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Purveyor of ineffable articulation

  • I was an atheist until found God through mathematics?

    Here is a mathematical proof that God exists. We all know you cannot deny mathematics and so this proof is certain. Warning: this might be too intellectually advanced for some atheists as it employs the technique of bilateral binary bifurcation which is a form of higher mathematics generally used only by specialists.

    Let X = god exists

    Let Y = god does not exist

    Existence is greater than non-existence so assign X = 1, Y= 0

    Evaluate the quantitative relationship between the integers: X > Y

    We know that X= god exists and since X > Y therefore God exists.

    I trust this finally puts an end to any question about whether god exists or not as there can now be no doubt.

    24 AnswersJokes & Riddles5 years ago
  • Atheists - is this the proof of God you have been waiting for?

    I hit real hard times financially so got on my knees and prayed to God to guide me to pick the winning lottery numbers. And when the lottery numbers were drawn, GOD ANSWERED MY PRAYERS! That's right, God said 'no' , telling me I would have to find other ways to become solvent again.

    What clearer proof could there be that God not only listens to but answers your prayers. So I hope atheists will learn from this and come to develop a close relationship with God that my amazing experience shows I now have.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Will you accept my sincere thanks?

    To all those who answered my recent question, thank you so much! Your answers have helped me understand what I must do. I will now sprinkle dirt all over my floor and wait for more messages from God - I am so excited knowing God wants to communicate with me via the medium of dirt. I sincerely hope my special relationship with God does not make anyone jealous but it just seems I have been blessed in having been given divine dirt. If God mentions any of you by name, I will let you know.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Can someone help me understand this message from God?

    I found some dirt on my floor that was in the shape of a cross and yet when I stepped on it, the cross seemed to disappear as if by the hand or possibly foot of some higher power. Should I repent or clean my floor more often. Serious answers only, please!

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Can any atheist explain this miracle?

    Yesterday I prayed to God to win the lottery and then today I found a comic book I had mislaid more than 4 years ago! Can anyone deny this was God's way of giving me some relaxing reading material to take my mind off the effort of trying to figure out winning lottery numbers. And yet even when faced with a miracle like this some atheists will still claim there is no God - just shows how bigoted they are!

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this the ultimate proof the End Of Days is near?

    The oil spill in the Gulf was unwanted by man but not by God because He is preparing for the End Of Days. It has been reported that most of the oil has evaporated but what atheists fail to realize is that it has risen heavenward to help lubricate the pathway for the legions of angels so they can have a smooth descent from heaven to Earth. There could be no clearer sign that the End Of Days is at hand and yet atheists still wander around in their ignorance thinking that Earth will just carry on. Can they not see how blind they are.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this the unmistakable proof of God's plan?

    Every time you breathe you expel molecules. But molecules are also found in outer space although not quite in such large quantities. Therefore it cannot be a coincidence that we on Earth are united with outer space by molecules. Now this is statistically impossible unless God had planned for that to happen in advance because otherwise the molecules in outer space would have been absorbed by black holes but they are still there! And despite this overwhelming proof that God has a plan for each of us as we expel molecules and there are molecules in outer space, atheists still turn away from God. If only they understood science they would see that God's plan cannot be denied.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this the final proof that evolution is false?

    Take two fish and compare them side by side and one at a time. Note that neither has legs BUT each has eyes. So if eyes developed from fish their legs cannot be longer than their functional visual range. However fish cannot look down without repositioning their entire body so they could not have legs as they would have been invisible to them. Since fish have no legs it is clear legs were invented by God so that man can not only walk with them but SEE them all the way down to the toes. So I have shown that fish clearly disprove evolution yet atheists will just ignore this proof and keep claiming evolution is true. They need some education!

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this the absolute certain proof of God that everyone has been searching for?

    Let X= God. Now when X is multiplied by unity the result is X so God is indivisible. But X cannot be reduced since it is indivisible so therefore X must exist because unity embraces the whole which transcends all constituent parts. Furthermore, the existence of God can also be proved from the opposite approach. Suppose God does not exist. But this cannot be true because it has been proved above that God does exist. So there you have it, two highly intellectual rigorous mathematical and logical proofs of the existence of God that are impossible to refute. Now let's see atheists try to squirm out of that!

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can any atheist answer these questions honestly?

    If God does not exist, then why do all the numbers add up correctly? You don't see 2 + 2= 5 or 4 x 7 = 91, do you. Also, why do electrons explode to produce electricity if God didn't want Christmas tree lights to work? And do you really and honestly think birds could fly if God hadn't invented air? Can you not understand that God created automatic transmissions so one hand is always free to clutch the bible just before you crash. I feel sorry for you.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How much help do I require?

    Can it really be as much as all those psychiatrists keep saying?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you share my deep suspicion that?

    all may not be as it appears to be, especially that about which we can have no knowledge?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago