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That Guy You Know

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  • My bother is schizophrenic. Whats the chance I will be too.?

    He is 3 years older then me. It started about a year and a half ago I think. Whats the chance that I'll develop it too. I'm 17 now. Please help me out, I'm kinda scared.

    3 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Is Jesus really gay, my priest said he is?

    So today my priest told me that Jesus was actually gay. If you think about it it could be true, he said that he was always with 12 other guys, had long hair, wore sandles, was always doing weird hand motions, he didn't even marry even though he was like 30 and the normal age to marry back then was 16. He sounds pretty gay to me, but I need some other peoples opinions.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Should I tell someone?

    My English teacher is always righting sexy comments on my home work, ex: "Nice job", "Good effort", "See me". So...should I tell the principle, my parents, or whoever? Or should I let her think I'm interested in order to get a good grade?

    4 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Why does my ball-sack smell like cheese?

    I wash it daily, I'm just really worried. is this normal? What can I do to make it not smell like cheese?

    4 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • Can I say it know the word I'm talking about?

    So...I'm white...but I have black friends, a black step-father, and a black president, can I say it now?

    9 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Does this make me gay?

    Me and a friend of mine we on chat roulette messing with people, you know wearing mask, doing stupid stuff, jacking off, the stuff we usualy do. This is, this time did something different, I grabbed my friends cock and started giving him a hand job to mess with the other person, you should have seen the look of shock on the random persons face. But then things got weird, my friend proceeded to suck my dick and I cumed. I was wondering if I'm gay because I came when a guy blew me. It was all supposed to be to mess with the random people, but now I'm worried that I'm gay now... please help me, does this make me gay? If so is there a way to make me straight again? Thanks.

  • What do you think about that?

    Okay, so I know this may sound a little weird but today my stepdad (he's white) was saying that bIack people are more genetically closer to apes than any other race. He also proposed an idea that the reason why we play basketball so much is because its the only way to tame our inner apes. I know it seems racist but don't you think its kind of true in a way? I know whenever I grab my homies and da bball court together to shoot some hoops, it calms me down. When I slam dunk it kind of reminds me of swinging on a vine or climbing a tree. And I always love to refuel with a banana afterwards. Do any other blacks sometimes get this sensation?

    5 AnswersBiology10 years ago
  • What books should I read?

    I want to learn...everything, mostly science and history.

    Can you please recommend books that I should read on these subjects, or possibly audio books that I can put on my ipod?

    Im currently reading a short history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson, which is a really good starting point.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • I want to learn everything?

    I want to learn everything about science and history, can anyone help me out?

    What are good books to read about these things?

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How to convince your grandparents to drive a hybrid.?

    I want to try and convince my grandparents to drive a hybrid car.

    Can someone give me the cost of buying this car, and how much you save each year driving it, ect. Thankyou.

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Do we have a plan for an alien invasion?

    Between halo and the movie battle los angeles ive got to our governments have a plan incase theres a hostile alien invasion?

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • I cant eat with these braces and expander.?

    I just got bottom braces and an expander put in today, it dosent hurt, but i cant eat. Whenever i try to swallow the food just just stuck up in the expander, please help.

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How can you ignore the words of our savior?

    The Tooth-Fairy our one true lord and savior has spoken in the scriptures, her revelations are coming to pass, if you do not repent your sins now and start brushing your teeth more then ever then you shall all be damned to eternity with cavities!!!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • scar from full metal alchemist tattoo?

    ok, i love full metal alchemist and scar is one of my favoriot charictors. I want to get the taoo he has on his right arm, i want the whole thing, not just a part of it. i need pictures of it from every angle.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • what does the bad robot from F@G use to make his voice like that?

    im a huge F@G fan and i was wondering how does robot do that voice. is it a program, if so where can i get it?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • i want to record my halo 3 gameplay.?

    me and some friends were watching some videos on youtube and we decided to put some up also.we want to put up some of our kills from halo 3, the thing is we dont know how to get them from the xbox to the computer. please help us out. i heard something about a capture card, i think F@G uses one to record there amazing videos.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I like this girl, but i dont know what i should do...?

    ok, well im a new student at my school and theres this girl i like. shes friends with my friends here and i sometimes see her, shes also in my english class but we dont talk that much.i dont know if she has a boyfriend or for that matter much else about her...any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what are some good songs to learn on electric guitar for begginers?

    i got an electric guitar and i want to learn some good easy songs for it, please help me out.

    11 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago

    I just bought a coonut at the store and i went home and drained the water.i drank the water and it was discusting. Then i tryed the meat, its so friggin GROSS!!! how can i make the coconut taste good, if thres something i can do i dont wanna waste it.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • i want to learn japenese?

    i want to learn japanese,does anyone know a good site to learn i on?

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago