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Lv 31,634 points

Christine Rage

Favorite Answers17%

I am a vocalist, music producer, model and opinionated blogger. Check out my crazy photos and listen to my music at

  • Getting past the break on a Wavestorm Foam Surfboard?

    I am learning to surf on my Wavestorm foam board. I took 3 lessons and was told by one instructor that i won't be able to do an effective turtle roll on my foam board. Is this true? If so, then is there any other method to get past the break? I'm surfing solo now and I usually get past most of it by angling by board over the waves but with big surf I get chicken and bail my board and just dive through the wave. I want to avoid bailing the board as much as possible. Any tips from experience surfers? Thanks!

    4 AnswersWater Sports9 years ago
  • Stupid guys and text messaging - help me understand?

    I'm talking to a guy on a dating site for a few exchanges. He offers his number and says "if you'd rather text than type here's my number."

    Ok, first of all, how is texting NOT typing?

    Second of all, where is the sense in going from a machine that I can easily type 65 words per minute on and have unlimited amount of characters to using a hand held device that is difficult to type on and only allows 160 characters at a time? What does he get out of reducing the conversation to a limiting resource? I can only surmise he has issues with using his rational side of his brain, or somehow he thinks he can "play me" (although sadly he played himself asking this).


    Why would you prefer to text than to either use a website or USE THE PHONE. I swear the nations youth is going to hell in a handbasket with this texting obsession. I don't think this is isolated to men, however yes this question is slanted that way.

    Please tell me either where the logic is, or affirm that he is indeed a tool.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are some small venues to perform edm outside of the LA/Hollywood areas?

    I am wanting to perform my electronic act for the first time at a smaller venue before I start performing at the larger clubs in LA and hollywood. I sound like Guetta and kaskade &other popular producers, but I also sing live and play instruments as well as synths (not a dj, I'm a producer/performer). I am open to driving as far south as Long Beach or up to San Fernando as I'm not concerned about being in town for this. Can anyone ecommend some smaller, out-of-town venues that would be a good place to perform dance music? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment9 years ago
  • Auditioning for acting roles when you appear 15+ years younger than your age?

    Although I'm 40, I'm consistantly accused of lying because I appear 25. I have no wrinkes at all, plump skin (youthful, not gaunt or saggy like most 40 y.o.) and am as fit as I was in high school, my father also was told he looked 15-20 yrs younger so its a lucky genetic thing. I obviously won't get roles for 40 year old if no one in life beleives my age. If I apply for roles in the age I appear, will casting directors be upset that my resume says 40 but my headshot and actual likeness appears in my mid 20s? Do you audition for what you look like, not what you are?

    8 AnswersTheater & Acting9 years ago
  • Should I file a complaint against coworker for some sort of harrassment?

    I work as a contractor for a large corporation, and there is another contractor there as well in my department. I was assigned a fun project that the other guy is jealous that I have the authority to own the project while he is supposed to assist me. While the boss has been out of town, the coworker has been trying to bully me, tell me how to do my job, and even told me that my work was "bullshit." I'm at odds, and utterly surprised (and a little amused at how juvenile and transparent he is). I have no sexual, race other bias to base his harassment on (I am an attractive minority female, but unless I have obvious evidence I don't pull out the race or sexual harassment card). At the same time I don't think it's right him using foul language and trying to bully me regardless of his reasons.

    If you were me, would you report this and if so, how? He doesn't scare me (as I said, he's a stupid little boy throwing a fit and I'm on to him), but at the same time I want a completely hostile free environment to work in regardless if I can handle him or not. Plus, it might be good to teach him a lesson in case he tries this behavior with other women? What do you think are his motive and what should I do, sit back and watch him act stupid or report him?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Can i sue an out-of-state business in california small claims court?

    I am a webdesigner in Los Angeles, CA. I completed work on a website for a client on Connecticut who will not pay for some work completed, a total of $500. I want to take them to small claims. Can I do this at all since they reside elsewhere? The work is virtual, and was performed here in CA on my computer on a 3rd party server, or do I need to go to CT to sue?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • Do rockstars still hang out at Sunset Strip clubs in Hollywood? If not, where do they go now?

    The Sunset Strip was a huge hangout for rockstars in the 80s we all know this very well. I wonder thought do they still hang out at the clubs that much? I hear that places like Viper Room, Roxxy, etc aren't the same now. If they don't hang out there, where do they go? Please answers from people who either are involved actively in the LA/Hollywood music scene or who have relevant news or other supporting articles. Thanks for your input!

    1 AnswerCelebrities10 years ago
  • Better website than craigslist to advertise guitar lessons and not get spam?

    I have been using craigslist to advertise guitar lessons but all I get is spam and no students. Can anyone recommend a better site?

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts10 years ago
  • After Verbal Abuse, should I break up on the phone or in person?

    I"ve dated my boyfriend for a few months and 2 times this month he got drunk and verbally abused me for several hours rather severely using many nasty names and pointing out all these problems (he dreamed up) that I have. He even (funnily) told me i'm in a midlife crisis although I'm 38 and you have to be in your 50s to be in a "midlife" crisis. He's 27 and his dad's a doctor so i guess he knows all (lol). Seriously though my only crisis is him in my life, things were fine until he pulled the Jeckyl and Hyde routine.

    I've done research and and understanding he's really been abusing me more than these 2 nights, it was just not severe enough for me to realize it. I'm done with him now and don't want to date anymore. We are on a "cooling off" period but I've decided to break it off since then.

    Normally I have no issue breaking up in person, I insist on in person because I hate being broken up with on the phone or email or just ignored. But this guy has me scared. I don't think he'll hit me, but i do think he'll drag it out and try to cling to me physically and won't let me just end it.

    I will do it in person if it's best but I just want some peoples take on this one. I don't feel comfortable being in person with him as he gets so mean and nasty with his attitude and calls me names and scours at me, stomps, and acts in general like a damn fool. I just want it to be over.

    What would you do?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Can the car dealer not be held responsible for hail damage after a purchase if they won't deliver the car?

    My mom purchased a truck from Dodge. They told her it wouldnt' be ready for her to pick up for a week. During that time there was a bad storm and the truck was hail damaged. They will not take responsibility for the damage and are telling her to go to her insurance. Is this legal for them to do? Since it was on their lot and they wouldnt' deliver it aren't they responsible for the damage? What are her possibilities for recourse? Thanks for any intelligent and insightful answers.

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • GIRLS - do you ever fart into you cooch?

    Sometimes when I'm sitting and I fart it goes up in my cooch. Does this happen to other girls? I don't know how to avoid it other than to stand up to fart. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Where are the best Hard rock / Heavy Metal venues in south florida?

    Where can I go see some good heavy metal/ hard rock shows in South Florida, specifically the Miami and Fort Lauderdale areas? Both local and touring acts? Are there any websites that are good for tracking upcoming shows? Thanks fellow metal patrons!

    2 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Why are people in Nashville such low class uncooth lying backstabbing low lifes?

    I came here to record an album with 3 major studio musicians (from Rascal Flats, Bon Jovi, and Joe Satriani). These guys spent more time trying to get into my pants and lying than ever trying to actually work on music. Then people I meet in the dance music scene are obsessed with drugs (exstacy, meth and coke), they **** everyone including their friends recent ex (recent as in they broke up 5 hours before). The rest look like the loosers you see in the background of a WWF match (skanky white boys with cornrows trying to look like Korn), and SUPER fat women and men who smoke way too much. No so-caled professional (photographers, producers, event promoters, etc) every live up to their word and just spout off **** trying to manipulate you. The only decent people I have met just moved here from far away.

    I've lived in a lot of towns but nashville has to house the shittiest people in the nation. Is it because it's a redneck town? Or is there something in the air that makes these people's brains rot until they are so uncarring as to be compared to Maddoffs constant manipulation of people he said he would help?

    Recent polls came out to show that Nashville has the highest percentage of smokers. and is like 3rd on the list for obesity. The proof is in the puddin', this is a state full of fat *** stinky slobs who care nothing but getting fatter and ruining others lives.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • If a job makes you leave early after putting in a 2 week notice is that the same as being fired?

    I am thinking of putting in a 2 week, maybe even longer, notice that I will be quitting my job this late summer. I wondered if my job was to excuse me early (I have heard of this happening to my friends before, but no one at this job specifically) and stopped my pay on the day they excuse me, wouldn't that be the same as firing me? If so, then wouldn't that make me eligible for unemployment?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Inheritance of 1/2 a house, how do I collect?

    My mom and her ex husband bought a house and own it now in common, 50-50 ownership. She has put me in her will to get everything when she dies. If she does then what happens to the house? Do i have to wait till he sells it or dies before i can collect the money my mother invested in it? Or can i force him to sell or somehow otherwise give me the money my mother has invested in the house?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Guys only please! What is your opinion of getting "The Silent Treatment" from a girl?

    Specifically from a long term friend, girlfriend, or wife. I don't mean from an acquaintence or love interest that you don't have some emotional investment with already.

    Does it anger or irritate you? Or are you indifferent, maybe even likeing it that she's not talking? Why do you feel as you do?

    Also do you find that it is effective in getting your attention when she is upset with you? Or would she be better served by confronting you rather than giving you the cold shoulder?

    Honest heart felt answers please!

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion of a 25 year old man having sex with a 16 year old girl?

    A guy from my past is acting like a real jerk. When I was 16 we had sex then he moved away the next day and I didn't hear from him for 19 years. Now, long story short, he proves to be a flake who constantly makes promises he can't keep, flirts with me HARD (doesn't with other girls that I see) but tells me he's not interested in a relationship & has a girlfriend in another state among other issues. Should I take into consideration that he was in the wrong 20 years ago to have had sex with me? I just wonder what people's opinions are about this past sexual relation between a 25 year old man and a 16 year old girl. I was confused back then, and think now that he should have been the adult and not have done this with me. He should have known better right? Should this have been enough clue to realize he's a jerk?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can convince my employer to wait a month before drug testing me?

    I am a contractor and the company I work for offered my a job before I expected. I know they will make me take a drug test. I am trying to think of good excuses to give him to get him to wait at least 30 days before giving me a drug test and ultimately hiring me. Any ideas to stall him?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Can my employer force me to ride in a rental car with someone who smokes heavily & won't roll down the window?

    I just got a job where I have to travel a lot. A coworker who has been there a long time and is an chain smoker recently told me that I MUST deal with her smoking in the car and refuses to refrain from smoking even though I told her smoke gives me debilitating migraines. Right now we have seperate cars because we came from different locations, however my boss told me in the future I may have to share a rental car with coworkers. Can my boss force me to ride with her? Or is my boss required to at least get me my own rental car if he won't force her to refrain from smoking? Are there any laws that protect me or should i just find another job if I cannot get support from my employer?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Should I tell a guy i want a commitment before having sex?

    A guy i really like wants to have sex. I am 35 and tired of making the mistake of sleeping with a man too soon, only to see him walk out on me later realizing he wasn't really that into me. I am ready for "the real thing." Should I come out and tell him I won't have sex unless we have a commitment?

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago