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heathen asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Why does the U.S. have such a lousy view of Canadians?

Is it arrogance, ignornace, hatred, rabid patriotism? It amazes me how U.S. citizens often (not always) talk down to Canadians. Why is this?

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People with inferiority complexes must put other people down so they don't have to look at themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are morons. Simply put. Now I am not saying ALL Americans are morons, just the ones who hate Canada for no good reason.

    Take for example the guy that said we all want to be Americans because most of Canadians live close to the US border. If this poster had any education whatsoever he would know that the further south you go the warmer the weather is! Thus Canadians mostly live in the Southern part of Canada because its warmer!

    I live in Saskatchewan and the summers here average between 80-90 degrees F. Not exactly an icy cold climate. Oh ya, and the Canadian army is in Afganistan kicking Taliban butt! No, not reconstruction... fighting!

    I guess the real problem is the American media and education system. They are not taught anything about Canada in school, and the media does not tell them anything about Canada. So the majority of people are living in ignorance, believing this is an artic country full of seal hunting natives or something.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live near the border and many people here aren't that crazy about Canadians. We live south of B.C. though and I think B.C. has Canada's worst drivers. A lot of immigrants who grew up in countries that have different driving norms than North America.

    Generally though I think the stereotype of Canadians is that they're polite, have a slightly different accent than we do, and send us a lot of funny comedians and William Shatner. It's sort of like you're the model neighbor. (Except for the William Shatner part). I'm sorry if people talk down to you. Don't tell them you're Canadian and they won't even know because the people who do this are probably ignorant.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most Americans really like Canadians. They are so cool. They are polite, and they have a peaceful society the way we Americans really wish we had. I have never in my life met a fellow-American who didn't like Canadians. And that's the truth.

    If you are talking about certain American politicians who don't like Canada, then I don't know who they are, but the next presidential election will get rid of a lot of trash. So, chin up. Canada is as close to a perfect country as I have ever seen. I have been all over Canada and have only had the best impressions.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am American, and I have never had the feeling that Canadians are looked down on by the general population. Of course there is always an exception to every rule, but I have always viewed Canadians as our friendly neighbors, and in many ways have *it right* more so than we seem to.

  • 1 decade ago

    Agreed that it runs rampade here in america, not entirley sure why. The only time I do it, it is merely a joke I have friends who live in our friendly country to the North. The only possible reason I could think of is the fact that Canada refused to get involved in the V war, not that we should have been there in the first place but thats another story. Still thats not a good reason, but the only I could come up with.

  • 1 decade ago

    The US school curriculum does not include any in depth studies of Canada. So, as a rule, Americans are extremely uninformed. Also, the USA is very big on national pride. Unfortunately, sometimes that pride leads to a superiority complex towards other countries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I went to europe in highschool, we had a group from canada along with us. They were so horrible, they embarassed everyone. They did cartwheels on the grass in front of Napoleon's mansion even though a sign said "keep off the grass" and it wasn't just the kids, it was even the TEACHER. They were rude and loud and annoying, and all the people from europe thought they were from the United States. We were constantly correcting them. I personally like Canada. Some of the people, not so much.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have a negative view of Canadians. I like them.

    I don't care much for the Canadian government. They seem to be ahead of our own politicians in creating a police state. They have already taken away Canadian citizens' right to defend themselves (civilian disarmament). And from what I have heard, the Canadian government heavily censors what books their citizens are allowed to read. I hope the Canadian people wake up and remedy this situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is another of those goofy generalizations, and it's hard to respond to something like that. You yourself say it is 'often' but 'not always' - so how frequent is 'often'? And who are the US citizens indulging in this view? Sorry, you need to be a lot more specific before you try to stir up a rhubarb in this particular kettle of (stale) fish.

  • 1 decade ago

    It goes both ways. I find most Americans have big hearts, and I've come across rude/arrogant people from my own Canadian backyard. I guess it's human nature formed by personal and social experiences. Can we all be people without borders?

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