I use a dildo to masturbate sometime since my husband won't have sex with me.?

Everytime I use it and I orgasm, my stomach is poked out for about an hour or two after I'm finished. I'm not in any pain, but do you know what could be causing this? I'm slightly concerned.

Eve bean2009-06-06T18:41:05Z

Favorite Answer

Girl, what a gross question coming from a married lady.....yuck!


Dildo For Husband


Hi DMC, While masturbation is a natural activity and can be incorporated into a couple's sex life, when it's being used INSTEAD of sexual relations or to cover up sexual dissatisfaction, you should beware. The intensity of our sex drives vary with each individual but a 30-year old male with a low sex drive should consider a medical evaluation to rule out biological causes. Clinical depression is also often associated with low libido in both males and females. That's worth investigating. Next you'll want to explore possible environmental and historical factors that might be causing your bf to have a low sex drive. For example, did he come from a family with sexual dysfunctions? After all those bases are touched you might consider adjusting to his level of sexual interest via masturbation. But I'd want to rule out other factors first. Only you can decide whether your bf is worth taking the steps I've outlined. Best wishes.


Does your stomach poke out when you have sex with your husband? If not, then something is wrong with the dildo. Try buying one in a different size and material and see if that makes a difference. If the problem continues then the only option is to see a doctor.


I can't really say for sure without a closer examination of the problem. We will have to get down to the specifics. Let me know when you are going to repeat and I will come over and observe. Then I should be able to give you a definite answer.

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