick" and phrase "pick in"
[...Pick, finely chop, and add the parsley leaves, then pick in the thyme leaves. Stir well to combine, then season to taste...]
What does it mean exactly?
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes6 years agoAre you a former vegan/vegetarian - why did you change?
Three questions:
1) Were you once a vegan/vegetarian?
2) Were you raised a vegan/vegetarian?
3) Why did you change to eating animal products, or eating meat, or other non-vegetarian/vegan foods?
Peer-pressure? Felt left-out? Too 'difficult'? Not enough will power? Social problems? Felt something was missing from diet? Nostalgia for certain food from your pre-veg days won you over? Societal pressures? Cultural pressures? A strong need to conform? You are a follower not a leader? Not sure why you became veg in the first place? Being non-veg is just easier. Health problems. Doctor told me to. Parents forced me to. Married into a non-veg family. I used to love animals, but a dog bit me one day, and I decided to eat it. ...feel free to really psychoanalyze yourself.
6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoExtra Virgin Olive Oil congeals; other brand does not?
I use extra virgin olive oil all the time, but this week tried a different brand.
I turn the heat off in my house when I'm out, I know that olive oils congeal at lower temperatures, but my usual brand does not, but my new brand thickens considerably at the same temperature; I can't even pour it out it becomes so thick.
So, why the difference? Obviously there's a fat content difference, but why? Are some olives more fatty? Or do they filter the fat with some oils and not others?
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoDoes anyone have experience with natural birth control?
I.e. Alternative to the Pill and IUDs, and even an alternative to condoms etc.
Such as a (Catholic) couple I know merely have sex at a certain time of the month when she's not fertile. Yes, that means resisting that period where the pheromone and horniness will be at their peak and waiting until later in the month... yikes, what will power!!
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoWhat are your favourite vegan/natural sex products?
All condoms are not vegan
Neither are lubes
Some lubes are vegan, but very chemical
Favourite brands, companies, or home-made recipes??
All natural items, free of chemicals, perfumes, petroleum, etc.?
(yes, I do realized this is in the food section, but it's the only veg section, and some of this stuff will be in our mouthes if that makes you feel better).
10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoDo you count calories? Would you stop counting calories if you discovered how they are actually calculated?
If so:
- Would you continue to count calories if you found out that calories are measurement totally unrelated to the human digestive system?
- What if you found out that calories are measured by actually burning the food product and the heat created is measured and converted into a number that someone decided to call "calories"?
- What if you realized that when you eat food, that food does not burst into flames in your stomach, but does something else, called digestion?
- What if you understood these facts and realized that calories were a completely meaningless measurement as far as measuring "energy via digestion" as it actually is a measurement of "energy via combustion"?
- Would you stop counting calories if you understood the above facts?
11 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoIron deficiency - only meat helps, no other supplements work, why?
Someone I know, female 29 years old, has very low iron levels.
Apparently she would be vegetarian, if she could, but she has trouble with iron absorption. Quite severe trouble. She has tried all sorts of iron supplements but none do the trick. She found that only by eating meat can she get enough iron into her system. If she stops eating meat, she starts to feel lethargic and lacking in energy. I haven't asked yet, but I'm sure she knows that there are things that help and hinder iron absorption. But, could there be any other thing besides diet that could be affecting iron levels in her blood? Such as The Pill or certain medications, or...? And what is it that allows the iron to absorb from the meat she eats (which is not very much) but not from spinach, or iron supplements, or other sources?
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoDo you ever specifically go out to meet other veggies?
Anyone go out locally to specifically meet other veggies?
If you are looking, what do you do to meet other like-minded people?-- potluck club, environmental group, EarthSave, Peta, other local groups or events?
Have you ever travelled a long distance to meet up with people?
What about internet dating/friendship sites?
Such as these free ones:
Made any connections? Met any people? Made friends? Started a relationship?
6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoPersonal Accounting Set Up - How to enter a Car Loan?
Let's say that I purchased the car for $15,000
After the term of the loan is over and paid for it will be $17,500.
Under "Fixed Assets - Car" do I put $15,000 or $17,500?
I am guessing that I put $15,000 and calculate the rest under "Car Interest", no?
The interest is already calculated in the loan and set to $2500 and included in the total of my monthly payments, that won't change... So...? Is it still separate?
For the interest, do I put in the monthly interest amount via the loan rate percentage, say 3.9%? My monthly payments will not change... and calculating by percentage it may not come to the same whole number that the loan payment is set to.
Then there's the monthly "Car Payments" I put under expenses, of say $175, which includes the interest on the loan. I cannot separate the interest from the monthly payments, but somehow I must separate the interest from the true value of the car, correct? How do I do that?
When calculating "Car Depreciation" I will use $15,000 as the starting number, correct? Since that's how much it was originally worth.
I also put a down-payment of $1000 to reduce the monthly payments. Where do I enter this into the equation?
3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoAnyone tried that KFC Vegetarian Chicken Burger yet?
Let's hear your review of this menu item (only if you have tried eating it, or have some insight into the ingredients, or preparation).
No theories or speculation please.
Yes I already realize that it may be cross contaminated on the preparation surface or the cooking surface or by the food handler.
Have you eaten one yet?
Is the mayo vegan? Likely not, but anyone confirm this yet?
11 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoIs the KFC veggie-chicken burger vegan?
KFC now has a vegetarian mock chicken burger in Canada, is it also egg,dairy, etc. free too?
I think Pamela Anderson is a vegan, and she was eating one for publicity the other day. I'd like to try one, but only if it's vegan. The allergy information sheet on their products page on the KFC website has not been updated to include the veggie burger yet (last updated 2007 it says). Any word on this?
10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoWhy do UK TV shows on DVD have no subtitles/closed captioning?
UK films on DVD usually do have subtitles/closed captioning.
Is this lack on TV shows due to some logistics, or are they just not big on subtitles/CC on TV in the UK?
1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade agoVegetarian/Vegans outside of North America -- What's your experience?
What country are you from, and what's it like being a Vegetarian/Vegan where you live? Travel experiences welcome.
i.e. easy, difficult, popular, unpopular, new trend, ancient practise, not a big deal, everyone bothers me, I'm treated respectfully, shopping and eating at restaurants... try to give us a general picture of what it's like where you are as opposed to in N. America where most of the YahooAnswers people seem to be from (maybe I'm wrong). I'd love to hear from people who live or have lived in Taiwan, China, India, Middle East, Europe, Russia... or maybe some places which we all imagine to be 100% meat eaters such as in the Himalayas.
I've even met people from Germany who say such things as, "You can't buy vegetables in Germany other than maybe potatoes, so you have to eat meat. There are no vegetarians in Germany."
3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoAnyone been on
I have.
What's your experience on the site?
Do you find that certain people gang up on others?
Bashing their opinions etc.?
From this experience I think I now know the source of people who find many vegans to be highly annoying.
5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoAnyone tried the vegan cheese from Scotland called Scheese?
Worth the price?
How much does it cost where you live?
Costs $8 here! Ouch!
Anyone from Scotland -- how much is it there?
2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoWhat companies make beer without hops?
I think hops taste DISGUSTING.
There used to be all sorts of ales made with all kinds of tasty things, now it's just hops... hops hops hops...
It seems that most beer drinkers do not drink it for the flavour -- otherwise they'd be drinking the non-alcoholic ones too, just for the taste when, say, at work etc.
So, are there any beers that actually TASTE good?
I.E. beer not for getting drunk, but for actual flavour?
You know, something that you would try when you were a kid and say, "Mmmm, this is yummy!" I tried my dad's beer when I was a kid, and yuck -- it was gross. He kept drinking it, and so did others. Hm, maybe I'll try it again... nope still gross. Year after year I'd think, maybe I was wrong, and take a sip.... nope, still gross.
Enlighten me with some yummy tasting beer.
15 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoHow is it that in the USA words are so frequently mispronounced; not only that but become mainstream?
Not just recently, even listening to old radio shows it was quite common; although it never made it to the dictionary. But today, such mispronunciations are now found in the American dictionaries as one of two ways of saying a word.
It seems Americans have a habit of just reading a word as it is written. I just saw on a kids tv show where there were learning to canoe and the word portage was said "por-tedge" -- I was laughing, but they were serious! But I find more common words such as 'route' to be more annoying as in the last 10 years is has changed from the proper way "root" to "rowt". Certainly many words are highly debatable in their pronunciation (see differences between British/American) but there are some such as the word 'route' which cannot be said any other way than "root". Have you ever heard of the song that goes "Get your kicks on Route 66". Yet the popularity of the song cannot stop this "rowt" word from spreading. English language totally unprotected in the USA?
14 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoWhat fruit/vegetable/nut/legume/grain/etc. do you refuse to eat?
The vegetables I learnt to hate as a kid I later as an adult found out that actually they taste great. They only don't taste great when someone, such as my parents, cook the crap out of them. Such as the canned peas they would boil for 15 minutes, then pour any little flavour they had down the drain.
What I can think of right now:
1. Brussels sprouts, yes, disgusting swamp plant.
2. Anything really bitter.
3. Anything poisonous and/or not edible by humans.
4. I think grapefruit is gross.
11 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoHetero Males: does your woman contradict you in public?
Has this happened to you?
Do you think they do this out of pure genetic programming?
My wife seems totally oblivious to my boiling anger, totally.
It's like she cannot resist saying something.
Do you do anything about it?
I've seen it happen millions of times before growing up. A man will be talking to someone about just any topic and his woman (girlfriend, wife, etc.) will step in and say something to cut him down. Sometimes the guy can barely say two sentences before she's doing it again and again.
I'm older now, it's happening to me by my wife (once in awhile). Men typically do not do this, because in the male world, those would be fighting words. It seems to me that the female, once away from the privacy of the home feels a certain safety in public, where she'd never get away with saying such things at home since it's rude and insulting, but the man must save face in public.
Females: feel free to add your input too; especially if you have some insight into this behaviour.
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoTo Christians and followers of Jesus - What do you think of the Nazarene Essenes?
I'm currently reading " The Essene Gospels of Peace" and I think that these need to be added back into the Bible. Or at least made known to all Christians and followers of the teachings of Jesus. Well, maybe it is just me that never heard of these before.,but don't you think it is strange that such specific teachings of being good and living in harmony with the earth and nature etc.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago