Xbox 360 problem?!!?

When i turn it say system error then in different languages. And at the bottom it says E74. What should I do?


There's only one red thing and on the bottom right thing.


I don't think it is a hard drive problem


Favorite Answer

Are you getting any red lights in the power ring? If so, note which quadrant(s) are showing red lights. These are diagnostic tools that will help Xbox Customer Service determine the problem.

Before you contact Customer Service, try this test:

First, turn off the system and let it sit for a minute. Turn it back on and see if the problem happens again. If the system boots normally, you're OK.

If not, try starting the system with a different game or no game in the tray. If the system boots normally with a different game, you might have a bad game disk.

If you're still getting an error:
Unhook the hard drive, remove all the cables and power cord, remove all controllers, remove any game disks. Plug in only the power cord and video cable (leave the controlers, hard drive and any other cables out). Push the power button to start the system. If the system boots up without error you could have a bad hard drive. Put the hard drive back on and try booting the system again.

If it doesn't boot up and you're still getting the same error, you'll probably need to contact MS Customer Support. You can find a list of error codes on (links below)


Red ring of death. Call 1-800-4-myxbox and tell them what is happening and they should fix it for free.


That mean there's a video error. Contact xbox support
