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  • Do you think it’s a cop out? Or the truth? Idk how to feel..what are your opinions..NO NEGTIVITY PLEASE!?

    I’m 25 and my bf is 29 and we’ve been dating for almost 3 years and since the beginning we’ve moved really slow do to being on his terms basically. We both have our own apartments and I’m gonna be starting school in a month so I asked if I’d be able to move in in case I won’t be able to make my ends meet since I’ll be missing a day of work each week (mind you we’ve been talking for a couple of months about us moving in together). He said he didn’t care and than we started discussing him wanting to get a house towards the end of the year. He’s told me for the passed 6 months that when we get a house we’ll settle down and try for kids and all that jazz. So when he told me about getting the house, he mentioned that he wanted the house to only be in his name in case anything happened between him and I. As selfish as that sounds, he’s told me about his mom bouncing around all the time with bfs and when they split they move to apartments, than new bfs house and just back and forth, also with previous gfs he’s had issues where they split and all his stuff gets taken and he’s the one that has to move. I really understand why he wants to be the only homeowner but I don’t want to feel like I’m living under someone’s roof. I want a home with him and eventually start a family. Do you think this is an excuse because he doesn’t want me moving in? Or what? I’m lowkey hurt and reevaluating moving in with him and just our relationship altogether...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Drastic change in a person mood?

    I know someone who a couple months was someone completely different than who they are now. Before they were really reserved, layed back, understandable. Now they talk out loud to themselves all day, Think out loud, anger isuues, and cant have a conversation without talking over you every single time. Im concerned maybe theyre on drugs or maybe hangig around the wrong group of friends. What could cause this person to change so much in a short amount of time. Thank you for your opinions.

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • First time going to new york... need some help!?

    My bf and I are planning to go to nee york next spring. Weve never traveled before and I just wanted to know how much money should we take for a week in new york


    Where's some good hotels to stay at thats I the middle of it all but not pricey

    What are some must see sites

    Thank you:)

    1 AnswerNew York City6 years ago
  • First time going to new york... need some help!?

    My bf and I are planning to go to nee york next spring. Weve never traveled before and I just wanted to know how much money should we take for a week in new york


    Where's some good hotels to stay at thats I the middle of it all but not pricey

    What are some must see sites

    Thank you:)

    3 AnswersNew York City6 years ago

    My bf and i live in an apartment with our roomate and her kid. Before we became roomates we were coworkers and friends. Now i know the saying "you dont know who a person is until you live with them" but i need opinions. Before we moved in together my bf and i were having issues where we were staying at and our roomate was having her own problems which made her want to move into her own place. So my bf, her and i came to an agreement to get our own place together. We did it was cool for a few months and than it started going downhill. She wouldnt come home for days and show up maybe once a week to sleep at home..would rarely buy food for the house,cook,clean, if the house was having plumbing issues or anything like that my bf and i would be the ones to tell the manager she would never do anything for the house. Now shes never home. Shell come home once a month, Pick up clothes and leave. Weve heard from friends that she got engaged and is looking for a place to live with her bf and is gonna move out of our apartment. Which is fine but she never told us she was moving or even thinking about moving. But today we saw her taking all her clothes and putting them in her car. We have a year lease and its not up until October.. I feel shes being super shady shes immature and irresponsible..i just need to vent..what would you do if you were in this situation?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Disneyland trip!! help!?

    So I'm planning on taking a group of people

    With my bf and i to's a family total there will be around ten of us..I just wanted to get some advice on taking groups of people such as

    1) saving money

    2) how much is enough spending money per person

    And any other bf and I go to Disneyland alot but I know it's alot different when taking groups..btw there's no babies or little ones coming..thanks for the advice:)

    1 AnswerAmusement Parks6 years ago
  • how should I feel (your gonna wanna read this)?

    So,I have little story for you all and I wanna hear your opinions, but if your gonna be mean about it, than don't write anything..

    Ok, there's this guy at work. We've been flirting and people can tell that there's an other co-worker is this guys best friend and he told me that this guy does nothing but talk about me all the time..that he really likes me, and whatever... so tonight I went to my best friends party and they both ended up coming but the guy that flirts with me brought a girl..I knew that he was talking to another girl "to have his options open" Is what guys say...but I kinda feel hurt and disrespected that he brought her knowing that I was gonna be there..should I feel that way or should I not care... and if he likes me so much why would he even talk to someone while he's talking to me..let me know what your opinions rude, mean comments either..thank you:)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Manager problems! Help!?

    I called my job yesterday saying i have a family emergency and that i cant make it..i have a manager that likes to take away alot of hours if shes mad at you or just cause she feels like that llegal???? Also...lets say i have a fever and i just need to rest and take care of myself for a day at home and i cant go to work..anytime we call in sick she wants a doctors note...can she do that?? What if i dont have insurance? What if i dont need to go to the doctor, its just a little bug i caught? (Mind you i work at a dollar store and ive been there for almost a year) i just wanna know if its wrong for her to do that cause i believe it is...i have one more roomate and i work at the same store at the same times..during orientation she said no bfs/gfs or relatives working together..we got a complaint from one of our coworkers saying we were together And the manager split us up..its more convienient for us to work the same time cause i just have my car.. But the coworker who complained has a sister in law that works with her; same time also..can i call corporate on that cause i feel that our manager didnt say anything about that cause the coworker that called on us is the managers bff so opinions please! No mean comments

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • in a tough situation:/?

    i am currently living with my aunt and her 3 kids, her son is a 13 who literally thinks hes 25 and twin babies who cry all day. i moved outta my moms house cause we cant live together what so ever. my bf of a year was living with me when i was with my mom and my aunt but he recently moved with his dad who is a douche and just judges everything he does and doesnt help him at all with anything. my grandma who lives in a 2 bedroom trailor recently put her mom in a home. both my bf and i are unemployed (not by choice) the economy sucks right now!!weve applied everywhere!! and i wanted to ask what your opinions are..idk what to do. my bf is gonna go into the army since he feels he has no other choice. but do you think we both should move with my grandma so we can have a better job opportunity and so we both dont feel were in awkward positions with the people we live with now? im the only person my bf has and its not an option to just let him figure it out on his own and just worry about myself. .his whole family doesnt care if hes struggling, but when they needed help he helped pay bills and everything he could to help them...whats your thought on what we should do:/

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • car insurance question..?

    my car insurance was due the 10th but unfortunately i dont have a job anymore therefore i wasnt able to pay it on time.. however, i did call my insurance company and asked if i could get an extension on my bill. they gave me 15 days to pay it. but my question is if my bill is extended am i still covered? im scared to take my car out cause i dont wanna get pulled over and get my car impounded. thank you to those who answer?

  • Are they're any psychic people ?

    Jut wanna know if there's any psychic people on here if so I would LOVE to talk to you:)

    2 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Quick question about photo stream?

    I have a lot of pictures in my phone and it's taking up most of my memory. I wanna delete my photo stream from my phone but I'm scared to lol. If I delete my photo tream will those pictures be on iCloud? And another question is some pictures that I have on my camera roll that aren't in my photo stream, is there anyway I can put those in the photo stream album ? Thank you:)

    1 AnswerPhotography7 years ago
  • why does my iphone use 3 gb when ifacetime?

    last night i was facetiming my boyfriend and we fell asleep on facetime. my boyfriend texts me saying that it used gb. i look on mine and see that it used 3gb...why in the world is it using memory????it shouldnt be using anything especially since i have anyone?

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds7 years ago
  • Might be losing hair due to!!?

    This time in my life is very difficult and stressful...I feel like my hair is getting thinner and thinner. My hair is naturally thin but when I wash my hair (every other day or two days) i get quite a few strands of hair.. Maybe about 15-20 strands. My hair is long and I have my hair up most of the time so maybe that could be why my hair falls out cause I have it up a lot but idk maybe I'm paranoid. But if you could, do you have any suggestions how to thicken my hair? Thank you:)

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Can you get pulled over for....?

    Can you get pulled over for no front license plate in California? Mine just fell off when I was on the freeway today and I need to know if is ok to leave it since I have one in the back anyways or do I need to go get one.? Thank you:)

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Opinions on demanding pregnancy test?

    My mom came up to me when I was watching a movie and told me to go take a pregnancy test. Didn't bother to ask me to take it but demanded. I know I am not pregnant. I asked her why she wants me to take it and she said so it can ease her

    MInd a little. Has this happened to anyone with their mom before? I didn't take it cause Im not gonna take it just for her satisfaction. Plus it's none of her business. I do live in her house BUT I do my part to stay here. I clean up after every single person in this house(6 people) do everyone's laundry do dishes, dust ,cleaning, anything in the house that needs cleaning I do. Do you thin I should've taken it? It's my business. Even when I go out for the night she expects me to tell her where I'm going and whe I'll be back. I'm gonna be 21! She doesn't need to know everything. She's getting on my nerves!

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • What may have caused my dog to pass away?

    Yesterday afternoon we found my dog laying in the grass not conscious. We don't know what happened he was alive that morning. But the past month I would say, he's been slow at getting up. And his stomach was bloated. It kinda looked like a tumor or something. He's had this bloating before but we didn't think anything of it til he got it again and caused him discomfort. My parents never took him to get checked. But do you think it was a tumor? When we found him yesterday afternoon his eyes were open and his mouth was slightly open. His tongue wasn't out. When we picked him up to take him to the shelter he was warm so he must of just passed. When we got to the shelter he was cooling down and his tongue was out. It might've been a tumor idk I'm hoping to get some of your opinions.

    6 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Mother daughter therapists?

    I'm looking for a therapist to talk to regarding my mom..I've been having too many conflicts and issues with her I can't deal with it anymore..something needs to happen to help or fix this..My mom and I have had issues since I turned a that I'm older I can see passed her crap and won't tolerate it..please help..anything in the inland empire would help:) thank you!!

    1 AnswerAdolescent8 years ago
  • Dry cough thats been around for 3 weeks?

    My boyfriend has a very bad cough and we went to urgent care and all the doctor gave him was cough mostly went away but it's been 3 weeks and he still has this dry cough..he only gets it at night like before he goes to bed..and everytime he coughs he feels like he has to throw up... And he does...what else besides cough syrup can he take to get rid of this..please help...

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • Good places to rent a car?

    I want to rent a car next month just for a day..does anyone know how much and what the recommendations are to rent a car.. How old do you have to be? Do you have to have insurance? Thanks guys:)

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago