Is there a disorder in adults for identity issues?
During about the ages of 12-19, a teen is supposed to develop a sense of identity, in relation to their values and society. But, what if they fall behind in this step of development? (Symptoms of developmental lag are depression, suicide attempts, sense of isolation, loneliness, impulsiveness, extreme rebellion, denial of feelings, poor hygiene, fantasy as an escape from problems, drug/alcohol abuse, anorexia, bulimia, obesity, sexual activity to provide missing nurturance, prostitution, stealing, pathological lying, psychosis, fire-setting, violent assault, truancy, running away, pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, cults, early marriages that are likely to fail, hatred and rejection of family - from
If the person had any of these problems as a teenager, but does not have them as an adult, could they still have psychological problems related to identity, and is there a specific disorder for that?
Christopher - I am aware of varying types of personalities disorders, but am not sure to which disorder you are referring.
Rhonda - Yes, I am speaking of myself (but the list of symptoms was straight from website - I wish not to disclose my particular problems as a teenager). I am also aware that people with problems as teenagers grow into perfectly functioning adults. I am speaking of a more subtle disorder - a named disorder, I guess, specific to skipping that milestone, but being well adjusted. Thanks!
Rhonda - The "identity formation" term, helped me find more info.