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Lv 44,945 points


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  • Why is it that Liberals are so desperate to debase Trump?

    CNN falsified information by dubbing and editing a clip to make it seem as if DT wanted to track Muslims. Dems and Libs...Lie in since 1950s.

    11 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Is the sky orange?

    I BELIEVE the sky because my holy book says that is the way my god created it.

    I see it is blue, the world says it is blue, science says it is blue (among other things, chemical and radiation variants aside), but I KNOW it is orange because my god is almighty and cannot be wrong.

    This is for the "One true religion" crowd. To each there own, beliefs are beliefs because they are not fact. You are part of a belief system, not a fact system.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do followers of abrahamic religions support such a disastrous belief system?

    You blindly believe as much as you blindly support a religion which has shown themselves to be worse than their "evil" counterparts. Likewise, you shame yourselves by gorging on misinformations and false teachings and then proudly regurgitating them back onto whomever you can.

    Ignorance is not bliss in your situation, it is disgusting.

    You support teachings that, to this day claim lives, prevent progress and censors free societies. Your congregations undermine so much we have strived to achieve for no reason other than hypocritical teachings and worthless people.

    So, what is a good religious reason to follow religions such as these? Why support institutions that, to this day, are corrupt, and why line the pockets of well-to-do individuals (Olsteen and the super churches) whilst the rest of your "flock" and hurting.

    You cheapen yourselves and this precious life, whilst fearing life and instead focusing on an unproven "after-life" which has yet to be known to exist in any religion.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Since Creationism is still not prove in 2014 ( they've had 4000 years) isnt it time we embrace the facts?

    Creationism is the product of faith; it proceeds from an account of the world and expects that the world conforms to that account. In other words, the conclusion is already held to be true. Creationism and science essentially work from the opposite ends, and this difference is what makes it the case that the two parties end up talking past each other; they are not even really having the same conversation

    Evolution starts with life exists and creatures are here, well how did all the species come about. Below are refutations to creationism.

    Marine Fossils

    The continents are, on average, covered with sedimentary rock to a depth of about one mile. Some of the rock (chalk, for instance) is essentially 100% fossils and many limestones also contain high percentages of marine fossils. On the other hand, some rock is barren. Suppose that, on average, marine fossils comprise .1% of the volume of the rock. If all of the fossilized marine animals could be resurrected, they would cover the entire planet to a depth of at least 1.5 feet. What did they eat?


    The famous Green River formation covers tens of thousands of square miles. In places, it contains about 20 million varves, each varve consisting of a thin layer of fine light sediment and an even thinner layer of finer dark sediment. According to the conventional geologic interpretation, the layers are sediments laid down in a complex of ancient freshwater lakes. The coarser light sediments were laid down during the summer, when streams poured run-off water into the lake. The fine dark sediments were laid down in the winter, when there was less run-off. (The process can be observed in modern freshwater lakes.) If this interpretation is correct, the varves of the Green River formation must have formed over a period of 20 million years.

    Disease Germs

    For numerous communicable diseases, the only known “reservoir” is man. That is, the germs or viruses which cause these diseases can survive only in living human bodies or well-equipped laboratories. Well-known examples include measles, pneumococcal pneumonia, leprosy, typhus, typhoid fever, small pox, poliomyelitis, syphilis and gonorrhea. Was it Adam or Eve who was created with gonorrhea? How about syphilis? The scientific creationists insist on a completed creation, where the creator worked but six days and has been resting ever since. Thus, between them, Adam and Eve had to have been created with every one of these diseases. Later, somebody must have carried them onto Noah's Ark.

    Biological evolution has nothing to say on the origin of the universe. Science builds its theories in order to comply to observable facts. It is theoretical and open to revision as fact dictates. The theory of evolution describes the emergence of new species from preexisting species. Evolutionists believe that natural selection is the mechanism by which new species may arise over time. A good scientist would reject or revise the evolutionary theory based on the facts that are progressively presented. In fact, evolutionary theory has been revised many times over and will continue to be revised in the future as the facts demand.

    I hope this helps.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If God/gods/godesses were proven false?

    Would you still cling to your beliefs?

    Would you be terrified of life now that there is no fairy tale ending?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • During Elaphebolion, will you join me is honoring Artemis for allowing us to master the hunt?

    We can forgo the hunt, if you like and jump into the reverent drinking and celebratory debauchery.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is piety superior to reverance?

    A pious man is not always a reverent man, for he is biased in his world views and the views of living things.

    A reverent man is a pious man, for he surely walks a righteous path of universal respect and care.

    What are your views on this?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is this a fair assessment of God, Religion and Belief?

    God is a comfort mechanism, for all intents and purposes, it is akin to the doors on a house. If you install doors on a house it is to allow you to feel safe, and comfortable inside your home, regardless of the fact that windows are easier to breach. Well if you have a home invasion this does not mean you will no longer use a door. You more than likely will add things to the door to make it seem more secured.

    Religion is a mechanism for social conformity and tribalism. It is akin to a community barbeque. Everyone at a barbeque does not like the same food, or the same discussion topics, but there is something for everyone. Enough to make you feel like part of the group, and validate your role in that group, you belong to something. Now your cousin Vinny may be there, and everyone knows he is a criminal, but he is part of the group, so you overlook his wrong doings.

    Belief is a way someone rationalizes a completely irrational notion. For this I will use a child's fear of the dark and boogeyman. I tell my kids it is bot real, I show them it is not real, and yet they refuse to get out of bed if the light is off, do not sleep alone and are genuinely afraid. This fear is induced by a mind extrapolating darkness and feeds into our primal, instinctual survival mechanisms, dark equals predators, and predators equal death.

    now these are condensed talking points, I just want to know, is this fair, or do theist feel "attacked" because of these statements.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Would you like proof for God?

    There is no factual evidence for God.

    So, how can I prove God does not exist? Based upon the Bible it/he was physically here, yet there is no non-religious scrap of evidence.

    The bible is not evidence, if it were factual evidence, literary dragons and elves and fairies would have the same evidence as God for their existence.

    Basically proof against God is the lack of proof for God. Every deity mankind has created is fictitious.

    Theist claim: There is a God (each having its own back story and attributes) without ever providing factual evidence to support your claim.

    My claim: The conventional notion, religious notion and modern notion for God are false, and no such deity exists. My proof is that you, nor I, nor myriad of explorers and scholars ever found irrefutable, factual evidence to support God.

    So, can we move on now? There is no evidence for God and the evidence against the notion is that no evidence exists.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How to be closer to the One?

    The one true religion of 42.

    He spoke life into existence from nothingness, its voice caused a mass expansion of space time and its breath produced every element known and unknown.

    It blinks millennia, and observes, ever watchful of its creation. It knows not to interfere for its creations could not withstand its pure awesomeness and would implode.

    Its heart beat is the accumulation of every star, its circulation is the accumulation of every gravitational field.

    When we die, we are inhaled again and exhaled as life essence and base elements, as our consciousness migrates to the collective.

    Prove me wrong, for my claims are the word of the one true god, and by its divine authority, I am unbound by the logic of man...Prove me wrong, for I am so right.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why does the religious front support illeteracy?

    You all ha e your holidays, your weekly meetings, you daily, meal-time prayers. Now you want to infect education, academic education. You smear the name of science constantly, and the illiteracy rate steady increases. It tells me, this is your plan, and you have little care for the well being of people. If you all cannot get on the same page as a religion, do not bring that mentality to the world. Regardless of what your book says, the Earth belongs to no one, nor do the creatures that inhabit it, that is not a belief, your lack of dominion is observable, verifiable and demonstrable. If you can't cohabitate with reality, get off the buss, go live in a rain forest.

    This is not every religious person, I know that, this is for those that are against education.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Can Creationists rationalize the evolutionary process honestly?

    The evolutionary process happens all around us, everyday, every year. It may not happen the way you believe it should (humans sprouting wings) yet it is evident to the studious observer.

    Now, evolution may not have definitive evidence for everything it proposes, but it has enough to be the most plausible human origin story. Not all dead things become fossils and not all fossils survive the test of time.

    It is important to note that evolution is not an earth origins story, but the story of life after the fact. I just hope that you all can find a happy medium, below are some good reads.


    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What drives most theistic people to question abiogenesis?

    It is technically how God is explained.

    Also, challenging a theory without any expertise in that field merits the same response as Kimbo Dlice thinking he could compete with real MMA fighters. No matter how enthusiastic you may feel, you lack the technical knowledge to do so.

    I have a generalized knowledge of abiogenesis, and while I do not agree with it full, I know better than to challenge it armed with nothing more than blanket statements and generalized knowledge.

    Just wonder, why?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How come people that rate answers do so not by merit or quality, but by whether they like the answer?

    Your dislike or like of an answer does not detract from its merit or genuine truthfulness.

    Now if it is derogatory, has no semblance of an answers or is just trolling I can understand. Yet, I see valid answers with thumbs down only because it does not appeal to your preference.

    My point is, if you can not be honest in you ratings, do not rate.

    This applies mainly to this section.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If Creationists think science is bad, why not ask their creator for tue modern amenoties they rely on?

    Instead of relying on scientifically, mechanically made and produced items?

    The study of life is science, living life is science. Following an imaginary version of these with the majority of the answers to your questions is not.

    I mean, instead of using HVAC and AC, use fans, instead of going to the hospital when you are sick or hurt, go to the church and pray, instead of driving to work, take a mule. Otherwise accept science for what it is, and understand that belief can exist with knowledge, so long as you do not think belief supersedes knowing and opinion does not supercede fact.

    The gall and dishonesty, the lack of integrity and honor in some of these people is appalling. No amount of evidence, proof, reason or facts will ever deter their fallacious dogmas.

    At least atheists are humble enough to know when to say " We don't know for sure." A creationists, or simply, a theist lacks humility, they quote scripture when faced with a question they, themselves can not rationalize.

    So, can theists/creationists live without the science they so vehemently reject?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Spiritually speaking, who is more afraid of the unknown?

    A) Their believer who does not know life without religion.

    B) The believer who dares to live without religion as an agnostic or non-denominational believer.

    C) The believer who dares to live life without religion or religious beliefs as an atheist.

    D) The non-believer who has never saw a reason to believe.

    Personally I think "B" embraces the unknown, "C" stands on the border and wander & wonders, "A" Never leave the comfortable norms, same with "D"

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How can I get closer to God (Zeus)?

    Chasing lightning is getting me no where.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If a Christian man does not have a beard, does that make him less of a Christian?

    A shaved face is bot in keeping with the Original teachings and is a perversion of God's Word. This Word is sacred, only God can change it. Those who follow reversions of the OT are frauds and a perversion of Christianity? Something this simple, a rule followed by most Abrahamic followers.

    Simply put, you are either a full Christian or you are a fake for following a revised version of the original texts. So try not to be so pious, you are as lost as everyone else.

    A married woman that was not a virgin when married. Blah, blah, blah.

    Rebranding yourself does not make you more appealing to the discerning eye, only that much more of a phony.

    Believe if you must, but please stop preaching to non-Christians and non-believers, your contradictions, hypocrisy and bigotry is beyond old.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If Jesus was tried as a criminal for heresy?

    Why is it depicted in the bible as a selfless, righteous sacrifice?

    It was an execution if a heretic. One religion murdering that of another because it does not fit their religious views. Now that has been a recurring theme throughout religious history, seems like the message was lost, if there ever was one.

    If Jesus could perform miracles, why then did he not perform miracles during his trial, during his punishment and later during his execution? Surely he could have stood while getting his lashes and stayed healed, surely he could have done something other than be a man. Instead the Romans and Jews saw a man, refusing to recant his statements. Society had imprisoned and admitted people who have claimed similar in the past, and most of the time they were murdered as heretics.

    I am genuinely curious, if you can remain open-minded, I would appreciate any thoughtful responses.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago