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  • Is there a word for this?

    I'm looking for one adjective that could maybe encompass all the following traits: old, archaic, primitive, and barbaric.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay6 years ago
  • Lyrics to Bottomless Pit by Karizma?

    Does anyone know where I can find them? I googled it without any success.

    1 AnswerLyrics6 years ago
  • How do I get painkillers from my dentist?

    So she said I have to get my wisdom teeth removed and I'm like hell yeah but then she told me they don't do the anesthesia that gets you high. I was a little mad but I said okay and asked about the painkillers she'd prescribe. Ibuprofen.

    I need something like Vicodin or Norco or at least codeine. How do I convince her to give me these kinds of painkillers?

    2 AnswersDental6 years ago
  • Did I have an orgasm or not?

    When I masturbate, I have an orgasm that's intensely pleasurable, lasts a few seconds (usually 10-15) and when it's done, it's completely done and I'm back to normal.

    I'm new to doing things with a partner. The other day I was with a guy and he was rubbing my clit and fingering me while sucking on my nipples and it felt really good. I felt the same buildup of pleasure I always do, but it was different this time. The pleasure plateaued at a good level, but it wasn't a short, intense burst as I usually achieve alone. It was a less intense, but longer lasting sensation of pleasure. And then I was too sensitive down there and asked him to stop touching me.

    Are there different types of orgasm a woman can experience? Did I have an orgasm?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Are there penalties for lying about age?

    I know a lot of adult men get in trouble because girls say they're 18 but they're actually like 14. My question is, is there anything the underage female could get in trouble for? Is it illegal for her to say she's 18?

    It seems kind of messed up if she can go consequence-free but he has to go to jail, pay a fine, and register as a sex offender...

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Is it self defense in this case?

    Is it self defense if you're a female and a man tries to rape you so you stab him with scissors so you can run away? Or is that assault because he technically didn't hurt you yet?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Difference between blacklight and glow in the dark?

    So. If I bought a blacklight poster for my room, would it be bright and stuff at night with the lights off? Or do I specifically need a blacklight for that?

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago
  • Best waterproof eye makeup?

    I'm very specific about my eye makeup. I'm going to hawaii soon and need to buy waterproof mascara and pencil eyeliner. I can't use liquid eyeliner because I wear my eyeliner on my lower waterline, upper waterline, and put it between my eyelashes too. I use a lot. I need a waterproof kind. I'm not so particular about my mascara but I need a waterproof kind that looks good. Both in black.

    Also, can I rub my eyes at all with them on or should I just leave them alone?

    1 AnswerMakeup7 years ago
  • How much semen do men typically ejaculate at once?

    How many fluid ounces, or milliliters if that's the case, of semen do most men typically ejaculate at once?

    3 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • How should she get him out of paying child support?

    Alright so. I have two friends. Both are minors, the male is turning 18 in February. We live in California. My female friend wants to have the child of my male friend. Don't question it please (whether she's too young or not, it's her decision) and she wants to convince him to let her. He might actually agree but we want to figure out a way that wouldn't inconvenience him, so pretty much, is there any legal documents or anything they can sign so that he doesn't have to be involved in any way with the child? It's kind of like he'd be a sperm donor, only, they're both minors.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • How to be comfortable enough to have sex?

    I want to have sex with one of my guy friends. He's a senior and I'm a sophomore. He's really cool and he changed my life. Anyways, I know how to prevent unintended pregnancies and STIs and such; those aren't the problem. The problem is that I don't know how to feel comfortable in my body long enough to have sex with him. In the words of a person from school, I'm "fat, flat, and have no *ss." I also have stretch marks and other skin problems all over my torso and thighs. I know you're thinking "Turn off the lights" but I'm not allowed out at night and my parents actually make sure I'm in my room every night. So we'd have to do it during the day when you can see everything. I really do want to do it. I just don't know how. Also, the other girls he's slept with before are really pretty and sexy so I feel like he's only sexually attracted to those types of girls but I'm not sure.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How long did it take for Angels to fall?

    Does it say anywhere in the bible how long it took for the fallen angels to complete their fall to the earth? I've heard that it was mere minutes, and I've also heard it was 9 days and nights.

    Does anybody know any verses where it actually says how long it took?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Good cheap speakers for iPod touch?

    I want speakers for $60 or less that are good quality.

    I've heard that iHome is good but the problem is that it charges the iPod and it don't want to have to worry about overcharging my iPod. Is there any iHome speakers that don't charge it?

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players7 years ago
  • Why do I get tired with heat?

    It's like any time I use heat, I'm instantly tired. Every time I step outside in the summer (I live in CA), sleepy. Every time I use a heat pad to treat an injury, I'm sleepy. If I'm really warm in my blanket, I'm sleepy. I just wonder why this is.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Does anybody remember this game?

    There was this game I played with a friend. I can't remember the name but pretty much one person would stand there and the other would circle around them while chanting something and urging an old spirit to come alive. I can't remember the chant though. All I remember is you would say the spirits story like "They tortured him" and stuff and at the end you would chant "Freddie, Freddie, come alive" a few times. Weird thing is, it actually worked. Does anybody know this game? If so, please tell me the name or the chant. I can't remember it at all.

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Does this make sense in Hindi?

    "Idhar aayo papa mein gili ho gayi"

    I'm trying to say "Come here daddy I'm wet" in Hindi. It's just a joke between me and my friends.

    3 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Do they drug test at neurologist appointments?

    I have one on the 22nd and at the end of April, I smoked weed and drank. Do they drug test at neurologist appointments? They haven't before but they did when I was hospitalized for seizures. Also does alcohol show up on drug tests

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • I'm so confused why she's mad at me?

    Okay so my best friend is ally and she's in love with a guy, Jose. So ally had to see her dad a few hours away this weekend. Jose invited me and others to this school club volunteer activity. He said to invite ally but she couldn't make it so basically what ended up happening was it was just me, Jose, another guy, and two other girls. Me and Jose are just friends, neither of us have feelings for each other. During the volunteer activity, we would be in back rooms and stuff and so I kept playfully sexually touching him. Now she's mad at me. But to me, there was no feelings involved, they're just bodies. And I thought she thought that way but she told me she was upset because I didn't understand her and consider her feelings. But I did consider them. I thought we thought the same because she's done casual sexual stuff with guys in the past and had no feelings for them. So I thought she'd be okay with it. And they're also not together. She loves him but he's interested in another girl so it's not like he cheated with me or something. Why is she mad? Also she said this is why she doesn't open up to people and she doesn't trust me anymore how do I get her to trust me?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • How to walk with an injured knee?

    So tomorrow I'm hanging out with a friend and we're gonna volunteer somewhere and this requires walking. Yesterday, I was taking a walk and I fell on a downhill slope, injuring my right knee and elbow, and left palm. Nothing serious though. My hand bled, my elbow just looks really roughed up, and my knee bled the most. So how do I walk painlessly with my knee injured? Also should I shower with my bandages on or off?

    2 AnswersInjuries7 years ago
  • How to hate someone?

    There's this guy. And my friend likes him. A lot. And I'm starting to like him. He's nice and funny and smart. It'd mess up everything to like him. I don't want to lose my best friend she's the greatest. How do I make myself hate this guy? He's never been mean to me or anything so I can't even dwell on a rude remark and convince myself he's mean.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago