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Software Engineer. Vatican Catholic. Father of 2. Husband of 20 years.

  • How do I tell Microsoft I never want to hear about Internet Explorer 8 again?

    My system keeps telling me I "need" IE8 - and I keep telling it no I don't. I've clicked the little "don't tell me about his update again" and it keeps coming back - XP, Vista - it doesn't matter which OS I'm running, it keeps claiming it's an "important update."

    How do I tell Microsoft once and for all what they can do with this POS?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is South Carolina just too stupid to be affected by "Global Warming?"?


    "Averaged across the state of North Carolina, there has been no long-term trend in the state’s annual temperature history since 1895, the year when well-compiled temperature records first become available from the National Climatic Data Center (located in Asheville)."

    "Likewise, if you examine North Carolina’s statewide temperature history within the four seasons, you again find no evidence of any unusual climate changes occurring throughout any portion of the year."

    "Averaged across the state of North Carolina for each of the past 113 years, statewide annual total precipitation exhibits no long-term trend, averaging just under 50 inches per year."

    "The number of hurricanes impacting North Carolina during the last 10-year period, 1998-2007, was similar to periods in the first half of the 20th century. "


    Don't they realize we're all doomed? How dare they behave as if it's "no problem?"

    4 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • How many deaths does it take in "Gun Free Zones" for us to come to our senses?

    Declaring an area "Gun Free" is obviously working so well. It makes sure you have lots of unarmed victims when some lunatic with a gun decides it's time to go off his meds and on a spree!

    How long until we drop this ludicrous platitude and actually do something sane - like allow people the means to defend themselves when gathered in groups?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with fewer Atlantic Ocean Hurricanes?

    Ok, we've all heard the old saw - "Global Warming causes more and more severe Hurricanes." Al Gore himself points to Katrina as "proof" of Global Warming. We know the tune!

    But a new study says it ain't so. As a matter of fact, because a warmer ocean produces more "wind shear," the number of hurricanes actually goes down in a warmer world!,0,56...

    Now remember, kids, these are scientists! They are RIGHT!

    So, what's wrong with fewer Atlantic Ocean Hurricanes?

    No, we're not discussing any other aspect of the Global Warming "disaster" PlayStation® Predictions. Answer the question posted, not some diatribe about your other "scary movie" type issues.

    11 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • How many IPCC Scientists and Bureaucrats Lose Their Jobs if Global Warming "Ain't So Bad?"?

    Really - if it turns out in 25 years that the Globe has not Warmed Significantly, and that it does, in fact, start to cool or seem stable - how many people does that put out of work?

    And how does the fact that their jobs depend on banging the Global Warming drum and having people pay attention affect their bias?

    6 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • How did the Omaha Mall being a "gun free zone" help the murder victims?

    The Westbrook Mall in Omaha, Neb. was a "gun-free zone," at least until mass murderer Robert Hawkins carried a gun into the place and started killing people so he could "go out in style!"

    So how did the fact that law abiding citizens were not allowed to carry guns in the mall help the victims of this crime?,2933,315563,00.html

    10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is there anything left NOT caused by Global Warming?

    This link is to a web page which lists the "media stories ascribing the cause of everything under the sun to GLOBAL WARMING."

    So my question is this - is there anything they missed?

    A few favorites -

    Atlantic LESS Salty / Atlantic MORE Salty

    Business Opportunities / Business Risks

    Oh here's a good one - Circumcision in Decline (???)

    And the ever popular "Earth to Explode"

    So, has anyone got a list of things NOT caused by "Global Warming?"

    12 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • What is the Earth's "ideal" temperature?

    Ok, we know the earth has been around for approximately 5 billion years, and in that time has undergone both warmer and cooler periods than the present climate. Most life thrives in a warmer climate, although some species do prefer the cold. So the question becomes - what is the "ideal" temperature of the earth, and who (or what) is that ideal for?

    Please support with examples. Which specie or species are you placing priority on for your "ideal," and why?

    13 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • If 1934 being the warmest year on record is irrelevant, then why....?

    Hansen, NASA Global Warming Guru, said the difference between 1998 being the warmest year for the United States and 1934 being the warmest year was completely "irrelevant" to the debate.

    So why did he suddenly change which program he uses to publish data with - from SHAP (warmest -1934) to FILNET (warmest - 1934 ties 1998)?

    For decades, NASA has used SHAP results, and now they've suddenly (in the last 3 weeks) started publishing FILNET temps as the "official" record.

    If it's so darned "irrelevant" then why the change? And why no discussion? No explanation? Just a "business as usual, ignore the man behind the curtain" continuation.

    This is akin to a company saying "ok, if we use GAAP, we LOST money, but if we use the EBITDA method, we MADE money - let's report THAT to our stockholders!"

    And why are they diddling the RAW data (c.f. Walhalla, SC ) from surface stations?

    13 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • So, exactly HOW does Water Expire?

    I was drinking a bottle of "Pure" water, and noticed the cap was stamped with an "expiration date." And I wondered - can someone tell me the chemical process by which "pure water" can "go bad?"

    I also noticed the "nutritional information" label on the side of the bottle. Is society that stupid? Are we that ignorant? "Gee, doc, I don't know why she starved to death - we gave her as much water as she could drink!"

    Is anyone else ready to join me "Outside the Asylum?"

    12 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • How do we get the Number ONE CO2 Emitter to even CARE?

    CHINA is now the Number 1 CO2 emitter in the world, having passed the United States in 2006, and continuing to grow it's CO2 output at an alarming rate.

    So how do we, as Americans, get a totalitarian regime which has focused it's economic engine on growth using coal technology to even CARE about stemming CO2 emissions?

    I mean, this is a government that kills its own people for speaking out against it. They have one goal - economic growth to keep the growing middle class quiet so that the Communist Party maintains power.

    Any significant decrease in CO2 output by the United States is MEANINGLESS until China cares.

    So how do we make China Care???

    (NOTE: This isn't about whether CO2 is the culprit in Global Warming. This is about the insignificant amount of CO2 the US puts out compared to the world's #1 polluter!)

    13 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Can we please stop using the word "consensus" now?

    With only 7% of papers in the last 4 years endorsing "man made" global warming, and only 45% total "accepting" man-made global warming as "fact," can we please, please, please drop the "myth of the consensus?"

    48% of papers published in peer reviewed journals in the last 4 years are NEUTRAL on whether Global Warming is "man made" or not, and 6% reject it outright.

    It's a "theory," based on shaky computer models, bad data, and rhetoric. As this "follow-up" to the famous Oreskes work shows, science has moved on, and there is no longer a "consensus" in the literature.

    14 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • If you can prove Global Warming is Man Made - Why haven't you taken the Ultimate Global Warming Challenge?

    It's an easy 10 grand. I mean, come on - you're so freakin' sure it's man made, submit the evidence and shut the skeptics up!

    Should be a no-brainer, right?

    15 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • What do you mean, Greenland isn't melting?

    How could ANY study in a peer reviewed journal come to any conclusion other than that Greenland is melting, and we're all going to drown tomorrow?

    Obviously shills for Big Oil have somehow infiltrated these journals and allowed this horrifically shoddy study, based on (of all things) the FACTS, through to publication!

    To arms, to arms, the Truth is coming!

    23 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Where do you live, and has it actually gotten warmer there since 1870?

    This link connects to the Temperature Records of the U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) Data Set. If you think "Global Warming" is so awful, you might want to check whether you're actually being affected.

    I'm in Louisville....(listed as Shelbyville in the database) and I'm REALLY more concerned about Global COOLING!!!! it really GETTING WARMER where YOU live?

    14 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • If the earth has been warming for 100 years, why hasn't Chaska, MN?

    I mean, come on, we hear how horrific Global Warming is, how it's unstoppable, how the Northern Hemisphere has warmed so much faster than the tropics, and yet here's little Chaska, MN, COOLING during the same period.

    Can someone tell me why?

    5 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Who agrees that the "torture" at Guantanimo Bay is unacceptable?

    Maybe you should look here, and see what REAL torture is:

    Somehow "Oh, they didn't get me HBO access and made me listen to Barry Manilow" just doesn't cut it!

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Does the referenced picture and article make Nancy Pelosi look Hitleresque?

    Look at this picture of Nancy - she's going to be trying to freeze Republicans out of the picture with a procedural move that changes a rule on the House Floor that hasn't changed in almost TWO HUNDRED YEARS!

    Tell me that doesn't look like a "Seig Nancy!" she's doing there!

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Atheists - What, if anything, could "God" do to prove to YOU that He exists?

    Atheists - is there "any" miracle that you could experience that would prove ot YOU that God ( any Supreme Being ) exists? Would you dismiss any intervention as either an "unusual, but technically explainable" event - or maybe even the result of a psychotic break? I'm really interested in what you think God should do to prove ot YOU that He exists. Believers, while I respect your experiences and your testimony, that is not what this question is about, and I'd rather hear from "die-hard" non-believers.

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What rights have you, an American Citizen, been restricted from excercising as a result of the Patriot Act?

    I'm not talking about "theoretical" losses of rights, or some vague "they COULD do this or that." I want to know what right you have personally had repressed - either you, or someone you know personally.

    I keep hearing how we've lost all these rights under the Fascist Republican Regime (why even hold elections anymore?) I want to hear from some Citizen who has, or knows some Citizen who has, lost life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness as a result of the Act.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago