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Why do some people think that the childfree are selfish?

I have seen a few people say this. I am just confused as to how they reached that conclusion. Just how is not having children selfish?

Will someone please explain in a NICE way.

63 Answers

  • Roland
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    people become parents in hopes of being something better.

    When they realize that being a parent is actually a way of turning one's life into a real hell, they get jealous of other people -who are wiser than them as not to have children- and they do their best to insult those people.

    That also helps them justify their false decision (to have child that is)

    And the wise keep on wondering WHY on Earth the human mankind goes wilder and more insane with each new generation.

    The answer is so simple: The real wise people OPT not to have children. This is why

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm confused also because I disagree totally. If you choose not to have children then obviously you have a good reason, I mean only you (adults) know what is best for you.

    My opinion maybe they are jealous that they didn't make the same decision.

    Also keep in mind that there are people who can't have children. Maybe they feel this way, which is understandable to a point.

    I think those who do have children and mistreat them are the selfish ones. If you know you are not capable or willing to raise a child then it is best you don't have one. You don't want to bring a person in this world to only have them resent you or vice versa.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not sure, i have a child, who was i hate to say an accedent and unwanted at birth. He's two now, and i wouldnt give him up for the world. I do understand not wanting children though, and i dont understand people who try so hard and are so miserable when they cant have them, there are 1000's of children up for adoption, the world is over populated and getting worse, and yet people think we should keep breeding! It is natural to have children, but it isnt selfish not to, it's more selfish to bring children into a world that is slowly going to **** anyway just because you want more of your DNA running around. People assume if you dont want children it is because you want to keep all your money and time for yourself, and this may be the case but does it matter? I didnt want children purely because i didnt believe i could take good care of their emotional up briniging. Turns out i have a happy healthy child now, and i was dead wrong. Now i feel like i've lost some of my life to my child, but it's okay because he's wonderful and i do everthing to give him a better childhood and outlook than i had.

  • 1 decade ago

    Opinions are opinions... and if I didn't hold my tongue I have a very good reason as to why someone would say that. There are several reasons why a couple may not have a child.... maybe they have thought out the pros and cons and made a joint decision that having a baby wouldn't be the best choice based on lifestyle, health, finances, and various other factors.

    I truely believe that 9 times out of 10 that comment would come from a secretly jealous or disgruntled parent. My mom used to say how happy we made her when we were growing up.... but now that I am older she admits that she really wishes that she could've gone and done everything I have done at such a young age... but couldn't because she had her kids.

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  • 1 decade ago

    In a way it is, but to a very, very small degree. It's kind of hard to explain, but like some people don't want kids, because they think they will hold them back, or be a big financial burden. Other people don't want them just because they don't have any interest in raising children. I wouldn't call somebody selfish for not wanting children, because the same could be said for those who have kids. Some people just think that it's their duty to get older, get married and pop out kids, and they're kind of weird.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think that childless people are selfish. But I do know that being a parent requires (or should anyway) a lot of selfless thinking and acting. As a parent the child must come first for many, many, years.

    I support your choice not to have children. There is nothing worse than someone having children who did not want them to begin with.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that people who regard the childless by choice set selfish are just a little bit jealous. It has to do with the idea that you have a lot of love to give so why not give it to a child. What I think it boils down to, however, is that the childfree do not have the additional drain on their time and finances, and can therefore concentrate on creating a more affluent life for themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally feel that it is a personal opinion. I my self do not think that it is not selfish. As for myself I have 3 children and with my personal experiences people without children tend to have more patients then some parents. There are also a lot of people who don't have children that are very helpful to parents like my self who are a single parent and they offer so much help. If it makes you complete without children then don't worry what other say.

    Source(s): mom to 3 girls
  • 1 decade ago

    I think the reason is just this. There are SOME people who do not have children who make the lives of the parents just miserable. They will constantly compete for the better life the better car the bigger house all of it. It takes a special person, some of them mind you, to sacrifice their whole life for their child.. that is where we will do it and some "selfish" people won't. I feel like if you are childless now with hopes of providing a wonderful life to your child when that time comes.... GOOD LUCK.. I ADMIRE YOU.

  • Imani
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you want to have a child then you are being selfish. Plain and simple. On the other side, if you don't want to have a child, then you are also being selfish. Think of the reasons that people want to have a child, and you will come up with nothing but a crap load of selfishness. You are not bringing a child into the world for anything but yourself. Having said that, I have kids of my own, whom I love and would do anything for. I have had to give up so many things in order to keep them happy, healthy, and loving. There is where it is not selfish. The decision to make a child, is always for selfish reasons, but after they're born.. unless you get nannies, and totally ignore them, it is never about being selfish.. you're lucky if you get to pee.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are a lot of people who feel that their sole purpose in life is to have children, they want a family and all that. Some people choose to take a different path, to further their career, travel, spend quality uninterupted time with their partner. Neither group is better than the other or more selfish than the other, that's just a personal preference.

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