what do you think about the law making chemical casteration of sex offenders manadtory in louisiana?

This law passed the senate today with a vote of 32 for and 3 against.


it's mandatory after the 2nd offense, and the offender has the choice of chemical or physical casteration


Favorite Answer

I'm all for it, but I'm not sure it will really help...sex offenders are not always motivated by a need for sex, but a desire to control and hold power over their victims...still, if it stopped one sexual offense, it'd be worth it...


In my opinion if a child or older adult such is a Senior citizen is raped and the person is found in court by dna to be guilty That is sure a good way to stop that from ever happening again by that person. I am afraid the just registering there were abouts is not enough, they have a way of getting around this


James M has really hit the nail on the head...it won't stop abuse but will probably make them more violent toward their victims..

Anyone who can't use their sex responsibly doesn't deserve it but sex is not always the motivating force...and as one other poster has mentioned....what about women offenders?


I've often discussed this with friends and colleagues. Finally sombody's done something!


so death penalty for raping kids

is this for the low lives that molest older people?

both sound fair and reasonable to me......

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