Do Christians truly believe that any "High-Rank" member of the Kingdom of Satan has EVER converted?

During the Evangelical Era There was an EXTRUSION of people who swore THEY were SATAN'S RIGHT HAND MEN AND WOMEN on the Earth- but NOW they were GLORIOUSLY SAVED, and NOW SERVED GOD JESUS- HALLELUYAH!!!

Defectors from, say, the KGB, or the MAFIA, they reveal truckloads of valuable information no one ever heard before, but, when fitted to hitherto inexplicable events, EXPLAIN PERFECTLY what was going on.

KGB defectors verified PSYCHOPOLITICS. Mafia defectors verified OMERTA. Other Roman Catholics verified ALBERTO, and so on.

But people claiming to be High Satanists, Luciferans, Illuminati, Witches and whatever became instant Rock Stars- but had NOTHING USEFUL TO SAY.

You buy their $29.99 BOOK to find out "Devil-Worshipers are E-VIL?"

How about telling us something we DON'T know?

For instance:

You cannot even BEGIN to make Spiritual Progress, until you attain TOTAL RECALL. YOU MUST be able to run through your entire life experiences like a video on fast-forward, or you cannot do much of anything.

You do NOT even get to have an AFTERLIFE. THAT is how important Total Recall is. The nature of the mechanism that destroys souls that cannot perfectly recall their life history upon death was shown and explained to the anthropologist Carlos Castaneda.

He was such a fool, he even considered not telling us!

It appears that EVERYBODY knows about this, EXCEPT WHITE PEOPLE.

This explains the brutal genocidal subjugation of Native American peoples by the "Christians" of the Colonial Era, because THIS ONE FACT WOULD HAVE TORPEDOED ALL VERSIONS OF CHRISTIANITY EXTANT.

The mental discipline required to force the entirety of decades of memories to become consciously accessible in SECONDS (Don Juan said you can run your whole life in about 20 minutes,) LEADS to IMMEDIATELY important things!

Christians who Totally Recall their own life experiences will Totally Recall the entire BIBLE.

. PSALM 119:11.



Favorite Answer

Yes, I do believe. There's a man by the name of William Schnoebelen, who was a Wiccan High Priest, A member of the Church of Satan, a Mormon, a Freemason, and even a vampire! If you doubt this, have a look at some of his books, on the website.
Also, check for Svali, who was a member of the Illuminati. Google her name.


You mean besides Pat Robertson?


yes many have become christian