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Why didn't my mom tell me about this?

My boyfriend Bill came to my house and I introduced him to my mom. He immediately said “You are so lucky to have a gorgeous mom”. Then he said to mom “You look very familiar. Have we met before”? Mom said “no, I don’t think so”.

Bill went home and searched for mom’s name on the internet trying to find out if there was some event he was at that mom was at also. He didn’t find any but he found several of mom’s pictures on the Internet. He found out she was a model and had her picture in several magazines when she was younger. Bill printed out these pictures and gave them to me.

I had no idea mom was ever a model or that she had appeared in national magazines. She had never told me anything about this. Was I ever surprised. I want to put these pictures on the wall in my room with a banner that says “My wonderful and beautiful mom”. Bill told me to please check with mom before I do that. He said there is some reason she did not tell you she was a model.

Can anyone think of a reason mom did not tell me she was a model? I think the pictures of her when she was young are of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.

7 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Take the pictures to your mom in private- NOT with your friend around. You have the right to ask your parents about something in their past- just know they also have the right to only tell you what they want you to know.

    Once upon a time, things in print could disappear over time, and controversies died down after a while. With the internet, most things can be dug up. She may have thought it something that would not be seen again, perhaps for good reason, or perhaps simply because she had moved on.

    Just treat your mom with the same respect she is due, and if she say she would like those pictures to remain under cover, don't put them up or brag about her. It's very hard to operate as an adult with people envisioning a young woman in a bikini while you are speaking to them. She shouldn't have to live with that now, no matter how beautiful she was.

    Models don't generally have easy lives when they are working. not only are they prone to having eating disorders, but sometimes can be victimized by the people who are supposed to protect them. Anything could have happened to your mom during that time, so just be careful- you could be bringing up something very bad without meaning to. Your dad may not even know.

    Speak to her in private, just tell her how beautiful she was- and is now. Leave it at that, and if she looks upset, respect her wishes. I hope there is nothing more than a bit of embarrassment associated with those photos, but if there is, put them away, give her a hug, and assure her you won't bring it up with anyone, without her permission. You just don't know what kind of trauma might be associated with them, so be careful.

  • 6 years ago

    Why not asked your own mother why she hide the truth about being a model, why ask us about it? You can get a much finer and respectable answer if you ask the right people which is of course, your own mother. What do we know about your mom anyway? What kind of a model is she? Maybe there is something in her past that she want to forget, a bitter side of being a model that is. That is why she didn't tell you about it. So to be sure, ask her about it.

  • 6 years ago

    Because it's noone's business but hers. She doesn't have to tell you anything about her past life.

  • 6 years ago

    You should talk to the one person on Earth who knows. Why you think WE know is unclear.

    Of course you should not post pics of anyone without asking them first.

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  • 6 years ago

    Because it's not your business. Your mom doesn't need to share every detail of her life.

    Ask her though.

  • 6 years ago

    Maybe some of her modeling work was a little more daring than she is comfortable sharing with you.

  • Rick B
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Ask your dad.

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