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Lv 55,737 points

The God of Reptiles

Favorite Answers6%

I am awesome and nice. And quite eccentric/crazy.

  • How can anyone claim their god is correct when there are thousands of religions/beliefs in the world?

    It makes me wonder how anyone can claim their god is correct when there are thousands of religions all with some different origin story worshipping some different thing;

    Compare for example:

    Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, Australian Aboriginal Religion and First Nations Religions AND Aesir and Norse Faiths.

    That's just to name a few.

    Surely if the Christian/Islamic god were real he'd have sent prophets to areas like where North America is, as well as South America, Australia, Japan, China, where Russia is, South Africa and where Europe is, etc. and NOT just in the Middle East!

    Don't you think it rather strange?

    I think Religion is geographical, as are languages and to a degree, cultures(?).

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How far from a sun would a jupiter-sized earth-like planet need to be? (and other questions)?

    I'm writing a story about humans on an earth-like planet about the size of jupiter called Se'Ashiran; how large would the sun called Sorkra need to be and how far would the planet need to be in proportion to Sorkra to be in the Goldilocks zone to sustain human life?

    Also, if there was no moon to keep the planet from toppling over, and it does topple over, what short-term effects would it have on the planet, what long-term? Could it still sustain human life?

    Thank you for answering my questions.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • Need help understand grammatical mood?

    English has modal verbs: each with a different type of mood, but I notice there can be a difference between them, though they are in the same category:

    The modal verb pair Can/could is in the category of likelihood/possibility.

    But "can" can also denote permissibility like may/might, which confuses me.

    Anyhow if modal verb "Can" can be an irrealis potential dynamic and modal verb "could" can be potential, irrealis, permissible then what category can the below modal verbs be in?

    Must (necessity?)

    May (permission?)

    Might (permission?)

    Will (conditional?)

    Would (conditional?)

    Shall (obligation?)

    Should (obligation?)

    Please help, I am creating affixes for grammatical mood in a language I'm constructing.

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • I got a question for Jehovah's Witness'? about atoms?

    all things are made of matter.

    all matter is made of atoms.

    And you claim everyone will be ressurected onto Paradise Earth?

    However, you are aware there is nothing after death you are aware that your body ROTS, and those atoms that were you are broken down and someone else or something else gets those atoms...

    So then, if your body is completely broken down, how will you get your atoms back if another person, or even another JW has your atoms? Is he going to take if from them and give it to you?

    or the unsaved, will he take their atoms and make them you? the atoms that were once their brin cells, heart cells etc.?

    Is he going to clone the atoms that were once you?

    It makes me wonder how you can believe in ressurection when yours and everyones bodies rot and break away to become another part of nature, or "dirt" to bluntly put it.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How to NOT make my Constructed Language look like a cipher?

    I am making a language, I got many words, but I am frustrated when it comes to deciding on a grammar structure; it's too much like english still.

    I am teaching myself (using wikipedia) various grammatical structure, and learning the difference of word orders like typical Subject-Verb-Object and Subject-Object-Verb.

    Now, I wanted to the keep the Word Order SVO, but I have trouble telling the difference between grammatical structures of other languages... I don't want my language to be a cipher of English.

    Are these grammatical changes sufficient?:

    * Modal verbs( e.g. Must, will, do, want, etc.) occur after object, example: zĕ tarad hæm ashrųd nĕd, which would be "I lead him-will not"

    * adverbs occur after the verb: zĕ merkh ųven zar 'kanų'. which would be tranliterated as "I made-easily this 'canoe'.

    * compound words are reverse compared to english and are grouped into two:

    --Words that are joined by "dĕ" (meaning "of"), like "bottle of water" instead of "water bottle"; 'roket dĕ fazia'

    -- words that are joined by "ẃ" (pronounced "za") which indicates a compound relationship between the nouns, example, bædii ẃ ýkin, tranliterated as "books-text" or textbooks in english.


    Languages8 years ago
  • Is there such thing as too many diacritics in a language?

    I'm constructing a language... but I got at least two diacritic variations for each vowels (A,E,O, and Y)Do you think it can be hard to read a language with too many diacritics? I use them to represent one phoneme (sound)

    take this series of sentences for example:

    Zĕ qul hźakar seinius zir zurānis āsl sųod.

    Uargų zĕ ta, koẃʦena mĕ dāzýo zær taikų kódh, mĕ merkh zær mýrna.

    Zĕ qul hźakar iuẃkų zir sufæzito āsl sųod.

    Uargų zĕ ta, koẃʦena mĕ qul zær fýr kódh, mĕ merkh zær mýrna.

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • What is the use of the letter "C" if we already have an "S" and "K" sound?

    we don't really need it, as I mentioned above. except maybe to distinguish between cookie and kooky cook and kook, cider and side.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • large bumps on my foot near legs?

    I noticed today I have weird bumps, they are not painful, but they are weird.

    the one on right foot is bigger and here's a picture:

    what is it?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Need help re-ordering these english sentences into Object Subject Verb and finite verb before infinitive?

    I am trying to learn Object Subject Verb, I have the basics down like "some sports(object) I(subject) played(verb, finite)" instead of normally "I played some sports". Yoda speak is OSV

    what would the sentences look like if they were in Object Subjet Verb order and infinitive verbs like (to ask, to be, to do, will, must, might, etc.) came after finite verbs like (play, learn, etc.)?

    A basic example I know is "I might know this" would be "this I know might"

    so here's sentences:

    Double verbs:

    Nancy can't stand to work the late shift.

    Tom agreed to help me.

    His health appeared to be better

    He doesn't care to participate in the activity.

    She claimed to be a princess.

    We decided to go to Hawaii.

    No Object:

    He began to talk.

    He can't bear to be alone.

    She continued to talk.

    thank you.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • simple symbols for obsession,desire to dominate, greed and egocentricity?

    I'm looking for simple symbols to represent obsession(in it's broadst, purest sense, nothing specific), the desire to dominate(a human nature thing), and egocentricity(thinking you revolve around the world or something like that) and lastly, Zealotry/zealousy (too much zeal)

    firstly look at this picture of three symbols for what I'm looking for:

    the first red one is an eye with a nail in it, symbolizing pain and suffering. The third, yellow is an eye with a diamond in it, symbolizing greed (because eye on diamond/wealth)

    so what are simple symbols? for the four mentioned aspects/emotions

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • What do you think of this RPG final boss battle theme?

    Making an RPG, and I made this theme for a final boss, which is a god-like and extremely powerful shadow creature, so *I* thought this theme would match.

    what do you think, does it sound epic? perhaps a little work? suggestions? etc.

    need honest opinions please.

    here is a link to it on

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • If gravity could be manipulated what would be affected? like friction, time and motion?

    I'm making a character who could manipulate gravity, however I like to do things realisticly.

    So black holes aside, what could be affected if one could say manipulate earth's gravity for example to be heavier than what it is?

    I assume friction would, because in a no-gravity environment like space there is little to no friction, but that could also be due to the lack of many particles. I believe gravity also affects time, so maybe if you increase earth's gravity, time would be slower, like how in a black hole, time slows and slows until you "stop" at the event horizon?

    Also if one could make earth gravity "heavier" would it be kind of like swimming in water, if affected enough?

    Thanks for answering.

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Sites where people make you sprites for free?

    I'm looking for any sites that have generally people who do sprite requests for free, as I need some people to make a sprite sheet for a boss for a game I'm making, and I'm only 16 so it's not like I can pay for professionally made ones.

    Also if anyone can make good sprites here I ask you pm/email me.

    Und danke. (And thanks)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Does this language sound harsh?

    I am making a new language (no joke) with it's own alphabet and grammar rules as well as a sentence structure.

    But does my language sound harsh or nice? Or somewhere in between? I don't want it to be too harsh like klingon or as tongue twisty either. The name of the language is Arkheo (Are-Kay-Oh),

    some basic grammar rules:

    "Eh","ei", "e", "æ", and "Æ" are pronounce like a in hay, "H"s are silent at begining of words, like french. "I"s and Y acts like letter "e"

    "Ua" is pronounced like "or" "joi" is pronounce like "wa" (e.g. Sjoird is sward). And "Ia" is like "ya" like Iatos(eyes) is "ya-toes" and all "a" are "ah" or "aw" so Kiham is "kee-hAWm"

    There's more to the grammar but anyways:


    "Kohda sufreita aes myr sufreita"

    (Your suffering is my suffering)

    Ze ta bænam

    (I am good)

    N'akhan aes kadena mhe ghant mæd.

    (Nothing is going to stop me)

    Hær æs jzakar kuhrai uaranzei

    (He is the color orange)

    Sound harsh?

    Thank you for reading such long question text.

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Is this too long for an intro cutscene for a RPG I'm making?

    The game I making will probably be of short to medium length.

    The following is an intro of mine; my question is if TOO long:

    "Dimensions... There exists many of them. Separate universes from our own; different physics, different inhabitants, but some things may stay the same: there might be humans on an earth-like planet, there might be humans on multiple earth-like planets, they might not even be human, but HUMANOID at the very least, there's always one of those in a dimension. You might ask: how many of these dimensions are there? Hundreds, perhaps? Thousands? Try BILLIONS.

    Yea, and in between all these dimensions lies a central plane of existence, known as Akrideas. In Akrideas, there exists a race of god-like humanoid beings known as Psynecerion. These beings are capable of traveling to various dimensions as they please. Their power is great, but when they travel to the dimensions, their power can be limited. They hold the power to create dimensions, and create life.

    These creatures are what all humanoid races call "gods" and they have worshiped them in their cultures and their lives since as long as Akrideas has been a portal to all the worlds.

    Despite being likened to gods, these creature can and do die eventually, but they have immensely long lifespans with the average Psynecerion living over a million years, although their "coming of age" is around 480,000 years. When a Psynecerion dies, their bodies are transformed into a strange and wondrous metal known to the race as "Ahgmatas" or "The Augment" to mortals. This metal is transported and gathered into a giant planet that is many millions of times bigger than the largest of suns. This "planet", The Augment Core is power source of the entire race, and much of their culture is based around it.

    I'm glad you have been patient to hear my story thus far. Now, I should explain how dimensions are created: The Psynecerion use shards of the Ahgmatas to generate enough power to create a tear into Akrideas (cont'd)

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Would the phrase "atomic dissension" make sense?

    I thought dissension meant conflict, so then atomic dissension would mean conflict between atoms?

    I'm looking for words or combination of words that means the destruction of matter by disconnecting the atoms from each other completely, not having the end result be like gases, but like taking buckyball magnets and splitting every individual ball magnet and scattering them any which way.

    Any lexophiles?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • What do you think of this Final Boss Theme I made?

    I'm not very good at music, but I think I did well with this one. I'm also concerned if it is *too* repetitive.

    If first link doesn't work then try:


    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What do you think of this poem I made?

    ...If it is a poem... But it's got a rhythm.

    It's based on a character I made for a story:

    I thought then,

    I could not see

    My existence,

    an abject tragedy


    That tortured sadist

    laughing out loud

    To that misshapen crowd,

    the ones, those ones,

    in my head

    I knew they were

    the ones, those ones,

    who could end me.

    That moment

    under the Sun I covered up

    But they were all blinded,

    couldn't see

    Couldn't foresee

    Gave me mercy,


    Drowning in sorrows,

    darkened for morrows

    I who am,

    The weeping man,

    Feels, feels all

    Your suffering

    is my suffering

    1 AnswerPoetry8 years ago
  • how would you describe this personality trait?

    for describing my character "he has a strange personality where he is one person, but also sort of dual personality; sometimes he has a side to him that can be manipulative and cunning, and more or less good and isolated, and another side to him that is completely polar opposite: arrogant, evil, and very sadistic, and brutally honest, and he can switch between these extremes at any time and they are not split “consciousness” that split personality portrays"

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago