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  • anyone have a dog with fatty neck tumors or lipomas? i'm scared about this.?

    my senior rottweiler, 11, has a bunch of ever growing LARGE fatty benign (so far) lipoma tumors developing directly under her chin, on her front neck area.... to where i can hardly get a harness or collar on her anymore.

    Also i feel like they are interfering with her breathing but maybe not. Don't know for sure. She seems to snore alot more lately.

    Vet says they are just lipomas as they were biopsied months ago but they seem to be growing and spreading.

    they dont look or feel worse, they're just spreading - the mass looks bigger.

    She looks like a very fat rottwieler with this mass on the front of her neck and i hate it.. she is overweight already but her awful arthritis limits her going on long walks. So I try to cut back on her food.

    Vet says if they start to look different, get hard, ooze, or start to lose hair, etc, then to worry. Those things are not happening. I feel like i keep bothering her with the same question each visit, (what are those spongey growths on her neck / should i be worried yet?) but honestly, this mass is getting ridiculous. they are just squishy like water balloons..

    do i keep doing biopsies, if so how often? could this develop into full blown cancer?

    I know rotties are suseptible to cancers. I'm nervous. But, they don't seem to bother her.

    Besides biopsies, what other options do i have? Removal is out of the question, shes too old.

    that's her in my profile pic as a 5 month old pup.... whhhaaaaaa :( :( :(

    Anyone w/ this problem?

    9 AnswersDogs3 years ago
  • at what odometer reading is a 2013 HARLEY Sportster considered used, old and tired? are they like a car in that respect?

    trying to sell my sons bike of which i am a co-signer on the original loan, i have no clue about any of this. the bike is a 2013 Harley '72 Sportster, 1200 CC engine. Bike is not in either of our possessions at the moment, bike is in Tennessee, we are in Chicago and Baltimore....and my son can't remember the mileage. It was an impulse buy on his part (he HAD to have it) ... and now i'm stuck dealing with it. Thanks.

    10 AnswersMotorcycles3 years ago
  • I just brought my car late payments up to date. It was assigned to reposesed. Am i required to pay repo fee even though it won’t be repoed?

    This is in Tenessee. Car is now current in payment status. What are fees in this situation? Do i still have to pay repo fees? If so why?

    10 AnswersInsurance & Registration3 years ago
  • POLL: Who will won the Presidential Election? Trump or Clinton?

    please whether youre liberal, moderate, demo, repub, conservative... plz opinionate here!

    1 AnswerPolitics5 years ago
  • Neighbors house infested and swarming with bees and wasps HELP how to keep them OUT of my yard....?

    I am deathly allergic to any type of venon including bees wasps and yellow jackets. My neighbor (i'm in a rental) has them flying all over and they are in my yard. I cannot sit outside to enjoy my deck/yard because of this, so how can i keep them away without bothering my neighbor? I think they are renters too. (its a college town)

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape5 years ago
  • partially torn out dog dewclaw?? what to do till i can get her to a vet tomorrow? its sunday.....?

    earlier this morning i went on a hike with my jack russell terrier and he began limping then i noticed the partially ripped out dew claw. He has done this to the same dew claw before. Is it more suseptible once ripped? My bigger dog never ever had this problem.

    I'm wrapping it after cleansing with sterile peroxide, as all he wants to do is lick it but he keeps shaking the dressing off..... claw is not all the way out, but close to it.

    i sure hope hes not in much pain....

    2 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • what are the costs involved in seting up a modular home on a piece of land that has a septic permit in place?

    i want to buy a small piece of land & place a modular on it. it only has a septic permit in place; whatever that means. What things will i be paying for (besides land & house) permits/surveys/well/electric lines/foundation/etc etc? anything else?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    websites all white? no color, only text?

    recently i have begun to experience many websites coming in formatted with only black / white text body -- No images, colors, headers, footers, sidebars, tabs, empty white squares where a picture should be, links dont work etc.

    see photo below... whats happening? Normally this website has lots of colors, background is vibrant blue... is this a security thing? i run a business online and this is making me not be able to work. HELP!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Is KNEE aspiration a painful procedure? Fluid on the knee issues here....?

    i know there have been a few answers on this already but not too recent and was wondering if there's any NEW methods/ways to do this?

    Tomorrow i might have to have one and i'm scared to say the least. On a scale of 1 - 10 with 1 being the least, how much does the needle hurt? And for how long? is it numbed up first?

    1 AnswerInjuries5 years ago
  • What shampoo (product) do the professional salons use to wash our hair exactly? I can NEVER get my hair to feel the same at home:[?

    My hair is Paul Mitchell salon colored / highlighted. But after getting home, & using high quality expensive shampoos like Paul Mitchell, Nexxus, and Biolage, my hair again feels like straw every time i wash no matter how much conditioner i use, this applies to everywhere i go - i travel a lot, so its not a hard water issue. (i even bought a H2O filter for my shower at home) I can never ever get that silky lightweight look or feel back-- like right after its been done at the colorist. I have tried sulphate free shampoos, again, no difference, hair still straw-like / dry.

    Do they put something extra in our hair during the conditioning phase to make it so silky smooth / soft?

    Now, because my hair is baby fine thin/ has no volume or thickness, I do use a lot of hair spray just so my hair stays in the shape it was cut in, otherwise it would look like i stuck my finger in a light socket (dry). I don t put any other product in my hair other than the spray. I only use shampoos specifically for colored hair- but its not the clarifying type.

    I spend a lot of money on coloring and amazing cuts, and want it to look like it did when i left the salon. Thanks.

    2 AnswersHair6 years ago
  • no internet access and DNS server not responding?

    What ExACTLy does this mean b/c i currently do not have any wi- fi internet signal at the moment. Frustrating. "Problem loading page" "server not found" in: nothing happening. Blank white screen. Help.........

    2 AnswersComputer Networking6 years ago
  • How to stop/prevent only ONE friend from posting photos to my timeline without blocking him on Facebook?

    i dont dislike this person, i just want him to stop posting his pictures on my timeline. Ive asked him twice now and he continues to do so. He is a photographer, and constantly posts his crazy pictures to my TL, i dont want to see them there as i can view them on HIS timeline just as easily. i still want to continue seeing his posts, alllow him to comment on mine, etc...just no more silly pictures. I don't want to set it so NO friends can post pictures - just this one particular person. HELP!

    3 AnswersFacebook6 years ago
  • Statute of credit card limitation is now over, why am i still being harrassed?

    In Colorado, during 2001-2004; i was a third 1/3 partner in a small business, in which i was the only partner with good credit. We opened all business CC accounts in my name. Business dissolved in 2005. I am now being harrassed over-n-over, calls & letters, for one CC debt the business did not pay. All were paid except this one. It was NOT my personal debt.

    Its now 2015, I now reside in Florida. Am i liable? I stopped the calls by blocking but they come up with new phone numbers constantly. They have found out my new place of residence so now the letters keep coming. Debt now is up to around 2K with all the late fees and interest.

    i am frightened that they will sue and i will have to go to court. I refuse to pay this. it was not my personal spending nor was it my blame for non-payment.

    Will I have to go to court if they make me?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • how much aragonite to add to an established 20 G goldfish tank?

    i have a dying fish due to ZERO ph levels. HARD tap water and HIGH acidity in my tap water. NEeding to add the aragonite, but not sure how much. I'm going to be adding it to the filter housing units, which hang, i have 4 in use right now. currently i have about 1 cup stuffed in them now, secured in hosiery bags, but levels on pH and such are not changing at all. Ammonia stays high as does my nitrate levels, and i swear, nothing i do is helping to lower those readings.

    this tank has been up and running for maybe 2 years. I just moved to a new home and our tap water is bad. thanks. 2 small goldfish in there. thanks.

    heres tank water parameters:

    ammonia = 4.0

    pH = 0

    hardness = 250

    nitrite = 0

    nitrate = 80

    alk = 0

    my prized goldfish got a bad case of tail fin rot. almost lost him. I used the API Fungal Cure yesterday. added more aeration and filtration to tank too. PWCs every day till water parameters are in check. thanks.

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago

    CAnnot copy paste any links from other websites. they are unclickable when i try to open them/ dont know what thats called..."unclickable" dead? anyways. for several days now the links wont open. you know how it turns blue when you type down further after you copy and paste one, normally?

    Well that is not happening either.

    anyone else? or is it just me?


    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • cold sores, herpes simplex1, when is it contagious exactly?

    I get alot. I treat with lysine 1000 mgs three times a day. My question is at what stage of the sore can it be passed to my sexual partner? via kissing, etc....after it erupts? When tingling first starts? During the entire course of the sore?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • What does this dream/nightmare mean?

    Last week on the very early morning hours of the 2013 anniversary of 9-11, I awoke abruptly during a dream of a PanAm jet exploding/crashing shortly after takeoff. This was early, maybe 6AM. Almost to the exact hour of the first attack. A very infrequent but recurring dream/nitemare for me, it has only happened maybe 10 times in the past 20 years or so. Just starts with a plane taking off then in the distance an explosion and a plume of smoke. That's all there ever is to it. But i always abruptly awake. However this particular morning it was more detailed, def a PanAm plane and it happened to occur on Sept11th. I'm wondering if this is a clairvoyant thing, a subconscious mind thing? Just curious. thank you.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • why do dogs lie on ground with both back legs stretched out behind them like a frog?

    i have 2 dogs. One small One large. The small one, a jack russell terrier, 14 pounds, short legs, can lie down on his stomach, with his back legs splayed out like a frog. My larger dog, 63 pounds, with VERY long lanky legs and a VERY deep chest, has never done this. Is this some sort of joint thing? does it mean they are highly flexible? Could it be a hip thing? its almost like a human being able to do the splits. Just curious as to the origin/reasoning behind this behavior. Wonder if its a breed trait? i've heard of other large dogs doing this, so it must not be weight related. Thinking that the more weight the harder it would be to do this. Both of mine are xbreeds.

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • why is my small dog biting and scratching, attacking his backside, HELP?

    I am only looking 4 valid answers. anyone w/ some experience w/ this horrible problem. anyone answering "take it to the vet" dont even bother ....I have already taken him to the vet for this, just a few days ago. Vet said Benedryl. SHOCKER, really?? and for this lousy advice I paid you money that I dont have? I'm kidding of course....benedryl doesnt work, already tried it.

    ok my 14 # jack russell has some sort of skin issue apparently. he has HAD (no longer does) a few fleas/ticks here n there, as recently as several months ago, when we moved to this new rental home with lots of trees and vegetation. I took care of those right away. I even got Orkin to come out and spray my yard and inside the home. He has white/black fur, like a cow design, so fleas are easy to detect on much of his body. I take a fine tooth flea comb, and put on a LED headlamp for extra strong lighting. I have a Qtip soaked in vaseline at the ready. With comb, i seperate every millimeter of his backside fur right down to the pink skin. i cannot see anything. no fleas, no scabbing, no wound, no flea poo, no redness, NOTHING. i can feel its wet where i search, indicating this is the spot where he's been chewing/biting like mad, enough to wake me from a deep sleep, he and bed R moving so much. This problem seems much worse in the morning. Additionally he scratches like crazy with his back paws along his back sides. Both sides.

    I read somewhere it can be dermatitis (SP?) or some kind of skin sensitivity issue.

    i make $800 a month in wages, after taxes as a caregiver- i have 2 dogs, so obviously i cant afford to be running to the vet every time theres a problem. i'm big on home remedies and natural medicines so i would love to be able to fix this annoying problem myself. I feel awful for the poor little guy he's such a wonderful, funny, loyal, happy go lucky, playful companion, and i would go to the ends fo the earth for my dogs.

    If anyone knows what this could possibly be, with REAL experience, i would be most grateful for any clues, tips, suggestions, etc and thank you.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • HELP! stuck DVD sliding around inside my DVD player!?

    while I unknowingly had a favorite DVD in its dvd player, I had to position the player ( i was hooking up another device) in such a way that i turned it slightly upside down. Now the dvd is inside the innards of the machine, sliding around in there. I can hear it. I can still open and close the door of the DVD player, but the DVD is lost inside. Without taking it to a repair shop, is there a way to get it out? Its a used player I bought secondhand, no warranty, but works GREAT. Nice player and I really want my favorite DVD back!

    I've tried sliding it back to where the door is, hoping it will fall back into the round place where its supposed to be but no luck. I dont want to damage my machine or the DVD......thanks.....

    3 AnswersHome Theater9 years ago