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red elephants
Are there any crafting programs like PrintMaster that work with Windows 7?
I had to get a new laptop recently and it came with Windows 7 which isn't compatible with the PrintMaster version I had. I tried Platinum 2.0 but it is not at all like the previous versions and I'm not able to do what I need with it. I'm looking for a very easy to use program that will allow me to make templates from scratch with borders and photos/text.
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoDid you have a DNA test to confirm your bio relationship?
If you are in a reunion did you have a DNA test to confirm that you were actually related? If not are you certain? To me resemblance or things you have in common would not be enough since that can happen with non related people as well. I think I would want a DNA test.
What got me thinking was a friend of mine in elementary school. We were born at the same hospital on the same day hours apart and in rooms next to each other. Our families didn't know each other. Our names were similar. If I had been adopted and had minimal information to go by in searching it could have easily been mixed up. We also looked similar.
Has anyone ever thought they had found their bio family only to find out it wasn't them?
18 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoCan fish be shy? ...?
I've got my first fish in nearly 10 years. The first time I had a very social beta fish. Now I have 3. Two are little feeder fish and one is an algae eater. He's not bashful but doesn't really care about people. The two little feeder fish though are fairly shy. The larger one in particular. She hates having the lights on and refuses to come out when they are on. She also doesn't seem to like me. If I come in the room she goes under her little bridge.
There are 3 of them in the 46 gallon tank. 2 are about an inch. The very shy one is maybe 2 inches. They've got some rocks to hide in, a bridge and a bunch of the fake plants.
So. Can fish be shy? Is there anything to do to make them feel more comfortable? I'm feeling like a bad fish mom here.
3 AnswersFish1 decade agoHow did Dalmatians get linked to firefighting?
I was looking at my dalmatian earlier and just cannot imagine him doing anything remotely related to firefighting. Maybe its just my dalmatian but he is the laziest spotted dog I've ever met. He is a complete bed dog. So just curious if they actually preformed a purpose or were just for show.
1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade agoWhat kind of bugs are eating my garden?
Its my first time growing a larger vegetable garden. Things were going fairly well but something is eating all of the leaves off of my beans/peas. They were growing nicely and climbing the trellis. I went out tonight to pick some tomatoes and all I have left on the beans and peas are the stalks. Not a leaf in sight.
The tomatoes have been left along for the most part. Same with the squash. The cucumbers have been nibbled a little but not too bad.
Any idea what kind of bug I'm dealing with and what to do about it?
2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoAny activity ideas for my mom and grandmom?
A little background info...My grandmom is having a hard time emotionally right now. My granddad passed away nearly 2 years ago after being married 54 years. She has gotten into a bit of a funk since and doesn't get out to do anything fun anymore and its put her into a fairly depressed state. I was just talking to her and she was saying she would like to try some things but just doesn't know what to do.
She will be turning 80 end of June so it needs to be somewhat age appropriate. No jumping out of planes or similar. I'd like my mom to go with her (she's 53) also. The last few years were completely consumed with caring for my grandfather. If I lived closer I would go too but I'm 500 miles away. I'd like to give them a list of ideas and help get them involved in something.
1 AnswerFamily1 decade agoHow can I set up a goldfish tank quickly?
I'm becoming a fish owner on Friday. I'll have 2 goldfish and a sucker fish that have been living together. I have a 46 gallon tank but its currently empty. I don't really have any options as far as time I'll be getting them and everything I'm reading online says the tank needs to be going for a month prior to adding fish. Since that isn't an option is there a way to safely get them set up and going by Friday afternoon?
I'm new to fish and wanting to do things the right way even though its rather short notice.
2 AnswersFish1 decade agoWhat kind of activities do you do?
I'm looking for something new to try in May. Just having a hard time coming up with something.
I'm trying something new each month. So for March it was a Chinese cooking class. For April learning how to make stained glass.
So what do you do? Any ideas for something to try next?
6 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoWhat should I do/try next?
When I turned 26 I decided that I wanted to start trying different things each month/week like I had in the past. Problem is I'm starting to run out of ideas though.
Among other things I've taken a chinese cooking class, learned how to make stained glass, created a huge vegetable/fruit garden, learned how to make pottery on a spinning wheel, gone to the shooting range, etc.
Just looking for some ideas for different things to give a try.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoDo you feel like you have a primal bond with your bio parents?
I've seen it mentioned many times on here by adoptees that they feel a deep primal bond with their bio moms. It got me a bit curious.
Adoptees: If you have that feeling with your bio mom do you have the same bonding to your bio dad? Or do you not have that feeling for either parent?
If you weren't adopted do you share the same feeling with your parents? Or if you didn't grow up with one of your parents do you feel that way about them?
I grew up with just my mom. I never met my bio dad and really don't feel connected at all to him. I don't consider him family, don't have any kind of primal feelings/love for him or want to search for him. With my mom I have a fantastic relationship but don't really feel a primal bond to her. I really love the person she is not because she is genetically related to me. Even if she weren't related she'd be someone I would want in my life.
So just wondering how others felt about their bio parents as far as a primal relationship/bond goes.
17 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoWhat would you name a cat sanctuary?
Our rescue operates a cat sanctuary in addition to our adoptable animal programs. Its been going for 2 years and still doesn't have a proper name.
We're just having some trouble finding a name that fits, is catchy and a little unique.
Some suggested were Open Arms (way too over used) and the cat house (really not appropriate).
Any suggestions? It can be clever, unique, in another language, etc.
11 AnswersCats1 decade agoAdoptive parents, would you ever close your adoption agreement?
For those of you with open adoptions or who started out with open adoptions are there any reasons you would decide to close yours or have closed it?
I ask since there are a number here who have said they think they should be legally enforceable and that any reason for closing one is unacceptable.
Personally I can see some instances where it would be needed to close one or at least restrict it. I'm fine with open adoptions but I think there are some cases where its warranted.
Birth parents are there any reasons that are understandable to you or that would cause you to close it from your end?
This applies to minors only since after 18 its really up to the child.
14 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoCan you grow green peppers upside down?
I have two of those upside down tomato bags that I'm going to give a try this year. Was wondering if you can use them for green peppers and if you can how successful it is. Better/worse than traditional growing? If you've used them do you have any suggestions?
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWhat do you think of this for an animal rescues website homepage?
I'm working on redoing our rescue's homepage content. Right now its very cut and dry business facts about applying for non profit status and is very impersonal and has no personality. I'm wanting it to feel welcoming and casual like I'm talking to the person. In the second paragraph each of the things I'm directing them to will be a link to that section of the website. Just wanting a little input from someone else and what you would think of a group if you read this on their opening page. Thanks! Oh and "P" isn't the group name I just used that as a filler.
Welcome to "P"! We're glad you stopped by and hope you'll find everything you're looking for, including your new best friend! We're home to all kinds of animals from newborns to seniors, purebreds to lovable mutts, tiny 3 pounders to gentle giants topping the scales at 105! It can be an odd assortment but we love each and every one like they are our family.
We hope you'll stay around for a while and read about the rescue. You can check out our new arrivals in the adoptable cat and dog sections or read up about the sanctuary cats and outreach programs. Check out the inner thoughts of the rescue officials in the "P" blog or catch up on past "P" critters in the happy tails section! If you're feeling adventurous, venture over to the “ways to help” page and learn about volunteering with "P". There's always lots of fun to be had at adoption events!
4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoWhat can you make with 1 pint of heavy whipping cream?
I realized tonight that I have an entire pint of heavy whipping cream that needs to be used this week.
I don't really have any recipes that call for that much whipping cream. I do plan on making some whipped cream with it but you can only eat so much of that.
So any good recipes that call for a fair amount of it? Desserts or other. I don't really love cream sauces but anything else is fair game.
11 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoIs it too late to plant onions?
I have around 240 onion bulbs and haven't planted them yet. I didn't think it was time yet but just read the back and it says fall to spring planting. I'm going to get in on the back end of planting season for them I guess.
So the question is.. how late into the year can you start planting them. With so many bulbs I was wanting to space out planting over a number of weeks. If I start planting them this week how many more weeks will I have of planting left?
I'm in Cary, NC around zone 7/8 it looks like.
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWhat do you put in your chili?
Just looking for some idea. I'm rather plain at the moment with mine. Red kidney beans, tomatoes/sauce, onion, green pepper, garlic, fresh lime juice, salt and pepper and a bit of vegetable broth. I'm using an already mixed seasoning packet. I just can't get it to taste right when I mix them on my own.
I've tried adding cinnamon (on a friends suggestion) and it so did not work for me. I'm willing to try most things though.
20 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agowhen should you start parsley, basil seeds?
I think I may have missed my chance to grow both from seed. I'm planning out my garden tonight and reading over their packets it says to start 6-8 weeks BEFORE frost.
I'm in NC and we're still having some cold weather mixed with warm days. Is it too late to start them? Is it before the first frost or last frost? I'm new to gardening if you can't tell :)
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoAny favorite recipes?
I'm looking for some new recipes that have gone over well and you really enjoy and not just websites. I've gone over a number of them but prefer actual recommendations if possible.
I am a vegetarian but I don't mind meat dishes as I cook for my family on holidays and do a meat dish. I love side dishes and can alter many that include meat products so feel free to share those.
I love things like garlic, onion, tomato and basil, cheese. I also love twists on traditional foods. Desserts are more than welcome too. Just looking for some fun things to make. I'm a fairly good cook/baker so don't mind if they are a bit involved.
7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWhat did I do? Youtube no longer has any sound.?
I'm not sure what the heck I did. Its not on mute. It was playing audio just 10 minutes ago. The computer still has sound (I have a dvd in and can hear it). Youtube videos play but are silent.
Any ideas?
3 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago