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  • Can you help me remember the name of this Norwegian recipe?

    Hello, I was hoping someone could help me. My grandmother immigrated from Norway as a young woman, and passed away when I was just a child. I barely recall a dish she always made for celebrations, but the actual name, pronunciation, and spelling was lost with her as none of her children were taught Norwegian.

    We can all make it, but none of us know what part of Norway it came from or even how to spell it. The closest phonetic name my dad has for it is "Pine-drusk"

    It is a casserole-type dish made of mostly meat and potatoes. It is thick salted pork lining the bottom of a pan, with ground potatoes (remixed with their juices/starch), and various seasonings as a top. It's then baked until it forms a nice brown crust.

    She always looked forward to making that dish for her family, and I would love to know the actual name of what we've all been eating in her honor for all these years!

    Any direction at all would be very appreciated.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Question about birth control side effects?

    I'm on Pirmella 1/35 for hormone regulation, and if I am late taking the pill by even 3-4 hours, I start spotting. By 6 hours, it doesn't matter if I take it or not, I will go into a full blown period, not just spotting. And it will last for 3-4 days and involve horrid cramping.

    If this were an issue of forgetting it at all, it wouldn't bother me, but is it normal for these pills to be so temperamental? If not, is there anything I can do to stop this?

    The kinds with varying hormones each week are also out of the question. It took 8 months to recover from what those things did to my cycle, but I have no choice but to take some form of estrogen pill.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Feeling guilty about not going to classes because of being sick?

    I don t know, it s really weird.. Woke up vomiting, dizzy, literally falling over, and not able to stay out of the bathroom. Eventually said "to heck with it" and went back to bed. I woke up feeling a little better, and now feel guilty for not going to class.

    Have I gone nuts or is it normal to feel like this after a sick day? I ve never taken one unexcused before.

    2 AnswersOther - Education6 years ago
  • Sharing a hotel room with a guy? Any advice please?

    I was hoping for some advice on a problem of mine. One of my friends from college found out that I was interested in anime, and gave me the number of an old friend of hers who was also interested in it. We've been talking to and texting each other for about half a year now, he seems really sweet, and my friend seems to think so too.

    Since we both love anime, we planned on finally meeting up at a huge anime convention this fall. We're both pretty broke, so the idea was to cut costs as much as possible, and he suggested getting a single room with two beds.

    To be blunt, I'm a prude, a goody-goody, law abiding citizen. Even though nothing would go on, the mere thought of sharing a room with a male made me worry about what people would think, so I quickly told him that I'd prefer two rooms. He took this to mean that I don't trust him, even after all this time. Needless to say, he's hurt. I never thought it would offend him.

    I now see three options here.

    1. Refuse to care what others think and see if he'll still agree to the same room- different beds arrangement

    2. risk ticking him (and likely our mutual friend) off by trying even harder to convince him to see my point

    or 3. A married friend of mine is going to the same anime convention, I could try to convince him to get a room right next to the one we'd be sharing. Kind of like an assurance to me that someone would be there to vouch that no strange noises were coming from the room. (Sorry to be blunt)

    What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Modest travel budget for Florida in early May?? $800-$1000. Is this reasonable or am I being too naive?

    I have never been on a vacation before in my life, and I'm not wealthy. But I'm 21, and wanting to drive from TN to FL next May. My plans are modest, I only want a break. A getaway either by myself or with one close friend. No theme parks or anything like that, I don't even want to get drunk. Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I've never done this kind of planning. I'd really appreciate any help or advice from you beach goers!

    Gas there and around $300. 4 nights at a *cheap* hotel ~$55 a night according to Google. Then spend 3 days split between 2 public parks to swim and stuff (Either Ponce de Leon Lighthouse and New Smyrna, or Honeymoon Island and Wall Springs). Entry fees and parking fees, about $20/day?. For food and drinks, I said I'm cheap, so free breakfast at the hotel, protein bars from home as snacks, and a case of water from home packed for on the go drinks. So lunch, dinner, and a random soda should be around $30 a day? No shame in Subway! Souvenirs- I'd be happy with some seashells, pictures, and an "I went to Florida" t shirt, maybe a keychain. $50?

    So far 300+(55*4)+(20*3)+(30*4)+50= $750 + $50 unexpected expenses. so $800... I'll try to save back $1000 just in case, but given the above, does it sound reasonable that a drive to FL, 4 nights at a hotel, 3 days of park activity, and a drive home could be managed for $800-$1000 for 1 person? Thank you for any help, and reading this long question. I just want a short vacation.

    2 AnswersOther - United States7 years ago
  • Do you think a short girl can pull off knee high sneakers without looking disproportioned?

    I'm on the fence on this one. I'm only 5'1'' but for some reason I decided to buy knee high converse. They actually come up almost to the kneecap on me. I think they look cute on others but to be completely honest I could be done up like a model and still think I look horrible. What's your opinion on short legs and big shoes? Does it help the problem, hurt it, or just look like shoes?

    Any advice is appreciated, me no speaky fashion...

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Please help. What are the two nerve fibers that form an autonomic motor nerve.?

    I was given a large worksheet of terms to fill out for my anatomy class. I have found every single answer except this one and it's driving me insane. I learned long ago that googling anything anatomy related is a bad idea. Could anyone please help me out here so I can go to bed?

    Thanks so much for reading, and sorry to bug anyone!

    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago
  • aquarius sun capricorn moon taurus ascendant midheaven aquarius??? huh?

    I think I'm the only one in my group who isn't obsessed with astrology. They did some kind of natal chart using a bunch of personal info and it came up that I was Aquarius sun Capricorn moon Taurus ascendant and Aquarius midheaven. I have no clue what any of this means or even how to go about finding out. Can anyone tell me or point me in the direction of where to go to find out? Google seems to think I already know the basics of astrology-which I don't.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you for reading!

    2 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • How do you say lost in Old Norse?

    I'm trying to translate something into Old Norse and having a horrible time with this one word... I know that to lose or forget something is týna, but how do you conjugate that to past tense? I'm trying to say 'lost'. Could someone please help me out here? I'd really appreciate it, and thank you for reading!

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • What are some good UNSWEETENED fruit juices to pair with coconut rum?

    Hello. I just turned 21 a few hours ago (Wow... that's weird to say!) and there's a drink recipe I had always wanted to try, but it calls for a few oz of white cranberry juice. I absolutely hate cranberry juice, and it's fairly high in calories anyway.

    Could anyone please suggest a low calorie/ unsweetened fruit juice that mixes well with coconut rum? Thanks so much for any advice!

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years ago
  • Question about Catholic Relic?

    Hello, I was hoping someone could tell me about a Catholic Relic. There was a death in the family and my great aunt is now in possession of some kind of relic... She doesn't know what it is, and neither do I (We're both Nondenominational).

    It's a solid gold medallion, the front had a picture of Pope Joannes XXII, and the back has a small red area with some kind of tiny white cloth in it which is covered by glass.

    The front says "JOANNES XXII PORT MAX ITALY"

    The back says "EX INDUMENTIS" and below that is a cross that looks like the Templar Cross, and "ITALY" again.

    I have been searching for similar pieces online but all of them have the word "TERRA" on them, and are slightly different at the border. I'm afraid I don't have a picture... But could someone tell me what this piece is? Should I try to find a Catholic Priest to ask about it? I would be afraid that he would be offended by a protestant coming to ask a question...

    Any help at all would be much appreciated, and thank you for reading!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How can I pull off wearing this cute skirt?

    *facepalm* why am I so fashion challenged? Would anyone be willing to give me some advice please?

    I'm really short, only 5ft 1in or 155cm, so finding skirts is hard anyway. I'm not fat, but I don't have a completely flat stomach. My jeans usually make it look like I don't, but I do have the stomach "pooch".

    I bought a really cute white, knee high, a line skirt a few days ago. The problem is, it shows off my annoying flab! It's the perfect length and waist height for me, but it shows the darn pooch. How can I still wear this skirt and hide my stomach?

    I was thinking about wearing either a semi-loose button up top with it or just wearing a loose T. What do you think I should pair it with?

    I'm gonna get me some spanx or something, this is ridiculous. Unfortunately though, I need to wear this skirt tomorrow (School colors are white and blue) so any ideas?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • In what region of Norway would you find a Bunad in this style?

    Hello, I'm sorry for asking such a dumb question. I saw a picture of this Bunad

    and immediately thought of my grandmother. She had one almost exactly like this. I am not very well versed in Nordic culture but I have been told that you can sometimes tell what region of Norway a person is from by their Bunad. If this is the case, is this style/color/pattern region specific?

    I would love to know what area my grandma was from, but she's gone and my father can't remember. Any ideas? Thanks so much for reading!

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations8 years ago
  • How much could I likely drink without getting drunk?

    Oooh geeze, I have no idea what I'm doing! lol. I'm about to turn 21 and someone got me thinking about what my first drink should be. I found a recipe for one that looks really pretty. Oddly enough it will actually be my very first drink, so I have no idea what my alcohol tolerance is.

    I'm 5''1', about 120, and I do know to eat something carb loaded before I go out. The problem is, I really do not want to be drunk AT ALL. Buzzed is okay, I can wait that out a few hours and be fine like everyone else does. I'm just afraid to get drunk!

    My recipe calls for a million different fruit juices, sodas, etc, but it has 2 oz of vodka and half an oz of Hpnotiq liqueur.

    Do you think I'll be able to handle it? or should I just try a wine or something on my birthday?

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Respect for elders vs... creepy old men flirting. Help?

    I am so confused... I'm 20, nerdy, not pretty, I have lab classes so I can't wear anything but long sleeves and pants, and I'm usually quiet. I don't see how I could be attracting anyone! For some reason I've been getting stopped often by older men (50+). Talking, flirting, asking for my number... Just generally behavior that makes my inner teen still want to scream "I need an adult!" but I can't.

    I usually just say something like: no thank you sir, I'm not looking for a boyfriend, etc. But in the case of a few more persistent individuals, how am I supposed to respond? I've always been taught to respect my elders, but when I say no, I mean NO. How can I politely tell an older man to just leave me alone?

    This is really awkward and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Rather embarrassing female question... discharge etc?

    Well, this is embarrassing! I am a 20 year old virgin (as in NOTHING has ever been down there) and I have no medical insurance whatsoever. I'm having some rather odd symptoms and I do not have a professional to ask about it, so any kind of advice would be appreciated here.

    Again, I'm sorry if this is awkward, but I have to ask... My symptoms are: *excessive*, thin, yellowy vaginal discharge (if it has a smell I have not noticed it). Itching. Pain around the vagina (which may be from having to wipe so much).

    Any ideas of what this could be? Everything online is telling me it's an STD... I can't have an STD. I'm such a germophobe that I carry Lysol to spray on public toilet seats when I use them, and I've never had sex. Never douched, don't use tampons... there is really no way that I could have anything like that. So what on earth is wrong with me?

    I have also been using miconazole for the past two days and that doesn't seem to be affecting it at all.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Temporary dark brown/black hair dye?

    I'm going to a character costume party pretty soon and my costume involves having black/dark brown hair. I've had black hair all my life so I didn't think it would be an issue, then I decided to do something weird. I dyed my hair red as an April fool's day joke. My "auburn" hair ended up the most beautiful plummy red ever~ I don't want to change it yet but I need dark hair again for a while! I know the spray on stuff will just flake off... I don't mind if it takes a few washes to get out, but what kind of temporary hair dye can I use that will let me go back to this red quickly without having to bleach?

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Will you check my chem answer please?

    Hi, I was wondering if someone would check my homework answer before I turn it in. This is the only question I'm not completely sure about.

    The Arrhenius equation is k=Ae^(-Ea/RT)

    the slope of a plot of ln k vs 1/T is equal to?

    My choices wer -k, k, Ea, -Ea/R, and A. I said it was -Ea/R... Is that correct?

    Thanks for your help!

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • cotx=1 how do you find cos2x?

    If cotx=1 and -180<x<-90 how do you find cos2x?

    anyone wanna take a crack at it? I'd really appreciate it. I always get confused when its a whole number!

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Cell potential and Standard Cell potential.?

    Cell potential and standard cell potential? Please help?

    I'm so confused... I'm supposed to calculate the standard cell potential and the cell potential of

    Pt (inert), H2 (5.42 atm) I H+ (.00476 M) I O2 (3.60 atm), Pt (inert)

    I'm not asking for an answer, but could someone please show me how to set this up?

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago