Suggestions for the last few pounds of weight loss.?
So, I've been in a weight loss challenge. I have 2.5 weeks to go and have had some good results up until now (about 2-3 pounds per week). I'm at the gym working out 4-5 days a week for about an hour each time combining cardio and weights. I have modified my diet: cutting out alcohol, sugar, and refined carbs. Lots of vegetables and lean protein. At the very end of the challenge, I'd like a little "kick" just to boost my numbers.
Since this has been an actual lifestyle change as opposed to a "quick fix," I am confident that most of the weight will stay off and that I will continue to shed pounds (ideally, 25 more).
But, just for the purpose of this final weigh in, what have been your experiences in "quick fix" weight loss methods?
Thanks for your suggestions!
To clarify--I will be continuing with the same process that has gotten me this far; just without the direct external challenge. What I need are some suggestions for losing a pound or two (or more?) extra (even if they are only temporary and maybe not even all that related to my fitness. There is actual cash on the line here (I win several hundred dollars if I have the highest percentage of weight loss over the course of the two month challenge..