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  • Next move for tier 3 network engineer (UK)?

    My partner works for a mid-size tech company as a network engineer. He likes the job itself, but really struggles in an office atmosphere- he would like to have more autonomy.

    Are there any jobs that might suit him? He saw a careers adviser a while ago but she didn't know much about tech and he didn't get very far.

    1 AnswerTechnology3 years ago
  • Can I rescue my fudge?

    I made some fudge but I didn't heat it enough so it won't set. However it is delicious- can I put it back in the pan and boil it again? I made it about 8 hours ago.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes4 years ago
  • How long between a general anaesthetic and having teeth out?

    I'm having an operation under a general anaesthetic, which clashes with a dental appointment to have teeth out. I need to rebook with the dentist- how long should I leave between them?

    1 AnswerDental4 years ago
  • My cat is doing sex moves on my boyfriend...?

    I've got a neutered tom who's about 9. He's grown to really like my partner in the year we've been together. He often stands on his lap and paddles his paws, but he's recently started thrusting his hips as well. Thankfully he hasn't 'revealed' himself.

    Apart from being very amusing is there any point to it?

    6 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • My period never ends- thinking about surgery?

    I'm 34, and in the twenty-plus years I've been menstruating they've never been regular. I used to go months and months without a period (which I was fine with), but for the last five or so years I've been bleeding nearly non stop.

    I've seen various GPs and none of them seem to be interested in helping me with this- I've tried various contraceptive pills, the implant, the coil and the injection- but every time I see a doctor they tell me to 'bear with it' for a little longer in case it stops on its own.

    I'm just so tired of it. I go through tampons at the rate of about one an hour, I have to get up in the night to change, I have to put towels everywhere I sit, and I'm not able to make love with my partner. It's also hard to work when you have to disappear to the toilet so frequently.

    I've finally got a referral to a specialist for a more permanent solution. For genetic reasons I don't want to bear my own children so I don't care if it affects my fertility.

    Does anyone have experience of surgery to stop periods? What can I expect?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Do you have all the tools you need?

    I'm thinking of starting a business.

    There are many people who would love to do DIY projects but can't afford or have room for all the tools and equipment they need. My idea is to furnish a large workshop with benches and charge by the hour to use the equipment. I would also sell wood and other materials, run a tea bar and employ experienced staff to help people with their projects and make sure everything is done safely.

    Would that appeal to you?

    8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)5 years ago
  • Just moved in with my partner- financial advice?

    I've moved into my boyfriend's house, which he has a mortgage on. He has a good job and is paying the bills- I'm unemployed and buy the food. I contribute as much as I can but I'm very grateful that he takes care of me- I am starting a job soon but this is how it is at the moment.

    Having had a grasping harpy of a girlfriend before, he understandably wants to protect himself if we split up. So-

    Considering that we're not married, would I have to right to claim anything from him?

    And if so, are there any legal measures I can take to reassure him that I wouldn't try to get money from him if we parted ways?

    I know it's an odd query but he's worried about this, and since I have absolutely no interest in his assets it seems sensible to pin this all down now.

    8 AnswersPersonal Finance5 years ago
  • Mooncup/menstrual cup help?

    I have very heavy periods and I bought a menstrual cup to try and cope. However I can't get it in! I've tried different angles and positions but I just can't reach.

    Are there any products/techniques that could help? Maybe some sort of applicator?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Can my landlord demand extra money- in the UK?

    I recently moved out of a flat I'd been renting. I expected to lose some of the deposit but that landlord has claimed that I caused £1000 of damage, and that I owe him additional money. So-

    Is he entitled to ask me for extra money and

    He's threatening to sue me. If he can do this, how long after moving out does he have to wait?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Using an external car horn?

    My car had a massive water problem and it buggered the electrics. The mechanic who looked at it fixed everything except the horn, because he couldn't easily find the fault. He could persevere but that could end up costing me a lot and he might never find it.

    Here in the UK having a working horn is a legal requirement so I can't be without one. Can I buy one that I can mount on the door or something?

  • Dodgy ears?

    I have weird hearing and I want to know if it's a recognised thing or has a name or even if it's just me.

    I can hear individual things fine, but more than one source of sound makes it difficult to hear either. It's not really a question of volume. For example, if I'm standing in the kitchen talking to someone and then put the kettle on, I then can't understand what that person is saying even though the kettle isn't loud. I can sometimes tune in but it's a real effort and I generally then just move closer to the person. Is it my ears or my brain?

    Please tell me I'm not alone...

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • Introducing pets?

    I've just started seeing someone. I've been to his place, but he hasn't been here yet because I'm not sure how his dog will get on with my cats. He's got a bouncy and excitable Jack Russell and I've got two cats, one of whom is chilled and friendly- the other is more nervous.

    How can we introduce them in a way that won't be too stressful for everyone?

    8 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • Is it possible for men not to care what their partner looks like?

    I'm a fat woman, and I've just started seeing a man I really like. I asked him if he likes large ladies and he said he 'didn't mind'.

    I'm very shy about my body but my ex loved it and that made me confident. However, I'm worried that this new guy would be really turned off when we get to the undressing stage.

    So what do you think?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How do vets handle animals?

    My cats are generally quite docile when they see the vet, but I've noticed that they are able to control the grumpiest suffering animals with confidence. Is there a special technique they learn?

    4 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Why is a cat's fur sparse in front of its ears?

    I've noticed that cats- all the cats I've met at any rate- have a patch in front of their ears where the hair is a lot less dense than on the rest of their head. Does it help them hear? Does it protect the ear in some way?

    3 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Does Jeremy Corbyn have any religious views?

    I'm interested to know, but I can't find it anywhere.

    2 AnswersElections6 years ago
  • How do paedophiles find each other?

    It's such a taboo thing that asking the wrong person about it could destroy your life. How do paedophiles identify each other?

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups6 years ago
  • Stupid question about sharing wifi?

    I haven't got my broadband up and running in my new house yet and my neighbour has kindly given me his wireless key. He can't see what I'm looking at can he?

    6 AnswersOther - Internet6 years ago
  • Did my ex partner forge my signature?

    Looking at my internet banking today I noticed that the joint account we shared had disappeared from the screen. I rang the bank and they said that I had been taken off the account but wouldn't give me any more details. So what I want to know is -

    a) Does taking someone off a joint account in the UK require a signature?


    b) What can I do about the forgery?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance6 years ago
  • How does a cat know where to lick?

    We've all seen cats who are walking or seemingly asleep suddenly lick a specific place frantically and then go back to what they were doing. Why do they do it? Do they have a voice in their heads saying 'lick sector 3e2 delta' which must be instantly obeyed?

    5 AnswersCats6 years ago