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  • Is My degree worth more?

    I live in a cheap state so these are going to sound like low numbers, but I have an AAS in Electronics Technology. I m an appliance repair technician and I make less than $25k a year. Rent for a 2-bed in my area is about $1k a month and rising steadily so I m in a huge panic... Is this normal for someone with my level of education? If not, where could I go to earn more?

  • arduino question (range-finder)?

    i'm working on a proximity sensor system to install on my car that will tell me the distance my front and rear are to an object, and i will be using 4 hc-sr04 range finders, and an LCD screen to display the readings from the sensors.

    my dilemma is that i'm afraid that the LCD screen will take up too many digital pins that i'll have no more pins for the 4 proximity sensors that would take up 2 pins each.

    so, is it possible to just simply tie all the Trig pins from the sensor module to just one digital pin and tie the echo pins to their own pin on the arduino?

    or is it possible to wire the echo pins from the sensor modules to the analog pins of the arduino and treat the analog pins as digital inputs?

    or should i simply use another arduino board and have all the sensors on a slave board and make it send the readings to the master board (via transmit pin) that would control the LCD?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • so does anyone have any ideas on why israel's prime minister wanted to talk to Obama so bad today?

    i mean, this is the first time that a US president has turned down a meeting with the PM of israel.

    just curious...

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • why doesn't Obama do something about american prisoners in foreign countries?

    an excerpt from Trickle Down Tyranny about Alan Gross:

    in December, 2009, before he was able to take the next step - linking the Cuban Jews to the outside world - he was arrested. the Cuban authorities phoned his hotel room and asked him to come down to the lobby to pick up a message. instead, the secret police picked him up.

    for the next 14 months, he was held in a maximum security prison. he kept asking what crime he had committed or what the charges were against him. there were none. they were simply holding him.

    the little food he got in prison was tainted, and Gross became very ill. when judy, his wife of 40 years, was finally allowed to see him, in july 2010, she was shocked. he had lost 90 pounds. he wasn't heavy to begin with. only when the cuban authorities believed that he would die soon was he moved to a military prison hospital, where he received some help.

    in February 2011, Gross's Cuban attorney came to visit him. he was surprised and grateful that the american was still alive. he said he had good news.

    you'll never guess what the "good news" was.

    the Cuban communists had decided to put him on trial. he was charged with being a spy and committing "crimes against the state of Cuba."

    why was that good news?

    there was a slim possibility that he might be found innocent and released. could that happen? his Cuban attorney, perhaps wanting to be kind, said, "it could."

    but it didn't.

    in a trial closed to the american press, the prosecutor said Gross was a "mercenary" sent to Cuba to wage a "cyberwar" against the Cuban revolution. ordinary Cubans are not allowed access to the internet and giving it to them was a "counterrevolutionary" act.

    the judge sentenced Gross to 15 years prison. Gross is now 61 and will likely die before he is released. after his arrest, his 26-year-old daughter was diagnosed with cancer. he may never see her again.

    where was Barack Obama when all this was going on?

    Playing golf, going on vacations, and ignoring what was going on in Cuba.

    throughout Gross's long ordeal and travesty of justice, Obama didn't utter a single word in his support.


    so my question is:

    why does Obama and his team have so much compassion for the terrorists held in a U.S. navy base on one side of Cuba and no compassion at all for an American held on the other side of the island?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • do darlington pairs come in a single package?

    as in, a single chip with two matched transistors inside that can be heatsinked.

    if so, what is it?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • looking for minecraft servers to join?

    so, i've been playing on a server called darkspin, but it's down like every other minute and the nether lags like a son of a troll.

    i'm tired of going through server lists to find the right server. any suggestions people?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • would this work? government math problem?

    if government were to set a 10% flat tax rate on all monetary increases with no exemptions, no exceptions, and no loopholes...

    and the salaries of the senate, congress, the president, his cabinet, the chairman of the federal reserve and the members of the supreme court were calculated by taking the average monthly income from a random selection of US citizens and multiplying that average salary figure by 2 (this number being updated once each month)...

    would the revenue generated from taxes be enough to pay those salaries and still have a substantial amount left over to pay the salaries of other government workers and all the other bare minimum expenditures of government? (excluding the cost of running bureaucratic organizations)

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • what would happen if a state (or several) wanted to secede from the union today?

    i mean, it caused a war in 1861, but what would happen if a state (or a group of states) wanted to secede from the union under the current circumstances now that slavery is out of the picture? would it start another civil war? or would Washington just not care and let it go?

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • what's the goofiest, outrageous thing you have ever seen in a source entry on yahoo answers?

    like where people put things like "common sense" or "personal experience"

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • what exactly will happen if the US debt keeps going up?

    is it going to cause some kind of disaster or something?

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • where should i move to if obama wins the election?

    i'm thinking Canada or Australia...

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • is it possible for a country to max out its credit?

    or will it reach a point where it is incapable of funding itself?

    what happens when a country's debt becomes so big that it gets impossible to pay off?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • are there any doctors out there that say conservatism is a mental disorder?

    and i mean doctors, not some schmuck with an opinion.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • is this a good way of putting it?

    liberals want to make government their parent.

    conservatives want to make government their child.

    metaphorically speaking of course....

    your thoughts?

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • why exactly does most of the media have a liberal bias?

    can someone explain why media is liberally biased most of the time? someone explained it to me before, but i've kinda forgotten...

    26 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • fellow christians: is there any evidence for life beginning at conception?

    i don't recall the bible saying that life begins at conception, so... how did we come to that conclusion?

    also, is an unborn fetus subject to original sin? or is original sin something you get after you're born?

    (i don't actually believe in original sin, i just want to know what the consensus is...)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • fellow Christians: do you believe in a premortal existence?

    or more explicitly,

    do you believe your spirit began its existence on the day you were conceived? (or born)

    or do you believe your spirit existed before then?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • what do i put on the check for my income taxes?

    do i put "department of the treasury" or "internal revenue service?"

    4 AnswersUnited States9 years ago