Ex wife wanted the divorce, now wants to try again. Why?

My wife ( ex ) had an affair with a married co-worker. She fell head over heals in love with him. Wanted me out so fast, she did not even hire a lawyer. I know that he and his wife are separated but not yet divorced. We divorced over a year and a half ago. So if this d-bag and my ex wife wanted to be together so bad, wouldn't it have happened by now? He is somewhat available and my ex is 100% available. Why aren't they together? They may be together somewhat, maybe a little under ground, but why? She is divorced. the affair is out in the open. Nothing else to hide. Anyway, she wants to try again with me. What would cause a spouse to have an affair, get a divorce and than want to reconcile? Sorry, but I do not have alot of detail on my ex and her lover as far as if they are together. I tend to think not because when my kids need something or get sick and want to stay with her or if I want to re arrange kid weekends, she is ALWAYS free to do so. i have not heard once, " sorry I can't, I have plans" I just wonder if he kicked her to the curb or what would make a spouse do that?

We were married for 15 yrs, together for 22. 2 awesome kids. There was never any cheating or abuse from me, ex wife claims to have just fallen out of love with me.


Favorite Answer

Moving On,

You're probably aware that it's a collection of the "little things" that accumulate within a marriage that can cause it to fail. The truth is that if one spouse refuses to properly deal with these issues, then resentment and bitterness can occur towards the other. As a result, the spouse who's bitter and resentful can eventually "fall out of love" with their mate. I'm sure that your marriage with your ex-wife was no exception.

Your ex-wife fell "head over heels", literally with her married moron of a co-worker because he probably represented an escape from her marital issues. Being the predatory opportunist, this low life preyed upon your ex-wife just to get between her legs. Like most females who are led by their "feelings & emotions", your ex-wife believed that this scum bag was her new "soul mate".

Being a married low life, I'm sure that this moron promised your ex-wife that he was going to leave his wife & family just to be with her - AND SHE TOTALLY FELL FOR IT!!! Therefore, she couldn't wait to:

1.) Get rid of you. (You stood in the way of her happiness)
2.) Marry her "soul mate". (In her dreams)
3.) Live happily ever after. (How's that working out for her?)

Now, REALITY has pimp slapped your ex-wife and her fantasy. Your ex-wife realized that she was just a side piece to an immoral low life who totally played her. The grass on the other side was just "astro-turf". She needs you to help her survive (ie..pay the bills) and treat her decently. Then she'll heal from her wounds (from her affair) and seek another guy to exchange bodily fluids - if she hasn't changed! If she's fallen OUT OF LOVE with you before, then she must be willing to do anything reasonable to FALL BACK IN LOVE with you again. Peace!






Ex Wife Wants Me Back


Have you lost the love of your life and need to learn how to get your ex back? It's an emotional time and often it seems the harder you try to smooth things over and work things out the worse it gets. Before you make another mistake and finish things for good you need to find out just what to do. If you lost the love of your life and want that person back, you need the Magic of Making Up.

We all know of people who have broken up and then got back together. But I bet right now you wish you knew their secret. Getting back together can happen - there is a way - a strategy if you will - that's learnable. Even though the people you thought of who got back together may not have intended to follow 'the' strategy, they did - by accident. Now wouldn't you like to know just what they did?

Right now if you were to see or talk to your ex on the phone, the chances of your saying just the right thing at the right time - by accident are quite frankly slim to none. You need a plan. You need a map to show you just where you want to go and what you want to accomplish so when you next see or speak with your ex you say all the right things and deliver just the right message.


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