My 19 yr old son smokes. How can I convince him to quit?


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smoking is the hardest thing to quit.i don't smoke,but i my dad smokes,and he' being trying unsuccessfully to quit for almost 7years.and he has too many problems because of,before it's too late for your son,talk to him...don't be angry,'cause you will have the opposite of the desired him some images of people who smoke,especially their lungs(it worked with my cousin).
my cousin was smoking,and i had a peaceful talk with her,i talked to her about what smoking causes to the human body,and i showed her some shocking photos of the organs of dead smokers.and that was enough for her to quit.
so,you must tell him,the negatives,and try to shock him,and tell him to think of it very well,because smoking is a way of slow suicide,which torments you until your last days...use that kind of expressions,'cause he must understand some thing about smoking.and remember,don't shout to him...good luck!

here are some useful links:,11098,1334355,00.html

these articles helped me convince my cousin...if you want pictures,you can search through google(lungs of smokers,damaged organs of smokers...).get your son out of this as soon as possible!good luck!


Tell him if he can quit for 6 months you will give him $500, If he is still smoking 6 months from now he owes you $500. At 19, and especially a guy (not being mean, guys are more immature), he is still figuring out his seperation from parents and himself becoming an adult. So he kind of may want to smoke more just because you don't want him to.


My 18 year old daughter thought that was the cool thing to do as well, first we told her (becuase we smoke) that we didn't like it, and it is the hardest thing to quit.

Her Nanny said a few things to her, about not being able to breathe some days (she also smokes)

Her father told her there was "pee" in the tobacco.

The day she talked to him, she quit...LOL

He will have to make his own decision to quit or not, you cannot get him to stop, just keep giving him advice on the dangers and horrible things that can happen to him if he continues.

Get on the internet, there are places that will show lungs black as coal from the smoking, etc.

Good luck to you, I know it's hard to see your kids do the bad things you don't want them to do. I really feel for you on this one.

No More2007-10-18T04:24:27Z

At this stage you won't be able to "convince" him of anything.
If he lives in your home though, you can declare your home a smoke free zone.
Just make sure that he has all of the information about the harmfull effects of smoking, & lead by example.


Tell him that if he is going to smoke than you are going to smoke... and be really serious about it; so that way if he cares about you and your health he will quit for you. But on the other hand, i'm not sure you cant make somebody quit, you can't change the person unless they really want to be changed...

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