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  • should i move out of the states?

    Hello brothers i need your best advice. to be brief i currently live in the USA i had a child 6 years ago he is now 6 years old and im 26 . I came to the states to work but not to have children well at least in my theory . It happened and now i have a child he is is deaf and has a cochlear implanted that allows him to hear his mom does not help me i have full custody i have been rasing my son with the help of my mother. i love the usa and im thank full  for this country but i miss my country . I feel like is time to get back, i want to get back . although when i think about my child it always stops me i would have to take him with me . i dont think i would leave him with my mom even if she would say its okay. i feel like its my son and its my job unlike his mom who dissapeared. what should i do? im stressed

    4 AnswersFamily1 year ago
  • What should i do contruction or mechanic?

    In my state we are going into winter am currently at a contruction/industrial roofing company but i just got an oportunity to go back to my old job as a mechanic. What should i choose. Right now in construction am hourly while as s mechanic theyll pay me flat rate so it will be by the job basically (22 hourly outdoor construction vs 18-20 perhour on flat rate on the mechanic side.)

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment3 years ago
  • am 24 years doctor prescribed me these pills should i take them?

    my prostate are swolen he game a medicine for the bladder but it didnt work since it mainly works for bladder malfunxtion but i asked him to give me silodosin and ciprofloxacin. but should i take them i heard they have side effects or should i leave my prostate the way it is the onky thing is tha i have urge to urinate alot!

    am scare about sex lif

    2 AnswersMen's Health3 years ago
  • i need your help?

    i work in construction i have a friend who told me about the job and told me where to apply but thats it he could of helped me more but anyways we work tpgether and he drives to my house than we leave together in my car . its been happening for 2 months now. when he rides my car he demands everything. he plays his music in my car eats my gum without asking. today him and i were picking up a large piece of wood and he roughly pulled it caused me to hirt my fingers and i was like hey bro you need to tell me how you gonna grab it because you just pulled it, than he told me watch your mouth and trew the wood that almost hit my foot and said he was gonna hit me in the mouth. am a really cool guy i helped him by giving him a ride for about 2 months now because i mean he told me about the job position but he has never even said hey heres gas money or something. is like he uses me because he even wants me to pick him up to go clubbing and never say hey heres some gas money. he apologized but i told him he was not going to ride with me anymore, i know he may be apologizing just because he doesnt have a way to get home. some guy who gave him a ride before told me he slapped him while he was riding with him just because he told him to stop messing with this guy who was also riding with them.

    what do you guys think? is it okay that i told him he cant ride with me nomor?

    3 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • should i go pay my balance at the bar?

    yesterday i went to a bar with whole lot of people from my prom, i was paying all my drinks with cash i also tiped well but i ran out of cash and i did a opem bar so i gave my card but i left the bar my card only had 20$ so i have a pending balance of $50 idk if i should go back and pay i know a guy from my school might know one of the bar employee or maybe not. but oh well what should i do ?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • should i go to my 5 year high school reencounter by my self?

    i talk to a few in my grade but oh well i was invited . i am like the only spanish dude becausw my school was lretty much whote alot were cool with me but idk if i should go or if i should go by my self

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Prostate enlargement at 23 years old?

    I went to urinologist because of frequent urinati, and they told me i had an enlarged prostate causing me to pee frequently. They prescribed me a pill to readapt the bladder and to swollen down the prostate but its just worst. I get constant pee feeling and pee very little or dont even pee. I dont know what to do, i dont want my prostate removed. What should i do am only 23 years old guys ! Help

    5 AnswersMen's Health4 years ago
  • I requested a week off at my job and this is what my boss said?

    I asked him about taking off because i need to see my dad out of state for an emergency. He told me no that i had only been here for a month and he said that is i wanted to go i will no longer work there and told me to make a decision. i know thats true but i really need to go. The 2 managers are white am hispanic the one i asked he is like the nices and he said no. The other manager is like racist as **** so itll probably go worst by asking him. This is a auto repair shop i work for i always like to be in a place where i dont feel like they put my job in jeopardy , do you think am better of just leaving and than trying to find a new job?

    I feel like they are not considering the amount of work i do for them. Like i hustle . What should i do guys in advance THANK YOU !

    10 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • What happenes when a person requests for a psychiatric at a emergency room?

    What do. They most likely do ? After you see a psichiatric ?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Someone hit me while driving my sisters car?

    Hello i was driving on my lane and a car try to move into my lane and ended up hitting me from the side and broke the mirror i was getting milk for my sister babies.

    I took pictures and took his liscense and insurance. Am not on my sisters insurance but i wasnt the one affault i was in my lane when he collied to me. What should i do?

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration4 years ago
  • Someone hit me while driving my sisters car?

    Hello i was driving on my lane and a car try to move into my lane and ended up hitting me from the side and broke the mirror i was getting milk for my sister babies.

    I took pictures and took his liscense and insurance. Am not on my sisters insurance but i wasnt the one affault i was in my lane when he collied to me. What should i do?

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration4 years ago
  • My son needs a brain ct scan?

    My son is a 3 year old who got his cocheal impalnt 6 months ago. The doctors want to doa brain scan to see why he has some tics like tourette syndrome. I dot know what to do because theyll have to remove his implant i order to do the ct brain scan. Which will leave him in pain again i dont know what to do ?

    I am a single father and its stressing .

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases4 years ago
  • Should i work for a marmle polishing job or a roofing company?

    I work with my ex in the roofing job and i give her a ride to there but they just offered me a marmle poliahing job where i will get 1 dollar extra what should i do??

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • I want to stay with her?

    I met this girl a year ago since than we have been together. There was a guy who was her friend who aparently had something with her in the past. One day he sent me a pic of them kissing idk if it was old but still. After that i called her job and told their boss because they worked together. She first wanted to brake up with m but than she got mad at him but months later she was still talking to him i dont know i feel like they had something strong and that the only reason why she is with me is because he told me they had something. Also he only likes to spent time with her not woth her kid . She has a kid and i have a kid. I wasnt the best stepdad but at least i took her son everywhere we went.

    We have been fighting about that friend of her over a year i love her . And she did stop talking to him but its like i dont trust her anymore althougj she has changed. One day i found out she came over his house .the whole day and she took three busses just to see him.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I dont know what to do :(?

    I check my gf phone and she made a call to her ex while she was at work for 11 mins. I am a single father and she is very nice to my son . I love her . She is been loyal to me. I feel like i have alot of trust issues . I alwas tell her that if she loves me foreal . I alsp tell jer that if she ever doesnt feel the same for me that i vould step back and leave if she tells me but i dont know if should feel bad about this. I dont want tl tell her am able to see who she calls because i use an app . what should i do?

  • Should i trust my gf?

    I found 4000$ in my gf savin account

    I was arrested one day for tanspassing i was wrongi went inside a place to joy drive a car .

    Am not a ba person when i got arrested they ask for a bond of 1000$ i got released with my stepdad help the next day.

    But she never ask me how much i needed to get out i didnt tell he neither but i feel lke she had the money and didnt help me :(

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago