Gas prices increase because of Obama?

Since gas prices went up because Bush was in bed with big oil from 2000 to 2008. Then dropped before the election because of Obama. Now that they are going back up, are we to assume that Obama is in bed with big oil too.


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The way things are today, it will still be Bush's fault since Obama can't own up to the problems he creates. When things go bad in this new Administration, just blame someone else and everything is okay.

Remember Bill Clinton, ol' Teflon Bill, nothing stuck to him. Same with Golden Boy, Obama. Gas prices will rise to six buck a gallon, but no one will question it because Obama is in charge. Heaven help us all!

Voice of Liberty2009-06-15T05:05:29Z

Gas prices went up in the Bush years because OPEC threatened to tighten the faucet or shift recources to China because of rising demand. This caused panic among oil companies who braced themselves for the worst and anticipated a rise in their own costs.

Example: If you own a tanning salon and the electric company tells you that next month they are raising their rates 100%, then you will have to immediately double the rates that you charge your customers if you are able to maintain the same profit margin as before the rate change. If you wait two months to raise your rates however, your business will likely fail because you are paying the power company more than you owe. Big oil raised its rates because OPEC announced that crude oil would soon become much more expensive.


Oil is purely manipulated. Listen to Lindsey Williams he predicted EXACTLY the boom and bust then there would be a boom 8-12 from the bust well guess what its been 8-12 months since oil hit its low...And he knows this because he has contact from people that manipulate the oil prices and he publishes what they are telling him they will do. You can ALWAYS take to the bank what Lindsey Williams says about oil I have and am making a killing!


No, Obama is in "bed" with Michelle. And that ain't pretty!

That's a joke, guys!.

Anyway, of course Obama is in bed with big oil too. He can blame Bush all he wants, but when he "grows up", maybe he'll take on responsibility for some things like a big boy does!


stable ole Obama great delegate Richardson already surpassed the regulation in New Mexico for illegals to have drivers a strategies as border patrol i don't understand if anymore of them will help a million out of seven are on the take for drugs and unlawful smuggling. I stay in NM. source trouble-free wisdom in NM.

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