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  • Should I share this with my mom?

    I am a 16 year old girl with a beautiful 36 year old single mom. We are very close and I feel I can share most things with her. Many of the guys I know and even some of the girls tell me that I have a hot and sexy mom. I am not sure how I should feel about that. Should I tell her what they said? Is that a complement that she would appreciate? A couple of older guys I know ask me to set them up with a date with mom. Do I dare share that with her?

    If you were my mom, would you want me to share this info with you?

    Thanks for your advice.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why did my pharmacist care?

    My back was sore from lifting heavy stuff so I went to a drug store and asked the pharmacist what he would recommend for an aching back. He said “Been Gay”. I told him no, I had been straight all my life.

    Why would the pharmacist be interested in my sexual orientation?

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Was this a terrible thing I did?

    I wanted to go to college when I got out of high school but there was a BIG PROBLEM. I didn't have the money to do it. Then I had an idea. I went to each theater in the college town and made a deal with them. If I could increase their attendance for a selected movie, they agree to give me 50 percent of the increased profit. They all agreed as they had nothing to loose. Then about once every 4 weeks I wrote a letter to the newspapers saying a movie had sex in it and it was "Banned in Boston" and that you would go to Hell if you went to see it. I went to several churches in the area and told everyone that would listen the same story. I asked everyone to spread the word to NOT go see that movie as it was "Banned in Boston". The theater owners loved what I was doing. They were making money like crazy and so was I. What really amazed me was this continued to work for all my college years. Surprisingly nobody ever caught on. Notice I did not say something was banned in the city of Boston, Mass. I just said it was banned in Boston. Where was Boston? Boston was the name of my doghouse and these movies were banned in my doghouse. I didn't want my dog to see them. The few people that know what I did said that was a terrible thing I did.

    Was it?

    6 AnswersSmall Business5 years ago
  • Should I tell my mom about this? Moms I would like your advice PLEASE.?

    I am a high school girl with a 39 year old single mother. I just adore her. We are very close. I think she is the best mother in the world. We often go to school events together. I have had at least 15 guys and some of the girls at school tell me words to the effect “ Your mom is beautiful, hot, and sexy”. Other guys say “Are you sure she is your mom and not your sister? She sure looks young to have a girl in high school.” Some of the girls tell me “Your mom has great taste in clothes. Would she go with me sometime to help me pick out clothes?” Other guys ask me if mom was a model.

    I think these are compliments mom would like to hear but I am not sure. I am also not sure she knows that I know about hot and sexy. Do moms usually know their daughters know about that stuff.

    If you were my mother would you consider this a compliment and want me to tell you that guys my age think you are hot and sexy. Do 39 year old women even think about being hot and sexy?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Please tell me if you think I was being rude here.?

    I joined a bridge club and at my first meeting they introduced me to the other members. One of the members asked me what I did and I told her. She them asked me where I worked and I said the XYZ company. She said I know a lot of people at the XYZ company. Do you know John Doe? I said “Yes I do. He is my boss. Then she asked me all sorts of questions about John. Like was he a good boss? I told her he was a great boss. She wanted to know if he hit on the female employees and I jokingly told her no but I wish he would because he was a great looking guy. I was getting tired of her questions and I wanted to talk to other club members so I ask her why she was so interested in John Doe?

    She finally reluctantly told me he was her ex husband and then asked me more questions about him. I told her I did not care to discuss my work or her ex husband anymore. That really got her mad at me and she told the other club members that I had been rude to her. It was obvious that she and her ex husband had unresolved problems. I was not about to get in the middle of her problems.

    Was I being rude to her?

  • Is it OK for my girlfriend to talk about me this way?

    I was at a party with my friends when my girlfriend told everyone that I had a great day at the golf course. Someone asked my girlfriend what she thought was the reason for my great golf game that day. She said “It’s because I kissed his balls before the game”. She got a HUGE laugh from the people at the party. Somebody asked her if she also stroked my putter. She said I can’t. It is too big to get my hands around. Another big laugh.

    Some wise guy asked her if she would kiss his balls before the next golf game. She said, I can’t. Your wife told me you don’t have any. She got an even bigger laugh.

    Some gal ask her if I ever score a hole in one. She said NO it ALWAYS takes him more than one try to get it in the hole. When he finally does, he yells FOUR. That is really bragging. It is more like 2. People were REALLY LAUGHING hard at what she was saying

    Should I tell her to stop talking about me like this? All of our friends seem to REALLY enjoy it. Do you think they know she is not talking about golf?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Did my girlfriend dump for no reason?

    I went to pick up my girlfriend for a date. She was not ready so her single mom Ann talked to me while I waited. She told me what her life was like when she was a teenager. Her mom said “seeing you reminds me of all the fun I had in the back seat of cars when I was your age. Those were the best years of my life. Do you think it is OK if I sleep with guys your age now”.

    OH MY GOD. If she was coming on to me, I knew I was in big trouble. What should I do? Was this a test set up by the daughter? I thought I had better play it straight so I told her mom that if that is what would make her happy, she should do it. Life is too short to pass up opportunities to be happy. If this was a test set up by her daughter to see if I would get in bed with her mother, I was going to play it safe and not fall for the bait. She must have told her daughter what I said because her daughter dumped me. She told me I should not have told her mother to screw young guys.

    I thought I was giving her good advice. Was I? If this was not good advice, what should I have said.

    Now that I have been dumped, should I call the mom and say lets go have some fun in the back seat of my car?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How should I feel about what my mom is doing?

    My problem started when I invited some of my high school friends for a sleep over at my house. These girls bonded with my mom who is a doctor mostly because they could ask her questions about their body and mostly about their reproductive system. Mom gave them correct information and corrected MANY errors in their thinking about their bodies. This info really opened their eyes and hopefully made for less teenage pregnancies.

    These girls told their friends about the sleep over and several other girls ask if I would have another sleep over and invite them. I did this and had the same result. They all wanted to talk to my mom about their bodies. I did this 4 times.

    I am not sure how I should feel about this. I feel a little bit unusual about sharing my mom with these girls. Mom is always available to answer their questions as she has seen the tragic consequences of bad information on teen girls lives. Should I be proud that my mom is available to give these girls the facts of life.

    Why is it they feel so free to talk to my mom with their questions and will not talk to their parents.

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Will my husband ever get over this?

    I got laid off from my job and we could no longer make the mortgage payments. The lender was going to foreclose. Then I got a letter telling me my mortgage had been paid off. I thought it was a mistake so I went to the lender, a bank, and ask them about it. They told me my ex husband who was still on the mortgage had came in and paid off the mortgage. We had a friendly divorce but I NEVER expected this. I got the house in the divorce but I had to keep up the mortgage payments.

    I called my ex husband and ask him why he paid off the mortgage. He told me that since he was still on the mortgage, his credit was being harmed by my not making the mortgage payments. I promised him I would pay him back the money he used to payoff the mortgage. He told me I did NOT OWE him anything. There are not words to express how great it feels to not EVER have to worry about having a home to come home to. Can anyone relate to the way I feel?

    However, I had an unexpected problem. My current husband is very upset about the way things turned out. I told him it did not have ANYTHING to do with him. He should be happy that WE now have a free and clear home. I told him if it bothers him so much, he can pay back my ex husband the money he used to pay off the mortgage. He has not mentioned anything about this since.

    Do you think he will get over this and let us both get on with our lives with NO MORTGAGE PAYMENTS EVER.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • Is it legal and OK to remarry your ex husband?

    My mother had the hours reduced at her work. She has tried to get a new job for months without any luck. She got behind on her house payments and the lender was talking about foreclose. She was really worried she would loose her home of 25 years. I was worried also. Out of the blue, she called me and said her financial problem had been solved. When I asked her how, she said she did not want to talk about it. I wonder what she did. Rob a bank. Finally I got it out of her. She had ask my ex husband Jerry for help finding a new job and explained her home payment problem.

    Mom said Jerry paid off my mortgage and now I don’t have any more house payments. ‘He is a great guy that I owe big time but he will not take any money from me’. I immediately got on the phone to Jerry and asked him why he paid off mom’s mortgage. He said “Your mom is a good friend of mine and I will not let my friends suffer”. “She should not have to worry about losing her home of 25 years at her age”.

    That hit me like a bolt of lighting. Mom was right about Jerry. He is a great guy. Mom did not want me to get a divorce in the first place but I was young and foolish and did not listen to her. Can anyone relate to that? Now I know HOW WRONG I WAS. I want Jerry back as my husband. I am so much more grown up now and I realize he is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

    Please give me your advice on how I can get him back.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • Does my girlfriend have the coolest mom EVER?

    I was at my girlfriend’s house waiting for her to get ready to go out with me. He mom said we are having a pool party tomorrow. Why don’t you join us. I had to work that day so I said “I am sorry but I can not come”. Her mom with a big smile said “I am sorry to hear that. That is a treatable condition you know”. I did not know what she was talking about so I just ignored that comment. Does that make me a dummy?

    After a while it hit me. OH MY GOD, her mom was so funny, I laughed for 5 minutes when I finally realized what she meant.

    How can I tell my girlfriend how funny her mom is with out telling her what she said. Is it possible and should I do it?

    Do you think her mom was teasing me?

    Does my girlfriend have the coolest mom EVER

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should I tell my mom about this?

    I am a high school guy with a 37 year single old mom. She is the best mom ever. I just adore her. She often goes with me to school events. Each time she does that, some guys afterward tell me how lucky I am to have a beautiful, hot, and sexy mom. I always tell them my mom is NOT hot and sexy. Even some of the girls tell me the same thing. Girls also tell me I am in big trouble if I expect my dates to be as beautiful as my mom. Several guys and girls always ask me if my mom was/is a model.

    Should I tell my mom what they are saying about her. Would she take it as a compliment that guys my age think she is beautiful, hot and sexy? Would I get in trouble for telling her about the hot and sexy part?

    Mothers, and others, please tell me what you think.


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why didn't my mom tell me about his?

    My boyfriend Bill came to my house and I introduced him to my mom. He immediately said “You are so lucky to have a gorgeous mom”. Then he said to mom “You look very familiar. Have we met before”? Mom said “no, I don’t think so”.

    Bill went home and searched for mom’s name on the internet trying to find out if there was some event he was at that mom was at also. He didn’t find any but he found several of mom’s pictures on the Internet. He found out she was a model and had her picture in several magazines when she was younger. Bill printed out these pictures and gave them to me.

    I had no idea mom was ever a model or that she had appeared in national magazines. She had never told me anything about this. Was I ever surprised. I want to put these pictures on the wall in my room with a banner that says “My wonderful and beautiful mom”. Bill told me to please check with mom before I do that. He said there is some reason she did not tell you she was a model.

    Can anyone think of a reason mom did not tell me she was a model? I think the pictures of her when she was young are of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • Why didn't my mom tell me about this?

    My boyfriend Bill came to my house and I introduced him to my mom. He immediately said “You are so lucky to have a gorgeous mom”. Then he said to mom “You look very familiar. Have we met before”? Mom said “no, I don’t think so”.

    Bill went home and searched for mom’s name on the internet trying to find out if there was some event he was at that mom was at also. He didn’t find any but he found several of mom’s pictures on the Internet. He found out she was a model and had her picture in several magazines when she was younger. Bill printed out these pictures and gave them to me.

    I had no idea mom was ever a model or that she had appeared in national magazines. She had never told me anything about this. Was I ever surprised. I want to put these pictures on the wall in my room with a banner that says “My wonderful and beautiful mom”. Bill told me to please check with mom before I do that. He said there is some reason she did not tell you she was a model.

    Can anyone think of a reason mom did not tell me she was a model? I think the pictures of her when she was young are of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.

    7 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Could I get in trouble for doing this at work?

    At the place I work they have a day care facility. One of my fellow employees and a good friend ask me if she could use my conference room to nurse her son as she did not feel comfortable nursing him in the day care facility. I told her sure, as long as it was not being used.

    One day after nursing her son, she ask me what I thought of her boobs. I told her I could not discuss her boobs at work. I was afraid I would get in trouble for sexual harassment. She said her husband told her they were too small and she wanted a mans opinion about her boobs. She said if you can not talk about them at work, lets have lunch and then we can talk about their size.

    I declined her invitation to have lunch and talk about her boobs. I suggested she and her husband might benefit from counseling on that subject.

    I am NEVER going to talk to any of my fellow employees about their boobs either at work or not at work. Should I have told her that and is that a good policy even if she is my friend?

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Is it OK for a woman to date a younger man?

    I got a note from my daughter’s high school that she was failing in math and they recommended a tutor. Tutors are very expensive in my area and being a single mother I did not have much money to spend on tutors. I knew a family friend Bob who could tutor her and I hoped he would be cheaper that the tutors the school gave me. I called Bob, a 26 year old single guy, and told him my problem and asked for his help. He said he would be happy to tutor my daughter for FREE and he did. My daughter raised her grade for F to A in math.

    Since Bob would not take any money for his tutoring my daughter and I decided to take him to an expensive restaurant for a meal as a way to say thank you. We had a great meal, great conversation and a lot of fun at the restaurant. Jokingly my daughter asked Bob if he had ever been on a date with 2 women at once. Bob said you mean 2 BEAUTIFUL women at once. We all had a good laugh.

    My friends that I told about this said I should not have been on a date with a guy 10 years younger than I am. It made me look like a cougar. I tried to point out to them that if it was a date why did I take my daughter with me. They said it was still a date and I was acting like a cougar.

    I told my friends there is noting wrong with a woman going on a date with a much younger guy. They are not buying it. Please tell me what you think. Is it OK for a woman to date a much younger guy?

    And was Bob hitting on me, my daughter, or both of us?

    5 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Is this sexual harassment?

    I am the only girl in one of my high school senior’s class. They are fun guys and they like to tease me about how hot and sexy they are. One will say “do you want to see hard”. I told him I would need a microscope to see it. Some guy will say “Most girls think I am hung”. My reply, “you misunderstood, Most girls think you should be hung”. A guy will tell me “I have sex more than any guy in school”. I said “that explains the blisters on your hand?” Another guy said “My dong is so long, you will need a yard stick to measure it”. I told him a 2 inch stick would probably measure it. No matter what they come up with, I always have a put down for them.

    They think it is fun and so do I. We all enjoy doing this. The guys told some of the other girls in school what was happening and these girls told me I shouldn’t have to “take” it anymore. That is sexual harassment. They say these guys are insulting all women by talking to me this way.

    Gals, is that true

    5 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Did I give her good advice? What should I have said?

    I went to pick up my girlfriend for a date. She was not ready so her single mom Ann talked to me while I waited. She told me what her life was like when she was a teenager. Her mom said “seeing you reminds me of all the fun I had in the back seat of cars when I was your age. Those were the best years of my life. Do you think it is OK if I sleep with guys your age now”. Oh My God. If she was coming on to me, I knew I was in big trouble. What should I do?

    Was this a test set up by the daughter? I thought I had better play it straight so I told her mom that if that is what would make her happy, she should do it. Life is too short to pass up opportunities to be happy. If this was a test set up by her daughter to see if I would get in bed with her mother, I was going to play it safe and not fall for the bait. She must have told her daughter what I said because her daughter dumped me. She told me I should not have told her mother to screw young guys.

    I thought I was giving her good advice. Was I? If this was not good advice, what should I have said.

    Now that I have been dumped, should I call the mom and say lets go have some fun in the back seat of my car?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Should I return the money? What would you do?

    I was at a meeting of a women’s club and one of the members told me she planned to sell their house and ask me if I knew any real estate agents. I told her my ex husband was a real estate agent and she might call him to discuss selling her house.

    She called him and liked him and hired him to sell her house. She told me he did a great job and sold her home for more that the asking price. She was happy with the sale.

    Shortly after her home sold, I got a $1000 check from my ex husband. A note enclosed with the check said “I give anyone a referral fee that sends me a seller or buyer and I don’t see why I should treat you any different”. “Spend this on something you will enjoy”.

    Then I had an unexpected problem. My current husband does not want me to take the money. He does not me to have anything to do with my ex husband. I tried to explain that this is a business transaction and it has nothing to do with him. He is not buying it.

    Should I return the money to keep peace in the family or keep it. What would you do?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago