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  • Am I eating enough calories?

    I JUST started counting my calories - I suspect I was eating about 2400 before. I'm 5'8 and 148 pounds. 21 years old. Trying to lose about 10 pounds.

    I just seem to be having a hard time getting the balance right in the middle, not too many, not too few.

    I usually exercise, burning about 400 calories, 3 times a week, and I lift weights 3 times a week. I also walk quite a bit, a total of about 2 hours a week.

    I'm too busy to exercise this week though.

    Day 1 - 1490 (burned 100 at the gym)

    Day 2 - 1208

    Day 3 - 1197

    Day 4 - 1221

    Today - probably 1050 max by the end of the day (around 900 right now and it's late)

    My guess was 1200-1300/day. Does that sound right? Am I eating enough given I didn't work out? What about if I WAS working out?


    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can you critique my diet?

    I've been trying to eat properly for ages but I feel as though I didn't do a very good job until I started to write everything down. For the last 3 days I've kept track. I'd like to lose about 10 pounds. I'm 5'8 and 148 pounds. I've been working out and eating a BIT better for about a year, and I only lost about 5 pounds and my BF% went down quite a bit, but I'm still not seeing results because I have a hard time with my diet. My BMR is about 1450, and I usually can't go a day without eating SOME kind of junk. What do you think of this? I know I slipped up, especially with the ice cream on the first day, but it's not that bad, is it?

    I drink more than enough water, sometimes with a green tea bag in it. Otherwise, drinks are listed.

    Aug 13 - Total 2015 Calories, Burned off 600 calories

    10:30 AM - Apple 80 Calories

    11:00 AM - Cheese tea buscuit 325 Calories

    2:30PM - 3/4 Sm Wendy's Chocolate Frosty 225 Calories

    2:45PM - Orange 70 Calories

    3:00PM - 1/4 Cup Strawberry Ice Cream 60 Calories

    3:00PM - 1 1/2 Cups mixed veggies w. 100 cals of salad dressing 125 Calories

    6:30PM - 1 piece 12 Grain toast with strawberry jam 160 Calories

    6:30PM - 1 Plum 30 Calories

    10:00PM - 10OZ Chicken Noodle Soup 120 Calories

    10:00PM - Onion Bagel w. Butter & 2 slices of Swiss 400 Calories

    12:00PM - 2 cups kettle corn ~200 Calories

    3:00AM - 3/4 Cup Strawberry Ice Cream 180 Calories

    3:00AM - Vanilla Yogurt 40 Calories

    14 OZ Iced Coffee

    Aug 14 - Total 1490 Calories, burned off 100 with cardio + weights

    12:00 Noon - Apple 80 Calories

    1:00 1 Cup Orange Juice w. Lemon/Lime/Green Tea 120 Calories

    6:00 Small Grape Arctic Rush 220 Calories

    7:00 Sushi Combo A

    California Roll - 3PC 200 Calories

    Salmon Roll - 3 PC 100 Calories

    Salmon Sushi - 2 PC 30 Calories

    Red Snapper Sushi - 2 PC 100 Calories

    Salmon Hand Roll - 1 PC 100 Calories

    9:00 1/2 Chocolate Popsicle 40 Calories

    9:00 1/3 Cup Orange Juice 40 Calories

    10:30PM - Snack Pack Oreos 230 Calories

    11:00PM - 8 Jolly Ranchers 190 Calories

    11:30PM - Mixed Veggies (Just Under 1 cup) 40 Calories

    Aug 15 - 1208 Calories, no exercise

    11:30AM - Berry Yogurt 40 Calories

    Noon - Chicken Breast 150 Calories

    Noon - 2 Slices Bacon 230 Calories

    Noon - Mixed Veggies 75 Calories

    1:00PM - 2 Jolly Ranchers 50 Calories

    4:00PM - 1Tbsp Icing 130 Calories

    5:00PM - 2 Cupcakes 170 Calories

    -1 Tbsp Icing 130 Calories

    6:40PM - 1 OZ Sourpuss 103 Calories

    9:45PM - 1 Bowl Beef Noodle Soup 130 Calories

    23 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What would cause a ferret who doesn't usually chew to suddenly start chewing things?

    Usually my ferret doesn't chew anything.. she gets a sock or something and she just hides it and thats it... but this morning I caught my girl chewing on a sock and she'd actually eaten a piece about 1 inch big.. no idea how long she'd be working on it.. and just not I caught her chewing on a bag!

    I've had her for quite awhile, she's 2 years so she's certainly not teething... what else could cause this behaviour? A toothache, perhaps? Any other ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How long would coffee (with nothing in it) be good for at room temperature?

    I don't care what it tastes like, I just wouldn't want to get sick. If I had made a pot of coffee and turned off the burner, how long would it be good for?

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • How do you nicely turn down a guy friend that asks you out?

    I'm in college for programming, so most of my friends are guys. One in particular I'm friends with, but lately he's been wanting to hang out ALL THE TIME. While we're friends, I don't want to hang out every day, but I can usually get out of it saying I have other plans.

    Last night we hung out and he asked me out on a "real date". I always get nervous talking about that kind of stuff, so I basically just said "I don't know". I really meant no, though. I just don't have feelings for him like that, and I can't see myself ever getting together with him more than just friends.

    Whats the best way to say that, without totally destroying his feelings? Or any guy's for that matter?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Im using array.GetLength() method in c#. Its asking for array dimension as a parameter.does it start at 1 or 0?

    It's just a 1 dimensional array, but would it be dimension 1, or dimension 0?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How long should I stick to bottled water after a water-main break?

    A water main broke out front of my apartment.. we had no water for about 6 hours, and when it came back on it was full of brown sediment from the bottom of the tank (apartment has a gravity tank on the roof). Doesn't smell weird or anything as far as I can tell, and it runs clear after a few minutes.

    I can't find any info from the city, or in the city paper site, or on the local channel about this and the precautions we should be taking.

    Any advice?

    I live in london ontario if anyone has a suggestion of where to look. I've checked out city of London, as well as London Free Press, but if anyone knows where else to look, it would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do I deal with a friend with EXTREMELY different views on abortion than myself?

    I'm female and 20 and a close friend of mine is 24 and male.

    We were chatting and he got onto the topic that he thought his friends who had children young were stupid to have the kids and they should have had an abortion.

    My personal views are that abortion should only be used in extreme circumstances - I mean, there is a time for it, but it's not a method of birth control. Cases of rape or when it is puts the mother at a BIG risk of death are examples. I'm sure other people here have different views, and I do respect them - but I have my limits as well.

    I learned my friend's opinion is that because abortions are covered by the government here, there is no reason to use birth control. Him and his girlfriend don't use protection, and has had not one, but SEVERAL abortions, and he still sees no reason to use protection. He's also of the opinion that if a guy is with a girl and the condom broke, there is no reason for him to tell her, because she could just get an abortion when she gets pregnant.

    I know he can have his own views, but I see that as horribly immature and irresponsible, and it makes me FURIOUS that he thinks there is absolutely nothing wrong with it and that there is no reason to even attempt to prevent pregnancy otherwise. I told him that many people regret the decision of having an abortion but he says more people regret NOT getting them.

    I'm not asking who is a winner here, but how do I deal with this? He's continues to voice his opinion to me("oh look, our friend had her baby", "she would have been happier if she got rid of it") and every time I hear it it makes me so furious I can hardly think straight. I want to remain friends, but he refuses to respect my opinions on the topic. (And it's not just this, he has extremely different views on parenting too - like there is no reason a young parent should lead a partying/drinking lifestyle like they did before kids)

    How would you (and how should I ) handle this?!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Ferret might have hurt her leg but I'm not sure - what do I do?

    Oh my gosh, 5 minutes ago, I was playing with my ferret and she got under my foot and I accidentally stepped on her foot (in socks, on carpet, and not with all my weight)... She let out a little squeak and ran and hid - I'm worried I might have hurt her front paw

    She seems to be walking, playing normally, but when she's just standing she is holding her paw up and looks like she doesn't want to put weight on it - walking fine though. Her paw also looks ok and she's letting me touch it no problem.

    The vet closed 1/2 an hour ago, I don't have a car to drive to one in the next city, and I HAVE to leave the city early tomorrow morning before they open, and she's staying with a friend - I don't really have a choice.

    What should I do? Would it be OK to just keep an eye on her for an bit (like 30 mins) and see if it gets better, or would it be better not to take any chances?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Is it true taking B12 helps with weight loss?

    I went for blood tests and found I have a B12 deficiency so my doctor told me to take B12 vitamins.. I started feeling weird a few days after taking them, like no appetite through the day (odd because I"m normally ALWAYS hungry), nauseous in the evening, like having to try pretty hard not to throw up, and a headache in the evening and weakness/shakiness and a hard time sleeping... I also had a bit of diarrhea right at the start, but it settled down to just having to go a lot more than normal..

    So I looked up online if it was because of the B12, and a lot of people mentioned B12 is the new big thing for losing weight, which would make sense because I had a hard time eating so far.

    I switched to taking it before bed for I miss all the other stuff (happens when I'm sleeping) but I still have no appetite.

    Does anyone have experience with this and does it actually help with weight loss? Clearly I'm taking it for something else but I wouldn't mind dropping a few pounds.. and did it make anyone else feel like crap at first? For how long?

    21 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Should I see if my ferret likes snow again?

    My ferret loves playing outside on a leash. It snowed a lot today (12 inches) so i thought my ferret might like to play in it. The second I took her outside she started shivering, even though she has her full winter coat. As SOON as I put her down in some footprints she went up on her toes with her tail in the air and started to back up a bit into my hands like she didn't want me to let go... It was her first experience with snow and I basically picked her up and brought her back inside because i thought she didn't like it.

    I then took her out onto my balcony where there is only a 1/2 inch or so of snow and she seemed fine to run through it.

    Since she normally loves being outside and getting out of my apartment, should I try her again and just put her in the snow for a longer (like 30 seconds) to see if she actually likes it? Or would that be mean? Could it have just been the shock of a new thing?

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What could be wrong with my ankle?

    A few months ago my trainer at the gym pointed out that my ankle looked a little wonky, but it wasn't giving me any sort of trouble.. it just made my foot turn out to the side.

    I hurt it a few weeks ago at badminton. I didn't feel it when it first happened but it sort of slowly came on over a few days. I saw my trainer who said it was either sprained or possibly a torn ligament, but i somehow sprained it on the INSIDE which is apparently unusual. I don't think I tore anything because it didn't hurt all that bad - I could still walk on it, albeit painfully.

    Walking normally was ok, a little painful but not bad, but anything like stairs or slopes killed. For the next few weeks, some days it really hurt right from when I woke up, some days I didn't even feel it, some days it was fine in the morning and killed later in the day... very random. I was still walking on it at least an hour a day without crutches because transportation strike in my city and no money for cabs - and I never got to see the trainer again because she was unavailable.

    Even though it was like 6 weeks, it still hurts at random - some days I can run on it fine and others (though only once a week or so) I wake up not even being able to walk on it. Also, when I feel the back of my ankle, it feels sort of "creaky".. It's not a smooth movement and I'd explain it as the same feeling as the friction of your shoelaces getting done up, or the feeling of doing up a zipper. The normal one feels totally smooth when I move it.

    What could be wrong?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • I'm 21 and live away from home for school - my parents are still reading my mail.. how do I make them stop?

    I'm 21 (and live in ontario). I don't live with my parents anymore and haven't since I was 18. Because I'm in school, my school requires a "permanent address" which has to be the same address my parents live- they refuse to change it to my address because it's not "permanent". This address has to match up with the address the government has for me as well, so basically anything related to school (bills, transcripts, report cards, student loans) or the government (GST Refunds, income tax, etc). My bank has the same policy - it has to be the address the govt has on file, so all of my bank statements and stuff. All of this stuff goes to my parents house. I've asked my mom numerous times to not open my mail - I usually expect when something is important and warn her, but otherwise I ask her to forward it to me UNOPENED. She doesn't respect this wish, and opens everything... Because of this, she has access to all of my bank information (such as what I spend my money on by store and when, and also my bank balance), all my school information, my income info, everything. I'm a very private person, and I've been supporting myself since I was 15, so I really don't like my mom reading all that personal info about me.

    I've asked her to stop, and she just seems to not notice. She'll often call and say "oh, a letter came that says this" and not even attempt to hide the fact she's opened it. Her excuse is either "I forgot" or "it might have been important". Sometimes she doesn't even tell me when things have came for me, and I'll go to visit and a stack of my opened mail will be there, often important, that I had no idea existed.

    I don't really want to charge them, and it's expensive to set up a permanent forward. Any other ideas? I feel like I've tried everything!

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I need to sanitize my bathroom, top to bottom - how do I do it?

    I had a few friends over for drinks to celebrate the end of exams, and one idiot locked himself in my bathroom and threw up on EVERYTHING. I got most of the visible stuff with lysol wipes and stuff, but I now it's nowhere near clean yet. It's disgusting. I'm out of cleaning products now, and need to buy more... what should I get, and how do i do it? If possible, i'd like something I can just spray EVERYWHERE and wipe down, without putting my bathroom out of commission for too long, since I only have 1 - any ideas? I want it to be CLEAN! (I'm not sure bleach is a great idea though because of the fumes... something else?)

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Help with a very simple C++ program?

    I'm a 3rd semester programming student but I'm having a total blonde moment (plus c++ isn't my best language).. SO DON"T LAUGH!

    All i need to do is a little mock-up for a future project.. I have the base of the mockup... display a title... let the user enter something, return a value (for display only, just a random number). Let the user continue to enter strings... but terminate the program when a blank string is entered (if the user hits enter).

    Here is what i have, i just can't get it to exit on a blank line... is there a better way to do this? wtf am i missing, seriously, i have no idea why i can't get this stupid thing!


    #include <iostream>

    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    int main() {

    cout << "Expression Evaluator V1.0" << endl << endl;

    string mockIn;

    unsigned ct = 0;



    mockIn = "";

    cout << ">>";

    cin >> mockIn;

    cout << "[" << ct << "]" << " = 4321 " << endl;


    }while (mockIn != "");

    return 0;


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • A DOCTOR should be able to determine if you have conjunctivitis, right?

    Last Monday I woke up and my eyes were completely crusted over, so I figured I likely had some sort of conjunctivitis and went to the school clinic (since it was convenient). My eyes were extremely red - my doctor looked and told me it was nothing, and likely just part of the cold I had.

    It got a little worse through the week but I just sort of blew it off because the doctor said it was ok.

    Saturday morning I woke up and couldn't open my eyes at all. They were very sensitive and it was like my eyelids refused to open. Light and dark hurt, and when I held my eyes open, they'd roll back into my head within a second. I could only start to open them a bit in the evening. Same thing happened Sunday.

    I went back to the school clinic Monday to the same doctor. The doctor told me she was still convinced it was nothing, but I should go to the hospital emergency room right away. (I know, makes no sense).

    The ER seemed to think it was pretty serious and gave me emergency priority appointment with their specialist. I was there for the whole day and seen by several doctors, and ended up missing a bunch of tests and stuff and school - not to mention falling very behind by all the homework I missed over the weekend.

    Turned out I had a serious case of Viral (something) conjunctivitis which had led to several ulcers on my corneas and may result in permanent damage - I have to miss several more days of school to go back, not to mention pay for all this, and the medication.

    If she had known it was conjunctivitis in the first place, I probably wouldn't have gotten the ulcers and had all these other problems. My mom seems to think next time something like this happens I should go to the ER instead of just the doctor.

    Long story short - I did some research and went to the doc as soon as I thought something was wrong - both times I went, a week apart, she thought it was nothing.

    Is all of this my fault for going to a doctor rather than an optometrist, or should they have clued in to what was going on? (considering I could figure it out and basically told her what was wrong in the first place?) If something like this happens again, should I handle the situation differently?

    1 AnswerOptical1 decade ago
  • Where can I find the laws surrounding computer viruses in Canada online?

    One of my essays for my ethics course involves the laws and ethical issues surrounding computer viruses, for example, about the person who wrote the virus, released it, or damage caused by someone who got the virus, and who is responsible for what. Any idea where I can find these laws? US law is OK but I'm canadian so I'd rather use canadian law if possible.

    Links? I need to site my sources...

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I got a nightguard 8 weeks ago and I've already cracked it in half on both sides?

    I got my night guard at the start of september. Within a week it already had some little cracks which I thought were normal, but now it's been about 8 weeks and I've bit through it on both sides (like each tray for the molars is cracked about 1-2 cm up right down the center). I figured it would last longer than this since it was like 400 dollars. Can I still use it? Is this normal or was it maybe defective? Is there any chance I won't need to pay for a new one? (since I clearly need it - i grit my teeth HARD).

    Clearly I'll call my dentist but theyre not open til tuesday - any opinions now?

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Do relationships like this actually exist? (details inside)?

    I met this guy a couple months ago in my new college class. For the first few weeks we were just friendly, but in the last few weeks we've gotten a lot closer. We got more flirty/playful with eachother. We're both in our early 20's and I guess we both knew that something more than just being friends would happen eventually.

    We never took it any further than friends, because I know he has a girlfriend he lives with and has been seeing several years (something that would stop me from persuing a guy). Last night he came over to hang out (like usual) and we had some drinks and were watching movies and just goofing off like normal, and we were cuddling, and he asked if he could kiss me. We were a little drunk. I said no because I knew he had a girlfriend, and asked him about it. His response was

    that even though they've been dating for a few years and live together, they're not actually exclusive. They both date other people regularly and know about eachother's other relationships, but know none of the details. They'd just be considered "bf/gf" but without being exclusive.

    I've never actually met this girl. I have been in the situation before where I've dated guys and later found out they had a gf they were cheating on with me, and of course I felt bad.

    We did end up kissing and he swore it was ok. He stayed over (since we were drinking) and he was over for 24 hours without talking to his girlfriend even once.. he said they don't keep track of where eachother are or ask when eachother don't come home at night.

    I know this doesn't sound normal, but do relationships like this actually exist? I have been friends with this guy for some time so i really don't think he's just using me, but I really don't know if he'd be the type to lie and cheat or not (hard to tell).

    What do you think? Should I just trust him that it's ok or refuse just because it's possible he might be lying?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • (pic) I love this dress but it's too short.. could I wear something underneath it and have it still be cute?

    I got this dress like a year ago and I've only worn it once because it's so short (I'm 5'9 so it would be fine on someone like 5'4). Yes, it's a bar dress, not for school or anything. The solid layer underneath you can see just covers my bum and everything, with another 2 or 3 inches coverage from the lace, but when I bend over, you can see my bum. I would normally wear little spandex shorts underneath of a dress (just in case) but i think in this dress you'd be seeing them a little too often.... is there another option of something I could wear underneath (not jeans) that would still make it cute but without showing my bum so much?

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago