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You are taking over the world...?

Is your army a Zombie Army? Or is it a Flying Monkey army? which one is better?


well Garfield, let me just say that if you do not like the question you can always choose not to answer it, try using a little something called free will... unless you would like me to explain to you how it works? I am sure that I could find time in my very busy schedule to do that for my people, and inbetween deciding on which army would suit my needs, and taking over the world I am sure I could find time to give you a little lifes lesson...

Update 2:

John- Drugs are bad mmmkay... and I will take your word about the banana.

Update 3:

pied piper thanks for the heads up, I will be looking for them... maybe afterwards we can all mount an exhaustive search for your missing sense of humor... does the phrase "don't be a tool box" mean anything to you? because it should.

19 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cool question by the way.

    Well flying monkeys would have the advantage of mobility however Zombies would win out right and here is why!

    Zombies only have to bite their enemies to increase their armies size, one quick bite to the flying monkeys and they will become flying zombie monkeys! Zombies on the other hand can only be killed via the head and as much as the monkeys bite and all that good stuff, it would be more difficult for them to kill the zombies. Zombies just don't want to die lol!

    And besides, Zombies are such low maintenance, they eat their enemy and the enemy becomes one of them. Monkeys on the other hand have to be fed bananas, got to get them cute little outfits to wear, they have attitude problems and so on, not to mention all that flying poop going everywhere, lol!

    So Zombies would rule I am afraid.

    P.S. Zombies already scare the hell out of me, thanks to Dawn of the Dead, I have to watch out when I am driving, now thanks to you, I have to watch the skies! You suck lol!

  • 2 decades ago

    Michael Jackson's Thriller video ruined zombies for me. I'd go with the flying monkeys. If the monkeys can fly, how could the zombies ever touch them? Moreover, zombies don't really seem to have any sense of purpose. They just do whatever the rest of the mindless army is doing. In some of the movies I've seen, it takes them 40 - 45 minutes to knock down a door. Although, it could be said that zombies have esprit de corps because they operate well as a unit. In the end, however, the individuality and maneuverability of the monkey has to rule the day. You can say that the zombie army grows larger in time, but I don't see how that makes any difference when you're just adding one chucklehead after another. The whole Zombie ethos is blatantly communist. A zombie army, like communism, is better as a concept than as a reality. The free-thinking monkeys lose a couple battles but win the war.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago


    your army only grows larger as you go

    once the monkeys are dead they are dead

    so your army continually get smaller


    why not use zombie flying monkeys

  • dh1977
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Flying Monkeys...better at surprise attacks and surveillance. Zombies are too slow. Have you ever seen a zombie run anywhere?

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  • 2 decades ago

    Gotta be the monkeys. It worked against Dorothy. Maybe they could also capture garfield to give toto someone to play with.

    Source(s): the Wizard of Oz
  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    the Zombies are easier to control... hmm, the monkeys fly... dammit... evil garden gnomes wasn't a choice... ok, I'm goin' with the Zombies based on track record

  • NA
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Flying monkeys. Holy crap, those things are scary, they could really lay down some law and order.

  • 2 decades ago

    Neither; there arent zombies or flying monkeys

  • 2 decades ago

    flying monkeys!!! because know, they can fly and all... i wouldn't go for the zombies coz i don't care much for dead people.

    and let me just say that i think this is a pretty good question

  • 2 decades ago

    Zombie Army. If it's good enough for Aragorn, it's good enough for me.

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