Are dairy products actually bad for your bones?

my roommate told me that dairy products are actually bad for your bones even though it is assumed that dairy products are good for your bones because they have calcium & calcium is good for your bones (so it is assumed). He says dairy products are acidic and actually deplete calcium from the bones. Is this true? If so, should I take dairy products like milk out of my diet or should I just keep consuming them for the sake of taste (because most dairy products taste good)?


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Your roommate is right.
This has been the topic of study and research for many years now, and 'all scientists' came to the conclusion that dairy products, such as milk, Has Little to No effect on human bones. Our bones still breaking and osteoporosis still is a great dilemma for many 'after' taking milk products for 'decades'.

The 'myth' that dairy products are good for our bones, comes straight from the 'money makers', and they are: The National Dairy Producers and their Most Effective team of 'Advertisers' giving the public two things, "Fear" and "Hopes", which we know Today that neither are True.

This is the Very Same Method the Apple Growers used during the Great Depression, advertising that "One Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away". Then, because there was No Money to see a doctor for anything, 'everyone' started to buy apples for two reasons: To get Health, and To Eat.
Today we know that was a campaign to Sale and Sale only, and the only ones getting wealthy and healthy were the Apple Growers of America... Nice, huh!?


Like mike said everything in excess is bad if you drink too much milk it will cause you heartburn the recommended amount is 3 glasses of milk a day doing this might reduce cholesterol in men and will strengthen bones.


Your roomate is not correct. They are good for you bones. Keep going with the dairy products

Anything in excess is bad though