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Does religion in general have a lot to answer for?

Think about all the conflict, hurt, and pain it causes around the world. Would our planet be a better place if religion didn't exist at all?

30 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, I'll bite... at least from the Christianity side. And remember, I'd rather use the word "faith" instead of "religion" ... but that's just me...

    What conflict, hurt, and pain does Christianity cause? (For that matter, what conflict, hurt, and pain does Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddism, Taoism, and even Druidism and Wiccan set out to purposely cause?)

    I hear people say that "organized religion is responsible for all the wars throughout history." I hear that a lot. I got sick of that statement once and gave a simple response:

    "Name them."

    Let's look at the US for an example:

    1) Revolutionary War: independence

    2) War of 1812: Keeping independence

    3) Civil War: Slavery and states rights

    4) Spanish-American War: Imperialism and expansion

    5) War with Native Americans: Imperialsim and expansion

    6) World War I: Political and Economic attacks

    7) World War II: Defense of Invasion

    8) Korean War: Oppposition of Communism

    9) Vietnam War: Oppposition of Communism

    10) First Gulf War: Opposition of Imperialsim and expansion

    11) Second Gulf War: Defense of Terrorism Attacks

    I'm sure I'm missing a few. But for the Good Old US of A, you can see that the reasons and purposes behind these conflicts and wars are not religion (I will not argue that these wars were good nor bad, as that is off-topic of the question).

    I will also grant you that such events as "the crusades" were religious-based wars. Any others? History buffs, fill me in.

    I am looking at this through the eyes of an American citizen, so please those from other countries--what conflict, hurt, and pain has been caused by religion?

    I will grant you that there is some. But if you start off by saying "terrorism" then you have to remember that every Muslim that you could possibly meet (at least those that I have met) is disgusted by terrorism and that the acts of terrorism that we have seen in the world of late are not reflective of the faith of Islam.

    To quote the great Joshua Lyman on The West Wing: "Islamic Extremist is to Islamic as Ku Klux Klan is to Christianity."

    Any "claim" of someone to promote conflict, hurt, and pain in the name of any major world religion ... or better, any major world faith... will never be claimed by that religion ... or that faith.

  • 2 decades ago

    Our planet would be better if two particular religions, Christianity and Islam, didn't exist. Those two religions are the cause of so much bitterness, hate, and war that they should be abolished. The Jews, Pagans, Hindus, and Buddhists don't bother anybody. If anything, they are all trying to get out of the way of the Christians and Muslims.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    No, religion is not the problem, people are, man is inherently evil, he has a sinful nature. Whether there was one religion for all or a lot like there are man will always do selfish, sinful acts.

    If this were not the case the generations after Adam would not have fallen away, the generations of Noah likewise would have not fallen into sin, and when Christ came everyone would have followed him.

  • bugsie
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Read what Philly has to say, he is right! Before you believe any other answers, read the scriptures he has sighted!

    Organized religion has caused the hate,death,lies of this world for the most part.

    Organized religion has blinded the eyes of millions into form of false religion and spiritistic practices.

    Her sins have massed up against her. Soon the kings of the earth will destroy her.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Religion as a concept isn't really bad. The error comes in when men behave religiously dumb. Only the people who make one religion or another what it is will answer. Because He wouldn't punish those that are good just because some organization had bad history. If he did, I'd be in deeeeeeep hooey. LOL

  • kj
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    NO. The world would be a better place if everyone living here would respect the fact that other people have different religions and leave everybody else alone. They need to stop trying to find things to be insensed about, and realize that someone elses personal beliefs don't have to affect theirs. We all need to let other people live their lives in peace.

  • 2 decades ago

    Religion definitely has a lot to answer for. Let's rewind a little from all the murder, torture, and rape done in the name of God. How about basic human freedom? Religion is the reason that freedom makes only fleeting stints in human history. Apart from Athens, the United States, and the world today, human history has seen very little freedom.

  • 2 decades ago

    No. Look at the millions of people that Josef Stalin slaughtered in his quest to create an atheistic society "free of God".

    To answer your question simply look at the old Soviet Union or North Korea. These are societys in which religion was taken out of the equation. Are these the model for happy and thriving societies?

  • 2 decades ago

    No.Not at all.If there were no religion,there would be no laws! Everyone should have the right to pray and to worship God or Deity's and practice their religious beliefs.Worshiping and having ceremony events (while having faith and becoming a believer in whatever religion) makes you a stronger person,spiritually. I think we all need someone or something to believe in and pray to. It helps to release our anxieties,our worries, and our burdens.It can give us strength,encouragement,and faith. Believing, will give us a lighter heart and a clearer mind to solve problems and a joyful soul that lies within our own unique self.

  • 2 decades ago

    Religion is the basis of alot of pain in the world. That is why I side with God, and not with the organized churches (religions) that claim to teach Gods word, when in truth they simply use Gods name as a sword against that which they as imperfect human individuals (we are all flawed) see as wrong.

  • 2 decades ago

    No, I think a lot of the murders, rape, assaults, abuse, and violence in this world exists because people do not have religion. Or atleast, belief in a religion that prohibits these problems.

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