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>>Riot!<< asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

I have cat issues!?

I have a kitten issue! My 2 month old kitten is...well lets say a "Garbage Cat"....saying that he is never full EVER! I don't think he has worms....when we have food out he goes nuts and will attack you and climb the tables...lets just say he will do whatever it takes to get that food. He eats all of his food in his bowl and then he trys to even get into the fridge....actually he has gotten in the fridge and has gotten locked in by my mom on accident....! He is a very naughtry kitten when it comes to food. Can someone tell me how to solve this or why he is doing it. We got him from a shelter when he was about 5-6 weeks old if that helps any!


O and i fergot to mention that he actually loves water so the water bottle just kinda makes him jump...but then he goes right back to where he was!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    actually he does sound like he has tape worms in his stomach. A cat will be starving if the worms are eating all his food in his stomach and as with any starving animal or human you will get bizarre behavior..

    I say go to the vet and have his stomach checked

  • 1 decade ago

    Whew, what an active kitty you have. Some cats just like people food. And some don't. Yours, most certainly does!! Training is the best thing you can do. Everytime it gets into something, put it on the floor and tell it "no" in a very firm voice. Or, just give the kitty it's own plate. First, discuss with the vet what foods are okay for the kitty to eat. Don't want to make it sick. Kitties are very hungary little critters, they are growing so fast at that age. So yes they can eat a lot. Talk to your vet, make sure it doesn't have worms and go from there. Me, I would give it a plate where I can control when and how much people food it can eat. Give it some time. It should outgrow this naughty little quirk.

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't "think" he has worms? Hasn't this kitten been to the vet yet? He should have had first shots and worming by now. What had the shelter done in the way of shots and worming? If he is eating all the food in his bowl, he's not getting enough. Cats usually won't eat more than they need.

    First, take him to the vet for an exam, and shots and worming if this hasn't been performed yet. You will probably need to take a stool sample for them to check for worms. This isn't very expensive and will answer the question.

    If he tests negative for worms, you just aren't feeding him enough. Kittens at this age are growing like weeds, and that takes lots of energy! Give him a good quality kitten food (Iams, Eukanuba, Hill's Science Diet, etc.), and fill that bowl up! He has probably experienced real hunger in his young life, and now panics when there is no food available. Once he learns there will always be food in his bowl, he should relax and calm down.

    If you have other pets, he may be afraid he won't get his share if he doesn't wolf it down (or is it possible other pets are stealing his food when you aren't looking? Dogs and cats love kitten food!)

    To teach him to stay off the tables and out of the fridge, use a squirt gun or spray bottle set to "stream." Whenever he jumps on the table or in the fridge, simultaneously spray him and say "NO!" in a loud, firm voice.

    This may or may not work. I have a male cat who is very hard-headed. He will jump on the counter even though he knows he's going to get sprayed. I think it's a game. He tries to jump and run to avoid the stream of water!

    Some people say you can put some pennies in an empty, clean soda can, and shake it real hard to startle them when they misbehave. Might work, I don't know. Probably depends on how jumpy your cat is.

    I don't recommend giving your kitten people food. That might reinforce his desire to get it. He should be taught that people food is for people, and kitten food is for him. If you can't resist, he can be given very small amounts of cooked lean meat, cooked vegetables, rice and a very liitle bit of cottage cheese. Cats are lactose intolerant, but seem to do okay with just a bit of cottage cheese, for some reason. Above all, serve it to him in his own bowl. If you give it to him off your own dinnerware, he'll think any food on a plate is fair game.

    With my own cats, I keep their bowl full of dry kibble to snack on at all times, and when we have dinner, I split a can of cat food between them, so they can have a "real" dinner, too. I give it to them on 6" paper plates that I can just throw away when they're done. They know the little plates are theirs, and come running when I get them out! It distracts them from getting underfoot or begging from us. Works like a charm! They stay busy eating their dinner, and we can eat ours in peace.

    These are my best ideas and suggestions. Hope they help some. Good luck!

    Source(s): Been around cats most of my lfe. Currently owned by two.
  • 1 decade ago

    He has a tape worm and probably some other types of worms.

    Kittens get them from the mother at birth.

    Help the little guy out and take him to the vet. He's hungry

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  • 1 decade ago

    He's probably really hungry from the shelter or has never been in a place with so much food.

    First, you have to train him to stop going for food. You can either shush, clap your hands loudly, squirt him with a water bottle (tells and alerts her that she's doing something wrong), or make any loud noise so that he stops. When he does stop after awhile, then you treat him or give him a lot of affection. I hope this helps!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sprinter was attacked by a raccoon 3 months ago and come to find out, the reason he was eating so much & would never quit was because he had worms. They need the food to survive.

  • Zoozy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He might have worms. It's best to have a vet check him. But it sounds more like food aggression which usually comes from having to compete for food. The aggression assured him of getting his fair share. Your vet will better be able to tell you how to solve this problem. This is the best site I could find about feline aggression. Hope it helps :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the first post - it does sound very much like worms. Get him to a vet to be checked out.

  • 1 decade ago

    start feeding him at a certain time and when he gets on the table use a water gun to get him of that will show him hell get feed it sounds like he was abandon and was not feed enough so now he eats to much.

  • Kiki B
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would give kitty a dry gravity feeder so she can eat at will, soon she will figure out that she will always have food and stop hoarding it. They nibble all day at my house.

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