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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Should the Democratic National Committee have stripped Michigan and Florida of their delegates?

Both Florida and Michigan moved their primaries to earlier

dates,and the Democratic National Committee retaliated by

stripping Florida and Michigan of their delegates.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think so. Why should one or two states get the majority of the say in who the rest of the nation votes for? In fact, I think all of the states should vote or caucus on the same day. As it stands, by the time that Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina vote, half of the candidates are gone and the rest of the US has no input. It's just an example of how the two major parties have structured the process to benefit them and their pet candidates.

    Also, isn't it the Democrat party that is always making accusations of voters being disenfranchised and not allowed to cast their vote? If every vote is so important, then why aren't these voters given a voice? Seems kind of contradictory to me.

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Republican Party stripped 5 states of their delegates. The Democrats only 2. But I'm sure that both parties will re-instate the delegates, because they will want a full compliment.

    The GOP suspended delegates in Wyoming, New Hampshire, So Carolina, Florida, and Michigan. for holding primary events previous to February 5th.

    Both parties made rules that delegates would not be chosen until after Feb5. Those states broke the rules, so don't blame it on the parties. Odds are those particular delegates will be out and new ones will have to be chosen.

    It is a slap on the hand.

    So all you folks that are saying Democrats are big meanies...Now you will be saying the GOP is better because they slapped FIVE states and the Dems only TWO.

  • 5 years ago

    hillary and bill have always thought they were above the law. so why am i not surprised that she thinks she's above the dnc's rules? should she get the delegates seated, ALL of the democratic candidates and the democrats in general should raise their voices in protest. there should be an UPROAR at the democratic convention should the dnc make this mistake. it wouldn't be fair to all parties concerned. and btw, are you sure that the link you've provided is NOT a link that the clinton camp hasn't set up to get people to sign on to help hillary to get the delegates seated? you know she and her peeps are devious. don't put nothing pass them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NO It wasn't fair to the voters in michigan and florida.. I'm a michigander and it's really crappy that they pretty much said oh well you people are gonna suffer because us higher ups don't care and caused the delegates to be stripped! and I still don't get how the rep. delegates only were stripped half way and democrats all of them!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey, our economy (Michigan) isn't doing so good, so our state government tried to make us have more of a say in who's going to be president (which backfired, of course). I don't think that was very fair on our part. Florida, I think that was okay because they're doing great right now.

  • James
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The states broke the rules. Not only did they break the rules, they broke the rules after being given several chances to rectify the situation. I say they got what the deserved. The best part is that, even though they moved their primary, South Carolina is still getting more Media play and attention then either Michigan or Florida.

  • Rada S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, and we criticize Dictators for running unopposed....Looks like Hillary is already acting out her new Role!

    Chavez wanta be!

    At least the other Dem candidates were honorable not to be on the ballet!

  • 1 decade ago


    Then again, it highlights the fact that poltical parties are entirely artificial - the Constitution says nothing about them. We don't need them. We'd very likely be much better off without them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good example of why we need a third party. The Dems have outlived their usefulness by about 40 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely. The primaries are party run and the national party should have the power to enforce their rules or at least punish those that break it. In reality, it would be nice to see all the primaries and caucuses held in the same month but that is my opinion

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