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  • Itching Skin - no relief help!!?

    My wife and I are stumped trying to find an answer. I have these crazy bouts of itching that is seemingly not stopping. I went to the allergist and had some allergy test ran. He said that I am allergic to dust mites, grass/weed, and cat hair. We have been cleaning our house top to bottom with a Hepa filter vacuum (Dyson) and installed bed covers and pillow covers that are dust mite proof. We have wiped down the walls, the roof, and pretty much everything but the itching continues. I don't go outside much and work from home. Does anyone know of what might cause this? We have ruled out lice or bed bugs. I don't know if it helps much but I've had gastric bypass surgery. Please help...we are driving ourselves nuts with the constant cleaning and vacuuming.

    I've tried Cortozone 10 and allergy meds but they only seem to put a small dent in the itching.

    3 AnswersAllergies8 years ago
  • Artifical Neural Networks - can they figure out how to auto fill forms?

    I guess my question is that I am developing an application and I'm looking into automating my process at a certain level.

    To be able to set my application on auto-pilot I was wondering if neuro networking can be used to navigate to a list of url's and figure out what textbox's are needed and fill them out for me? Example: username, password, email address. If all the accounts are totally different can a neural network navigate to the site, download the html and trial an error figure out which textbox is the correct textbox or should I just setup a slew of if statements instead?


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Brand new to computer programming - What do you recommend book wise?

    Hey guys,

    I'm a complete noob to the programming world and I'm looking for a non classroom book to learn how to teach myself how to program.

    I've tried to grab a few books on the topic but they all seem to be geared towards being new to that language and not programming.

    Can you direct me to a series of books that will show me the ropes on programming?


    I'm thinking of taking up C# since it is what I read that most noobs come into when they first start out and it's .NET based but if you think I should go a different route I'm all ears and stressed out trying to find a foundation.

    6 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Multimeter and reading mA from 9v battery ~ doesn't show resistance.?

    Sorry if that sounds confusing but I am trying to read the final milli amps on my unit here. I have a 9v battery running in series. I need to taper this down to 2mA so I added a 4k resistor to the line.

    When I try to use my multimeter reading mA it doesn't show the reduction in the line and still reads like .65 mA which will certainly blow my unit.

    I put the negative from the multimeter on the negative on the 9v and the positive on the line after the resistor and before the resisitor but they both read .65 mA. I also tried attaching the negative to the end of the line and the positive in both places but same thing.

    Am I using the multi-meter wrong?


    Oh the resistor is 4k with ohms ~ not sure if that means anything..

    3 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • What is needed to reduce a 9v battery to output 2mA?

    I am re-creating my own tDCS machine which requires the device to use a 9V battery reduced to output 2mA which is then hooked up to electrodes on your head. I supposedly increases focus and learning rate.

    I'm having issues on what type of resistor is needed to reduce the 9V down to 2mA charge. If the line is hooked up directly with a simple resistor is a regulator needed for the charge to pull or is the regulator more for just safety concerns?(clearly anyone wanting to hook a battery up to their head doesn't need to worry with safety concerns.ha).


    3 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • VB.NET Created an instance of a form that contains a web browser ~ how do I access the document completed on t?

    I have create a form with a web browser on it. I create an instance of that form that contains web browser.

    how can I edit the web browser document completed on the new instance?


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • VB.NET ~ how can you get a web browser completed?

    I created a form with the webbrowser on it. I created another form with a button that will create an instance of that form (with the webbrowser).

    How can I setup the document completed on the new instance of the form? I am going to have about 100 of these forms so each instance will have different document completed code to run the site.

    What is the best way to call on the document completed section of a web browser from another form?


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • VB.NET How can I access the webbrowsercompleted area from a web browser on another form?

    I created a form that contains a webbrowser and a button that does some things.

    I created an instance of that form with the web browser but now I am trying to figure out how to access the documentcompleted portion of the web browser on the new instance so I can set some code to grab elements when each web page completes.

    What is the best way to set my code so that I can access the web browser's document completed on the new instance of the form?


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • VB.NET Programically added new form with button - Click even't doesn't see textbox?

    I have created my new window, textbox, and button and I can have my button display a"Hello") when I set the code under the click event.

    My Window has a button and a textbox.

    My issue is when I try to reference my new window's textbox in the code under that click event that I get an error message stating my new window is not declared.

    How do you get around that? The code is going to create the new window, the button, and the textbox and then I am trying to have the coded added to the button at runtime but because it doesn't exist yet it's firing an error when I try to build it.

    I tried adding the addeventhandler after the windows was created in the code but still a no go.

    5 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • When owning a non-profile company can you...?

    Use the non-profit company to attract customers to your company where you profit?


    Let's say that I own a non profit company and the company generates income to pay for food at events that are run by others. We are taking donations to buy food to give to a few vendor at an outdoor event.

    I also have a profit company that I own as a contract / freelancer. Am I able to work and be paid by the same people that I gave the food to or is this going to cause a conflict of interest?


    1 AnswerSmall Business9 years ago
  • Need RegEx help with my expression. Currently Not working.?

    I currently have a richtext (GetIt.text) that contain source code from a page. In the below example I am trying to grab anything between the two tags but I'm not sure how to set this up.

    My current Regex doesn't return a result.

    I am trying to grab anything between the value tags value="anything here"

    Any ideas?


    HTML line that contains the value="" that I need


    <input id="hash" type="hidden" name="humanverify[hash]" value="e5a730f55f6c63196ae50559d6c5fa37" />

    This is the code that I am using but it doesn't produce anything.


    Sub RegExGet()

    ' The input string.

    Dim value As String = "name=""humanverify[hash]"" value=""e5a730f55f6c63196ae50559d6c5fa37""

    ' Invoke the Match method.

    Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(GETIT.Text, _

    "humanverify[hash]"" value=""([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)""", _


    ' If successful, write the group.

    If (m.Success) Then

    Dim key As String = m.Groups(1).Value



    MessageBox.Show("We Failed!!!")

    End If

    End Sub

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • AC low pressure switch on 2002 Dodge Stratus (location)?

    Where is the low pressure switch located on a 2002 Dodge Stratus Coupe 4 cylinder? The book doesn't have anything on it so I'm thinking it's on the ac compressor.

    The low line doesn't contain a break or connector in the line. It goes straight from the Firewall to the compressor. The only medium is the high pressure refill slot.

    The low pressure has what looks like a line and about halfway down there is a connection with wires connected but I would think the "low pressure" switch would be on the "low pressure" side.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • ac orfice tube clogged --would that cause no cool air?

    my ac on my car is on the fritz. I believe I have narrowed it down to 2 items. Either my orfice tube is clogged or my compressor has crapped out.

    No low pressure but plenty of high pressure on the cycling of compressor..jumped all the normal places,...relays and fuses..the clutch is kicking in but not cycling.

    What are your thoughts?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • AC not cooling ~ guage stats included ~?

    I have a 2002 Dodge Stratus that isn't cooling. I used the ac manifold guages and the low side is fine but the high side is low.

    The compressor kicks on but the system is not cycling. I checked the fuse and it's good and I bypassed the relay and it was working fine.

    Low side line after running never got cool. I removed some freon and then added some to see if that would kick on the cycling from the compressor and no go.

    I was trying to locate the low pressure relay and jump that as well but I am unable to locate that relay. I followed the low pressure side and there isn't a switch on that line anywhere.

    What else would be going on here?

    Also I noticed that when running the ac with the car on the gauges don't move at all on the high side. They do move slightly on the low side but being the compressor isn't cycling it just gradually moves up and stays there.

    Please do not respond with taking it to a certified mechanic is this doesn't answer my question.


    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Auto AC ~ if I have a leak will there still be pressure in the line?

    I am working on my AC unit with the gauges to charge my system to spec. There IS a decent amount of pressure in the line but if there is a freon a leak would pressure still be present in lines or can the freon be expelled and the system still register with pressure?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Word 2007 & VB.NET ~ how to create folder on hard drive by clicking button?

    I am using a Word 2007 document and I have a button on my document where when clicked I would like to create a new folder on my drive

    something like C:\user\newfolder

    How does one go about this?


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • AC has freon charged to proper setting ~ but not cool?

    Clutch is engaging

    Gauges states the freon is at the proper setting

    Air is still hot

    The fuse is fine

    IF there was a leak in the system wouldn't not have any pressure? Line is not cold when I turn on AC to max.

    Any ideas what is going on here? I've been reading for hours for a fix but I haven't found any reason for it not to be running.

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Word 2007 pasted text is blank unless paragraph marker is chosen?

    I have Word 2007 and some how now whenever I type or paste text into a blank document it is does appear when I choose to reveal the paragraph marker icon but if I don't choose to see all the formatting it is gone.

    How can I fix this... - I've tried using different styles on (normal, no spacing, etc) but they are all the same. HELPPPP

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • What's the difference between Algal DHA and Fish Oil?

    I have been taking Fish Oil pretty much everyday since I was younger....I was going to get my new bottle of Fish from Walmart and I ran across this stuff called Algal 900 DHA. Fish oil is a whole lot cheaper than the Algal and the pharmacist said they are pretty much the same thing. Why would someone one to pay the extra buck for Algal 900 when they can get twice as much Fish Oil?? I'm taking Fish Oil for memory management but I didn't know the difference in the two other than the price.

    What gives?


    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • How to reconfigure code to output specific values rather than collection?

    I currently this code on my app that works great to loop through a page and grab the label of an input value of a form and then print the value to a rich text box.

    I am now trying to revamp the code to give me the ID the value if the label contains a specific name.

    For instance if the label before the input field contains the word Username then I want the application to output the ID of the input field rather than just everything that has a label.

    Here is my current code:

    Dim web As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb = New HtmlWeb()

    Dim doc As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument = web.Load("

    Dim nodes As HtmlNodeCollection

    ' Keeps track of the labels by the associated control id

    Dim labelText As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String)

    ' First, get the labels

    nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//label")

    If nodes IsNot Nothing Then

    For Each node In nodes

    If node.Attributes.Contains("for") Then

    Dim sFor As String

    ' Extract the for value

    sFor = node.Attributes("for").Value

    ' If it does not exist in our dictionary, add it

    If Not labelText.ContainsKey(sFor) Then

    labelText.Add(sFor, node.InnerText)

    End If

    End If


    End If

    nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//input")

    Dim sbText As New System.Text.StringBuilder(500)

    If nodes IsNot Nothing Then

    For Each node In nodes

    ' See if this input is associated with a label

    If labelText.ContainsKey(node.Id) Then

    ' If it is, add it to our collected information

    sbText.Append("Label = ").Append(labelText(node.Id))

    sbText.Append(", Id = ").Append(node.Id)


    End If


    End If

    RichTextBox1.Text = sbText.ToString

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago