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Are christians "salty" enough?

Jesus said: You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. (Matthew 5:13).

Two questions:

Are christians salty enough or are they losing their saltieness?

What causes losing the saltiness?

13 Answers

  • Jimbo
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'll try to give you a more serious answer than what I've read because I think you are serious about your questions.

    As you know, salt is a preservative especially useful in preserving meats. Christians (those who have accepted Christ and have been indwelt by the Holy Spirit) are the salt of the earth as God works to provide light to the world and to keep evil forces at bay.

    God's desire for Christians is that they be molded into the image of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. The more we are like Christ the more we have true fellowship with the Father and the Son and other Christians and the more useful we are as witnesses in the world.

    One can think of "saltiness" as being like Christ. Are Christians "salty enough"? No, the church as a whole is not in great shape. We have little of the holiness and power exhibited by the early church.(We have a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.) Our lives are too entangled with the world but God can change the situation. God will preserve his church, but individual Christians need to maintain and increase their faith.

    Lack of vision and sin cause the church and individuals to become less "salty" (The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways.) Any false doctrine or practice or half-hearteness that interferes with supernatural working of the Holy Spirit in the church will cause the church to lose saltiness. This is also true for individuals. But you are saved by simple faith in Christ Jesus. A person who is indwelt by God cannot go to hell.

    God hates divorce and the church is the bride of Christ. He does not take his Holy Spirit from people because they are having sin problems. He doesn't stomp on struggling Christians who deep down want to please God. You have to want to really reject (divorce) God. A Christian who pushes god out of his life deliberately and begins practicing and delighting in sin will eventually lose their faith in Christ. Even as you try to push God away he will chasten you to try to help you return to him, just as he did with Israel. But if you keep hardening your heart then he'll let you go your own way.

    It's clear that you want to live for God. Just live one day at a time and have simple faith that god will work in your life to will and to do his good pleasure. He does not want you to be afraid. Pray for the church also. If you do this your "saltiness" will increase. Peace.

  • 2 decades ago

    Most Chritians are not salty enough. We lose our salt when we are not prepared to give up our lifestyles and follow Jesus unconditionally. We are then luke warm. We need to be more hands on Christians and lead the life God wante us to lead and follow the guidelines of the Bible then only will we be salty enough.

  • 2 decades ago

    1- I think Christians haven't been properly salty for quite a while.

    2- Forgetting that "The Greatest of These is Love" Christians world round for centuries have had a terrible reputation of spreading war and hate (it still continues). If we are the salt of the earth we should be loving our neighbor and sending out a message of God's love.

  • 5 years ago

    Catholics are the unique Christians. the first church, which Christ began become the Catholic church. For the first thousand years, there become only one Christian Church. In 1054, it chop up into 2 branches, the eastern Orthodox Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church. there have been in basic terms 2 Christian branches for yet another 500 years. In 1518, Martin Luther began a third branch, Protestantism. The third branch splintered into many denominations. you're likely recognizing that Catholics at the prompt are not Protestants. the unique Christian Church continues to be Catholic. The Amish is between the numerous Protestant denominations. Jehovah Witnesses at the prompt are not a Protestant denomination yet an offshoot of Christianity because they believe Jesus is the angel Michael and by no potential the Son of God.

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  • 2 decades ago

    If there was Jewish religion which was also aimed to teach people truth, then WHY Cristianity came??? WHY it was needed

    Because Jewish peolpe started to change truth. When Christianity came most of the good Jewich people accepted it.

    THEN the question WHY ISLAM, MUSLIM religion came, is this because peolpe start to change Christianity?, if yes then answer to your question will be NO.

  • 2 decades ago

    No they are not salty enough. They have resorted to InSULTing but they need some in-SALT-ing. hahaha. I know, bad pun.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago


  • 2 decades ago

    The loss of the salt can be traced to a process called 'evolution'.

  • 2 decades ago

    some are old salty pants.

    or just plain sour.

  • 2 decades ago

    I guess your going to have to catch a sweaty one and lick it to know your answer. Good Luck!

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