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lone wolf and pub asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

kitten advice???

I am going to get a kitten in the next few weeks, there is a dogs and cats home near me, and I want to adopt a kitten.

it's my first time to have a cat, so what is the best piece of advice you can give me?

thanks for all your help


sorry I forgot to say that the kitten will be from an animal shelter, and it will already be spayed/neutered and already have all its shots and it will be microchipped too.. I would not just buy a cat, I want to give a kitten a good home, that needs one

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Read these articles for general advice and supplies you will need.

    Feed it good food right from the start and your kitty will thrive. You don't need to get food marketed for kittens - just get a good canned food and feed it the suggested amounts.

  • D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Don't expect instant knowledge from people condensed into a few words - there's a lot to learn. You need to be doing your reading BEFORE you get the kitten.

    When you first bring him/her home (and I trust you are waiting until the kitten is properly weaned and old enough to leave its mother), do ensure the house is quiet and calm. Put the kitten in its bed and give him/her time to look around, walk and sniff around, and get accustomed to the new surroundings. And don't expect instant love and playfulness. You are taking the kitten away from everything he/she knows and no doubt your new kitten will be frightened and hang back. Be calm, quiet, patient and make no sudden movements.

    If you absolutely must share your newfound kitten with your friends, ensure the handling and cooing is brief and then put the kitten back. This is a living being, not a toy.

    You might get some toys, but then again lots of kittens love playing in an empty paper bag (grocery size). Of course you would not use a plastic one! Kittens love rustle-y paper.

    Get a good book on cats (you can find many at pet stores or at the library or even online) and read more about them. Learn what to watch for, what signs indicate illlness, etc. And find a vet's office and post the address and phone number somewhere handy. In case of sickness or an emergency, you want to have the information right at your fingertips. That will not be the time to start hunting around.

  • Cats are pretty easy to take care of. They are really independent and can entertain themselves really easily. Most cats will know to go to the litter box, but don't be surprised if you have to show the kitty the box first thing. It is your choice whether you want it to be an indoor or outdoor cat, although there are more risks with an outdoor cat. If the cat is outdoors he will be more exposed to disease and parasites, so make sure that you have him up to date with at lease FVRC, Leukemea vaccine, FIV, Rabies, and deworm him annually. Also please don't forget to Spay/Neuter the kitty once he is 5 months of age. This is important cause there are too many cats without homes to bring any more into this world. Remember for the first year to feed the kitty kitten food, and don't forget to enjoy this little ball of fluff!

  • 1 decade ago

    Knowing how to choose a seemingly healthy kitten is important. Make sure the ears look pretty clean, the eyes look clear and not all goopy, the nose isn't all crusty with brown or black snot everywhere. Make sure there aren't a ton of fleas on it either, a couple isn't a big deal, but alot could make the kitten aniemic. Other than that, it's who you connect with, or who picks you. I have four myself. I got them all as kittens and they all have picked me in they're own way. I can't explain the feeling that I got when I found them, I just knew that they were the ones for me. When it happens to you, you'll know what I mean. And make sure you get that kitten SPAYED or NEUTERED!!!

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  • Mel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Kittens are FAST and HIDE EVERYWHERE. Make sure you give it a big room to play around in where everything is safe. If it goes running for something dangerous, like a lit stove, it will move too fast for you to catch it. Also, they really like to scratch and climb. Get a scratching post and, if you can, keep them in a room with the post and away from your couch so they use the post and not your furniture. Make sure you have things for them to climb on. The cat play jungle-gyms they sell in stores are good, but you should be ok with some wood or metal furniture as well.

    Also, kittens are very nice and friendly. Make sure you give yours lots of attention and introduce him/her to all of your friends so he/she will grow up liking humans instead of being a scaredy cat.

    Source(s): cat lover
  • 1 decade ago

    If you are not sure on how to take care of a kitten then maybe you shouldnt get one.

    But if you do you need to keep it updated on its shots to stop spreading diseases and make sure you have him/her spayed/neutered to help the pet population.

    Are you keeping him/her inside? If you do you still need shots and spay/neutered. You cant take chance.

    Just make sure you give it the best loving home possible.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best piece of advice I can offer is consider the financial responsibility along with everything else.

    If you cannot afford to give your cat adequate medical care when needed, it is best not to adopt.

  • 1 decade ago

    keep it away from the other cats and dogs unless you no if it is good with cats and dogs. Also don't feed the kitten cow milk it will get daria

  • 1 decade ago

    Give it constant attention. Read a lot about cats and kittens.

    Do not allow it outdoors.

    Do not de-claw it.

  • John S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    get 2 so that they can play and wrestle with each other than a single cat tearing up your home. try and get siblings from the same litter of possible.

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