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Lv 6
Lyn asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

A question for dads?

I recently mentioned to my husband that soon he will have to start teaching our little boy the art of being a gentleman. He seemed genuinely shocked and had to admit the thought had not even occurred to him.

What about you Y!A dads? Are you teaching your boys to be chivalrous? If so, how?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Being a 'gentleman' is another way of practicing the golden rule, do unto others... Also, teaching your children by example is not the best teaching method, it's the ONLY method. So even if you two preach gentlemanly (or other) skills, he'll follow your example, irrespective of what he's heard.

    Bottom line: polite society (and career paths) reward people (boys, girls, men women) who demonstrate dignity and respect for others. It simply makes good social and monetary sense.

  • yoak
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hi Lyn,

    It starts by example. Holding the door open for people when you enter or leave a building, not interrupting when someone is using the phone, etc.

    I encourage my son to "thank" his teacher "for the great day" and wait his turn to speak, say "excuse me" and be polite with people of all ages. It is amazing how quickly they pick it up and then only the occasional reminder is needed.

    Boys absorb what they see and hear, especially from people they admire. If your husband starts out with basic things like holding the door open and letting ladies enter a room first, it will be easy to move on to more complex manners.

    good luck ~

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Start off With the basics No thank you ,please, may i this may i that, things like that and don't be afraid to throw certain senarios @ him even though he's young he'll understand you and if he doesn't the more you explain to him the more he'll understand ....most adults don't bother to educate their children early so then they usually get into all sorts of trouble but if you educate them early then then their more likely to suceed some people think it's a bit to much to school your kids on certain things but i believe it's never to early to teach your kids about things like chilvalry it'll make him more the gentleman....but just don't forget to have fun with it and still remind him he's a child.....hope this helps

    Source(s): watching good parents parenting.....LOL
  • 1 decade ago

    I think alot of it is taught by expample. Even if your DH didn't actually tell your son 'THIS IS WHAT YOU DO' as long as your DH is that way with you, that is what he will learn. Of course it does not hurt to actually sit down and explain chivalry.

    I have 2 girls and my DH treats me in the way he wants boys/men to treat our girls. They will live with that model for many many years before men become an issue. They will have high standards to try and meet. I have quite a great guy, the girls will have trouble finding one just as great!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a mom, it is not solely the dad's responsiblity, you can do it as well, you shouldn't have to think about it he will act the same way you do so if his dad open the car door for you, carries the groceries in, or any such action, he will imitate and behave in the same manner.

  • Yogi
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My twins just barely turned 3, so the issue hasn't really come up yet. But I am a firm believer in it, as is my wife, so they will be getting it on both sides. At present, we are teaching them to be respectful and kind to EVERYONE, not just girls.

  • 1 decade ago

    My boyfriend is like that. I know he would start teaching our children that early. Hes from the South too lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    My hubby doesnt do Y!A, but we are teaching that to both of our sons... they don't play as rough with me, when they have play dates that include girls we are teaching them (well really my 3 year old) that he doesnt hit girls, to let her go first ect! We also just try to generally teach our children respect with adult, yes maam, no sir, please, thank you! The same things my parents drilled into me!

  • Dj
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My husband already talks about how he'll teach our son to respect women, especially me, his mother :) yay! I know I could teach him, but he gets it better seeing the example of how his father treats his mother.

    It's all the typical stuff. Don't hit girls, open doors for them, say yes ma'am, yes sir (I'm from the South! :) to adults....etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    my husband already talks about any and everything he can teach or do with our son. he's so excited about having a little boy.

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