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Blue Falcon

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I am a Soldier in the US Army and I likez to get my dose of lulz by trolling teh internetz! ROFLOLOLOLOL

  • What's the difference between C Med and an ASMC?

    I will be PCSing and I could very well be put in the BSB; I am a Medic and now SGT. I've heard so many horror stories about the BSB, such as it being called the Bull$hit Battalion, but then again, my first unit was an Area Support Medical Company and the structure of that unit compared to C Med is identical. Now, I loved my time in the ASMC; a lot of it had to do with my leadership looking after soldiers and placing emphasis on family, and it was nice having a somewhat low Optempo. I just want to know if any of you Medics out there have been in both, and if so, what would you say are so distinctively different between the two?

    2 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • Minimum Requirements to Attend Ranger School?

    I have a foreign (Mongolian) Soldier who is interested in attending US Army Ranger School and I am trying to look for the requirements to ATTEND. I don't care about what goes on DURING Ranger School. If somebody can send me a link or tell me what these requirements are, I can pass this information on to this soldier, provided they are accepting foreign candidates.

    I do know obviously he will have to pass an APFT and a physical.

    2 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • I'm not head over heals with women like used to?

    I used to be a hopeless romantic and would often daydream of finding the perfect woman for me. I'd think of all these wonderful and selfless things I'd do in the name of love and us spending every waking moment together. This would even manifest with (obviously) actual women I've known. Sometimes I would become slightly depressed and wonder why I never had a girlfriend and why women never gave me the time of day.

    I'd say right around age 27, when I got a brake and actively started dating women, none of whom lasted longer than 3-4 dates, my mentality changed. Even though I'm still attracted to women, I've done away with those thoughts and have become more cynical, and admittedly, bitter towards romanticism and relationships. I'm 29 now and I just don't care that much anymore. Is this a normal feeling or something I should be concerned with? I'd like to meet a nice girl but I feel that this new-found apathy toward pursuing women has replaced my hopeless romanticism and vying for a woman's attention and affections.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I hate my roommate?

    This dude stays up all hours of the night despite having to be at work every day at 6 AM. We both work for the same company actually. He is constantly loud, regardless of my efforts to ask or tell him to tone it down. He has multiple alarms to wake him up, which wake me up too, only he goes back to sleep. I know this because he tells me this. If on a weekend, he will bang on my door to wake me up if he wants me to do something with him, but God forbid I wake him up, even though I'd rather not hang out with the guy. But, if I have to wake him up for work, he will wake up just to go back to sleep.

    Should I be that @sshole that just moves out when he's not around and find another job all together? This dude has been pissing me off and I'm tired of him.

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Why do I exist as I am at this moment?

    I have pondered many times as to why I possess the body that I have. Why do I exist as this gender, with my sexuality, race/ethnicity, nationality? Why was I born when I was and grew up where I lived? Couldn't I have been alive at any other point in time and at any place as someone, or something, completely different? May I sift through another body after I die?

    In any case, I am curious as to know if there are also any tv shows, movies or Phillip K Dick-esque books I may look through that piques my curiosity of this sort of topic. Please and thank you

    2 AnswersPhilosophy5 years ago
  • Considering a career in SWAT?

    I am by no means close to reaching my goals of being on a SWAT Team, however as a Medic currently serving in the Army in a Combat Arms unit, I understand I need a Paramedic certification and some patrol time as a Police Officer.

    What are some things to consider when going through a PDs Selection process?

    Is there anyone here who has been in the military and crossed over into SWAT that can shed some light?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • Why do soldiers stay late for no apparent reason?

    I am addressing this to First Sergeants, Company Commanders, Command Sergeants Major, etc. as I'm sure this is a common complaint you hear from the lower enlisted and even junior NCOs in your units:

    There will be that occasional day where everyone is waiting to go home, anticipating that end of day formation at 1645, only to be waiting around with absolutely nothing to do for an hour or two. May I ask why that is and what on your end that is hindering you from releasing your Joes?

    This is not a complaint, I am merely curious and am looking for insight via the top leadership. Please and thank you!

    3 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • My unit is upset with me?

    I just got to my new unit a month ago and I'm already dropping a packet for Civil Affairs lol. Some of my leadership are quite livid with me because we are quite busy this year and the BN Commander denied everyone on PCS orders to leave. So now, my section leader is threatening to recommend me for an Article 15 unless I drop my selection slot, which I can also go to IG to complain or request a Court-Martial (and we all know how that will play out).

    I've been wanting to try out for CA months prior to coming over to my new unit but they don't see it that way. In any case, how should I go about this? Have any of you dealt with something similar to this before?

    I am quite serious here.

    2 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • Interested in the flight paramedic program?

    I am new to my unit but I have already made up my mind, that when I re-enlist, I want to drop a Flight Medic packet and forward it with the Paramedic program. My question is, as a certified EMT-B holder, how challenging will it be to be able to attend the Paramedic course, which I believe is only 6 months? Is that program still available in the Army?

    I remember the EMT portion at my 68W AIT was challenging so I'm curious what I need to consider prior to tackling EMT-P as well as securing my F3 ASI. I understand I have some time before my re-enlistment window opens up again, but if you could share some insight it would be most helpful. Thanks.

    2 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • I miss my old unit?

    I just in processed into my new unit and already I miss everyone from my last company. I actually miss Fort Bragg. I hate the fact that I'm the new guy and I have to readjust all over again. There was a point where I knew the ins and outs of my platoon and company. I enjoyed chatting with my leadership and everything. Now I'm just the quiet guy again. I wish this feeling would go away.

    4 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • How to be a good medic in a line unit?

    I m PCSing to my new unit in a bit and I m a bit nervous. I am a medic who might be going to a line unit, but my current unit does not do a lot of medical training outside of prepping for jump coverages and dispatching FLAs. If there are any seasoned line-medics out there could you shed some light on what I can expect? What are some examples of being a good medic and being one who has no clue with what he is doing?

    Just so you know I am refreshing up on material I learned in Fort Sam and stuff my company has taught me. Please and thank you. I want to make a good first impression.

    1 AnswerMilitary6 years ago
  • Replace a lost title to a motorcycle?

    I purchased the bike privately and somehow I can't find the title. Would I need to pick up a notary before heading to the DMV or just go straight to DMV and waste 2 hours of my life standing in line? Also, what all do I need so I don't deal with anymore hassle while I wait

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration6 years ago
  • She says she's not feeling well?

    I'm supposed to be going on a second date with a really nice girl I just met earlier this week. When I asked if she was still down to go on our date she told me she "wasn't feeling herself" but also suggested to reschedule the date a couple of days from now. I've been getting mixed signals with her and I'm not sure if she's interested in me or not, or perhaps she's unsure. Can I get some help here?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Medic PCSing to Fort Carson?

    I just came down on orders to Fort Carson and I will be attached to the 4th BCT; 4th ID. What are some things to consider as a new line medic in this type of unit? I am also a SPC (P) if that helps any.

    2 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • Can I get banned from the PlayStation Network for grieving/trolling?

    I recently bought Advanced Warfare and if there s one thing I enjoy doing, it s blowing my team up at the start of every round of Hardcore Search and Destroy. I ve not once had my Xbox 360 banned from Xbox Live when I did this sort of thing; I just have a 99% avoidance rate.

    I am just wondering if I will be account/console banned from the Network for doing the same thing or if my status will just show something similar to my Xbox. Thanks!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Why do my parents annoy me?

    I'm currently 28 years old serving on Active Duty with the Army so my time with my folks is very few and far between. It's actually been almost 2 years since I've spent time with them but we talk on the phone or Skype twice a week.

    My question, is every time we talk I get this feeling of annoyance from them. I know they love me and are eager to see me when I take leave, but I think I've developed a sense of emotional separation from them. That's a terrible thing to say but I don't think I like my parents anymore. Hell, I don't even miss them one bit and I feel at this point I could go on the rest of my life without ever seeing them and be content.

    I think it all started almost 2 years ago when I visited home and they completely pissed me off by "choking me with attention". After that, I stopped caring. They have also expressed to be taken care of when they get old and just the thought of me looking after them drives me bat sh*t crazy.

    Is this normal for me to feel this way? These are the people who raised me and helped make me who I am. Why do I have these feelings of resentment and disregard for them?

    3 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • It's been a week since she called/texted. Should I try her once more?

    We went on some dates, all of which ended wonderfully. We were to go on another one and she told me she was up for it.

    The day before we were to go out again she tells me she can't - not a big deal. She then asks which day to meet up again, so I tell her. I get nothing. The next day I sent her another text on which particular day I'm free and I get nothing.

    That was almost a week ago. You think I should text her once more, and if so how and what should I say?

  • Why doesn't she want to talk to me anymore?

    I was at a club roughly 2 months ago when a friend of mine talked to this girl for me and told her that I thought she was cute. After a bunch of small talk, we danced and I left with her number after having a very socially awkward moment. I thought she wouldn't want to talk to me.

    Anyway, after 3 days I said, "what the hell" and texted her. She seemed very surprised to hear from me and was elated that I responded. We eventually went on some dates, each ending with a make out session. I would always text her so often (about every other day) to ask how she was doing and just generally about her day, which she would always talk to me about. On our 3rd date, I told her that I liked her, which she reciprocated in kind and we even visited her family that night. Again, before the date ended we made out quite a bit. She wished me a good night before I left to do field training for a week - I'm in the Army.

    I then noticed soon after that she started taking her time responding to my texts. I even tried calling but she would then tell me to text her instead. When I got back, we went on another date and things went well but I noticed a few times she would be aloof when I made suggestions about us doing things together. Like all the other times we finished our date by making out and she said she'll meet me for the next date.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Why doesn't she want to talk to me anymore?

    I was at a club roughly 2 months ago when a friend of mine talked to this girl for me and told her that I thought she was cute. After a bunch of small talk, we danced and I left with her number after having a very socially awkward moment. I thought she wouldn't want to talk to me.

    Anyway, after 3 days I said, "what the hell" and texted her. She seemed very surprised to hear from me and was elated that I responded. We eventually went on some dates, each ending with a make out session. I would always text her so often (about every other day) to ask how she was doing and just generally about her day, which she would always talk to me about. On our 3rd date, I told her that I liked her, which she reciprocated in kind and we even visited her family that night. Again, before the date ended we made out quite a bit. She wished me a good night before I left to do field training for a week - I'm in the Army.

    I then noticed soon after that she started taking her time responding to my texts. I even tried calling but she would then tell me to text her instead. When I got back, we went on another date and things went well but I noticed a few times she would be aloof when I made suggestions about us doing things together. Like all the other times we finished our date by making out and she said she'll meet me for the next date.