Are men that opt out of airport body scanners scared that someone will see their pee-pee?
Aren't their feelings of sexual inadequacy making us all less safe?
Aren't their feelings of sexual inadequacy making us all less safe?
Favorite Answer
Some of us merely believe in the Bill of Rights. Take a look at the 4th Amendment. Note there are no exemptions for safety and yes, the Bill of Rights does apply at private airports and to private corporations and is in fact the force of law on private property. Way to many people in America have no clue what our individual liberties are. Blame the union controlled public school systems.
No, as we've seen in Oz and various outre films, we men enjoy any excuse for aggressive display of the beloved frontispiece. The worry here is that the scanner may somehow act to reduce or injure it/us.
My Grain
You're seriously missing the point as to 'why' people are opting out.
No. You feel inadequate, and you're projecting your shortcomings on the rest of us.
Only the very small peepees.